
Friday, January 23, 2009

When in D.C. do what the Washingtonians do - go to a ball!

Caroline Eader

So Monday night my friend Karen and I went to the Colorado Inaugural Ball (at the Westin on M and 14th) and shook hands with Governor Bill Ritter, Senator Mark Udall, Congressman Jared Polis and Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper. I also got to talk about my goal to make "Boulder the Zero Waste example for this country" with both Boulder Council members who attended and Mayor Shaun McGrath. Mayor McGrath was particularly interested in the subject. All of my Boulder Zero Waste Trips, LLC business cards which fit into my evening bag were distributed!

Governor Ritter and Sen. Udall specifically told me to let them know how their offices can support my goal. Of course I got a wonderful photo of Gov. Ritter's policy advisor which I just must give to her, so of course I will be in contact with her again.

What fun that event was. Here are the photos of me and Karen with Governor Ritter, Senator Udall and Congressman Polis. There are more showing how much fun we had, but I won't bore you. (No we did not participate in the Electric Slide!)

Congressman Jared Polis
Governor Bill Ritter

Senator Mark Udall

And later I'll write about being on the Capital Grounds (in front of the Capital reflecting pool, within the circular drive around the Capital) for the Inauguration.


Editor's Note - we asked Caroline Eader to send us some photos from the Colorado Inaugural Ball and the Inauguration. A Frederick native, she recently returned home after living in Boulder, Colorado.

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