
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Democratic Chatter 12-10-2008

George Wenschhof Bio

Arrest of Illinois Governor Rod Blogojevich prompts call for "Special Election" - no way the Illinois state legislature can allow the Governor to name the replacement for Obama at this point. Emil Jones, the outgoing state senate President, will call for a special session to pass legislation to hold a special election to fill the vacant U.S. Senate seat. This comes after Illinois Senator Richard Durbin called for a special election after details of Blagojevich arrest were made public. The alleged actions by Governor Blagojevich to try to barter for favors in return for his naming of the successor to the vacant former Barack Obama U.S. Senate seat brings even new definition to the term "Chicago-style politics".


More bad news for Representative Charles Rangel (D-NY) - the House Ethics Committee is expanding it's investigation of him. They are already investigating personal financial and tax issues. Now, they will also look at a one million donation received by the Charles B. Rangel Center. The donation was made by Nabors Industries who it appears may have received support from Rep. Rangel on maintaining a tax loophole. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may be forced to remove Rangel as chair of the House Ways and Means Committee. (D-Calf.) has more here.


Hillary Clinton to meet with Indiana Senator Richard Lugar today - he is the top ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Clinton had dinner with Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice Monday night. MSNBC First has more here.


Obama says "time for denial is over" - after meeting yesterday with former Vice President Al Gore to discuss energy and climate change. He said addressing these issues will help our economy and they are a matter of urgency and national security. has more here.


House may vote on Auto Bailout Bill today - appears the support is in the House to pass the bill but some Republicans in the Senate are still undecided on their support. Reuters .com has more here.


Britain to withdraw military from Iraq by end of June - they had been the biggest ally of President George W. Bush in the war and subsequent occupation of Iraq. They will begin withdrawing in March and finish by June. The has more here.


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