
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Democratic Campaign Chatter 7-1-2008

When will the VP picks be announced? - The New York Times has a good read on when the candidates will make their picks. Read it here. The Democratic and Republican conventions are days apart at the end of August and the first few days of September. Odds are the picks will be made before the conventions, but you never know, they could be made at the conventions.


Is Joementum auditioning to be McCain's VP? - Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) warns of a possible terrorist attack that would test a new President next year - the White House of course agrees. Was it only eight years ago that Lieberman was on the ticket with Gore? Read more here.


More unity gobbly gook - Bill Clinton has phone call with Obama - How ridiculous is this? They have a 20 minute phone call, joint press releases and we are all talking about it. Does this mean the former President will be asked to campaign in obscure towns as he did for Hillary? Has anyone been left out of the unity parade? Read more here.


General Wesley Clark sticks with criticism of McCain - On Sunday, he said of McCain that being shot down and held prisoner does not qualify one for President - he was speaking of McCain's Viet Nam experience. Obama quickly denounced the statement. Guess you can strike Clark from the VP list. Read more here.


Is Iran next? - Seymour M. Hersh has an ominous read in The New Yorker entitled "Preparing The Battlefield". He reports on the expansion of covert operations in Iran. Stay Tuned. This, while Al Qaeda is growing in Pakistan. Pakistan has been an ally of the Bush administration and countless billions have been spent with no accountability, supporting the Musharraf regime. Read more here.


Today, Obama will give a faith-based speech in Zanesville, Ohio - He continues to reach out to those who have been traditional Republican supporters. Ohio is considered a toss-up state and one the Democrats need to win in November.


Obama will receive 40 million opposition from NRA - This is how much the National Rifle Association plans to spend this Fall. Read more here.

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