
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Democratic Chatter 1-22-2009

George Wenschhof Bio

Obama has busy first day as President as he sets a new tone in the White House - let's see - where do I begin? Meetings with economic advisers and Joint Chiefs of Staff, executive orders on pay freezes and ethics guidelines for staff, phone calls to middle east leaders, putting a hold on Gitmo trials, and oh yeah, he and Michelle greeted several hundred visitors at the White House. On top of all that, Obama retook the oath of office after Chief Justice John Roberts flubbed it the first time. Joan Walsh of has a good read on the first day here.


Obama set to issue orders today to close Gitmo, ban torture, and review detention policies - the executive orders would close Gitmo prison at Guantanamo Bay within one year, require the use of the Army Field manual for interrogation techniques, and also review current detention procedures. The Army field manual bans waterboarding, and reviewing current detention procedures would involve identifying and closing overseas secret detention centers currently in use. has more here.


Hillary Clinton confirmed as Secretary of State - the roll call vote was 94-2. The Wednesday vote was forced after Senator John Cornyn (R-Tex.) would not agree with a voice vote that was to be held for her on Tuesday. has more here.


Caroline Kennedy withdraws from consideration for NY Senate Seat - NY Governor David Paterson's job just got a whole lot easier as he planned to announce Saturday his pick to replace the vacant seat previously held by Hillary Clinton. One reason given by Ms. Kennedy is her Uncle, Senator Ted Kennedy's health. However, speculation also surrounds a theory she was not going to be picked and this was a way for her to save face. The clear frontrunner now is NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo. The NY Times has more here.


Meanwhile, Republicans delay the confirmation of Eric Holder as Attorney General - Republicans were able to use some parliamentary moves to delay the vote Senator Pat Leahy (D-Vt.) was set to call for yesterday. Some Republicans are expressing concern in regard to potential prosecution of intelligence agents for using harsh interrogation methods. Holder is expected to be confirmed next week. has more here.


George Mitchell may be named special envoy to the middle east - Mitchell served a similar role for the George W. Bush administration in the early 2000's. Mitchell also helped to broker the Northern Ireland peace under the Clinton administration. The former Senator also prepared the steroid and drug use report for Major League Baseball. has more here.


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