
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Frederick County MD Dem News 9-17-2008

George Wenschhof


Republican State Senator Allan Kittleman (Dist. 9) becomes Senate Minority Leader - this after state senator David Brinkley (Dist. 4) stepped down. Nancy Jacobs (Dist. 34) becomes the new minority whip. has more here.

Brinkley is likely to see competition from Frederick County Commissioner John (Lenny) Thompson if he seeks reelection in 2006. Thompson recently proposed legislation to be included in the Frederick County legislative requests package that was essentially a "morals law" that appeared directed at Brinkley.

Brinkley admits to marital issues which he and his wife are addressing. Thankfully, Thompson's proposed bill to be sent to Annapolis for consideration did not receive support of the other Frederick county commissioners to be included in their legislative request package submitted to the general assembly. Thompson has expressed interest in running for state office.

District 4 is overwhelmingly registered Republican and the two state delegates and state senator have been Republican for many years. Interesting to see Republicans eating their own, instead of Democrats. Will this spat open the door for a Democrat? Stay Tuned.


Frederick County Young Democrats up and running again - As we reported earlier, after a couple years of no activity, a fairly large size of younger Democrats have begun the process of reinstating the organization.

They have now met and elected officers. They are:

Vice President: Elizabeth Plant
Treasurer: Megan Miller
Secretary: Ashley Glenn
Political Director: Kristen Hillers
Communications Director:
Parliamentarian: Carey Rausch
Programs Director: Marley Pegler

This is exciting as new Democratic leaders will likely emerge from this group. Their is no fee to join so contact them at the emails listed above to find out when and where you can join them at their next meeting.

They have plans to start up a web site and we will provide the link on our site as soon as it become available. They do have a Facebook group and a group listserv you can check out now.


It was Governor's Day at The Great Frederick Fair -Governor Martin O'Malley toured the Fair and stopped by the Democratic Tent as is the usual custom.


Speaking of the Governor, will Slots pass? - O'Malley held a special session of the general assembly in his first year in office to address the structural deficit facing the state of Maryland.

The results from that special session have received mixed reviews with the current sluggish economy creating an even more negative affect on the state budget as tax revenues have not met expectations. Current projections show a 432 million shortfall and O'Malley plans to propose 250 million in additional spending cuts next month. The Washington Post has more here.

O'Malley has also suffered with the voters as a September Gonzales Research & Marketing Poll shows the Governor with only a 45% approval rating.

The poll showed Slots statewide received support by 49% and 43% opposed with 8% undecided. Interestingly, western Marylanders approve of Slots by 61%.

The O'Malley strategy in the special session was to garner support for Slots by making it a constitutional amendment and putting it to the people to decide by Referendum.

The referendum language recently came under fire by opponents who demanded and received a clarification of the language on the ballot to indicate part and not all of the money received would go toward education.

In addition, Democratic Leaders Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot (who opposes slots) and Senate President Thomas "Mike" Miller (who supports slots) are publicly arguing with each other over this issue.

If this referendum fails, it will have a negative effect on the current state budget and also the political future of Governor O'Malley.

Stay Tuned


It remains all quiet on the western front in regard to the 6th District congressional race - other than Democratic candidate Jennifer Dougherty complaining about a lack of debates with incumbent Republican Roscoe Bartlett. Republican candidate for President, John McCain has received a surge in the national polls since naming Governor Sarah Palin as his VP, creating a tie nationwide. Although the state of Maryland remains a solid blue for Obama, this surge by McCain will not help Democratic efforts in the Republican leaning 6th district.


Democrat Jack Lynch, who has announced his candidacy for Mayor of the City of Frederick, has a web site - you can check it out here. Mr. Lynch was a former columnist for several months with Air-it-Out with George. The City of Frederick election is next year and actual filing for candidacy will open in January 2009. Five Aldermen (council) positions, in addition to the Mayor will be on the Ballot in November 2009.


Rumors have it Democrat Trish Cunningham will run for Alderman - Alderperson? next year. She ran unsuccessfully four years ago and did not get past the primary election. She has often been an outspoken critic of Republican Mayor Jeff Holtzinger.


If you have Democratic news to share, email me at

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