
Saturday, December 15, 2007

MD 6th District Candidate talks about Wind Power

Rick Lank is a Democrat who is running for the 6th District Congressional seat in western Maryland. He issued a press release to weigh in on a proposed wind farm to be located on publicly owned land in Garrett County.

While he is supportive of the concept, he points out that it is not clear that the electricity generated from this proposed wind farm would be made available to Maryland residents.

"I firmly believe that if public land is going to leased for wind power generation, and that land belongs to the people of Maryland, then there should be a warranty made that the power from that wind farm would go into the local grid (in this case controlled by Allegheny Power) and that the power be distributed to Oakland and other communities in proximity of the farm".

He points out that the proposal from U.S. Wind Force to lease 400 acres owned by the state of Maryland could generate power for as many as 55,000 Homes and that Maryland is currently importing 30% of their electricity. Mr. Lank also felt comfortable that the Maryland Department of Natural Resources would work hard to lessen the impact to the environment.

With rising electric rates for Maryland residents and continued talk about the need to re-regulate the electric industry, exploring alternative energy sources seems like a good idea.

1 comment:

  1. Other than being a self-proclaimed expert on energy and the elderly, what are this man's qualifications? Education? Employment? Business experience? Political experience? Is he for real?The only thing I can seem to find are websites where he is asking for money and financial judgments against him and child support orders in Montgomery County.
