
Monday, June 30, 2008

Democratic Campaign Chatter 6-30-2008

It is hard to believe that the national elections are now only four months away - both the Democratic and Republican conventions will be held in August - afterward, the spotlight will be on Obama and McCain big time. Correction - the Republican Convention will be held Sept. 1-4 in St. Paul, Minn. The Democrats are in Denver, Colorado from August 25-28.

Today, Obama is in Independence, Missouri - He will deliver a speech on Patriotism at 10:00 AM ET. This will be good for the Republicans try to own "patriotism". If I locate the video, I will put it here. We posted earlier that McCain was outspending Obama 2-1 in TV in Missouri - he must be afraid Obama is making inroads in a Republican state.


Also today, is the last day of the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) Convention - held in Chicago, Mayor Daley will speak, along with DLC chair Harold Ford, Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius, and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson. The two Governors are on Obama's short list for VP. Read more here.


Bill Clinton to meet with Obama - Yesterday, Terry McAuliffe, former national chair to Senator Clinton's campaign, said he expected the two to meet within the next couple of days. So far, the former President has issued a statement of support for Obama so this meeting will be good. Read more here.


Further evidence the electoral map is shifting - Here is a column about Democrats looking at picking up some southern states. Read more here. While here is a column about Democrats seeing western states in play. Read more here. Seems like Obama's 50 state strategy is getting some attention.


New radio ad by The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) - They are targeting 13 congressional seats held by Republicans. In this ad, they use a Bush impersonator and tie Republicans to big oil interests. Read more and listen to the ad here.


Here is a Veepstakes update from the LA Times. They talk about Clinton, Biden, Nunn, Bayh, and Webb. Clinton has to be looked at seriously, regardless of the personal feelings resulting from a hard fought primary. I like John Edwards who is closer in age to Obama and has a lot of energy and good ideas. He would campaign well with Obama.


The deadline for this quarter's campaign finance reports is tonight at midnight. - So if you have a candidate you want to support, send in your contribution today! Locally, here in Maryland, it will be interesting to view the finance reports from the two Democrats challenging for the two seats held by Republicans. That would be Kratovil in the first district who has received a lot of attention along with Dougherty in the sixth district. We will post their finance reports when they become available.

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