
Friday, December 14, 2007

Obama leads Iowa and New Hampshire Polls

Obama surges as Clinton campaign continues negative attacks. Quad City Times Poll conducted 12-10 to 12-13-07 had these results - click here for details:

33% - Obama

24% - Edwards
24% - Clinton
9% - Richardson

The firewall the Clinton campaign had buit in New Hampshire has now given way. Concord Monitor Poll conducted 12-10 to 12-12-07 had these results:

32% - Obama
31% - Clinton
18% - Edwards
8% - Richardson

As I mentioned in an earlier post these Polls show trends but the caucus vote in Iowa is unique with the ground campaign being critical.

1 comment:

  1. And many of these voters were contacted before the "fun" really started. I think Hillary is trending down. I wouldn't be surprised if she finishes third, or maybe even fourth if this keeps up, in Iowa.
