
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Democratic Chatter 12-9-2008

George Wenschhof Bio

President-elect Barack Obama has 79% approval rating - an amazingly high figure after years of dismal ratings for President George W. Bush. The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll was conducted December 1-2. has more here.


President-elect Barack Obama will meet with Al Gore today at 1:00 PM ET - Al Gore requested the meeting to discuss energy and climate controls. Vice-President elect Joe Biden will also be present as they discuss how to develop policies which will help create jobs to stimulate the economy. has more here.

It is not expected that the former Vice-President will be offered a position with the Obama-Biden administration. However, he may have recommendations for the tops position at Energy, Interior, and EPA.


Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich taken into custody - Reportedly, he was taken into custody earlier this morning. This action is assumed to be related to a three year political corruption investigation of pay to play politics. This investigation was expanded to include the Governor's upcoming appointment of the person to replace president-elect Obama in the Senate. The Chicago Tribune has more here.

The U.S Attorney's Office released a statement on the arrest - has it here.


Senator Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) lends support to Caroline Kennedy's interest in NY Senate seat - the seat to become vacant upon the confirmation of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. One concern for the incoming Senator is they would have to run back to back elections; one a special election within two years and then the regularly scheduled election. Senator Kennedy reportedly called influential Democratic officials NY Governor David Patterson, NY Senator David Schumer and NJ Senator Robert Menendez to inform them Caroline would be a fine selection and have the financial resources to compete. The NY Times has more here.


Auto Bail Out Bill moves closer to agreement - the White House and Congress still has details to work out but it appears a 15 Billion plan will receive approval. The deal would include a car czar and the government holding some stake in GM, ford and Chrysler. Former Federal reserve Chair Paul Volker's name has been floated as a candidate for the Car Czar position. has more here.


Minnesota ends search for missing ballots in Senate race - the lone undecided race from the November elections remains the Senate seat in Minnesota where the state constitution required a recount. There was a difference in one county of 133 votes from election day and the just concluded recount. There is precedent to count the election day figures which would give Democrat Al Franken a net gain of 46 votes. Republican Norm Coleman had a lead of 192 votes after the recount. Remaining to be decided by the state elections board on December 16, in addition to the missing 133 votes, is thousands of disputed ballots. The Minnesota Star Tribune has more here.


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