
Friday, September 13, 2019

Biden Does Well, Warren Solidifies Her Second Place Standing

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Joe Biden

George Wenschhof

Vice President Joe Biden fired back at attackers and clearly illustrated the differences in his campaign and the other Democratic candidates for president.  The starkest difference is his campaign is focused on reality and not rhetoric.

Biden’s position to build on The Affordable Care Act passed under President Obama came across much more reasonable and less costly for taxpayers than the universal healthcare proposals put forward by Sen. Sanders and Warren.

On foreign policy, Biden also demonstrated his vast knowledge and experience over any of the other Democratic candidates.

Senator Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), when called on, was clear and succinct and chose not to attack Biden.  She will continue to climb in the polls after this debate and solidify her second place standing.

On the other hand, Senator Bernie Sanders (Vt.) stumbled throughout and his hoarse voice did not serve him well.

Among the other seven candidates on the stage, it is doubtful anyone will climb in the polls.  Senator Amy Klobuchar (Minn.) came across reasonable when called upon, but the moments were few.  She could end up being considered for a running mate to the nominee.

Senator Cory Booker (NJ) also spoke well on race issues and should receive a bump along with Klobuchar in the polls.

Former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke had a good performance, especially when it came to his position on gun control.  Banning assault weapons and the sale of high capacity ammunition clips is something 90 percent of Americans would like to see.

Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro, polling at 2%, displayed his desperate situation with unnecessary attacks on Biden.  They were low blows delivered similar to what Senator Kamala Harris did in the first debate.  While that helped Harris gain attention briefly, she fell back to 5-7% in the polls in short order.  Do not look for a bump in the polls for Castro.

South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg continues to come across well when he was called upon and was correct when he scolded Castro for attacking Biden saying “this is what voters hate about politics.”

Senator Harris (Calf.) attempts at humor fell flat and she had difficulty defending her position on criminal reform and health care.

Business Andrew Yang showed why he should not be included in future debates, being weak on all issues.  His announcement gimmick that a handful of supporters will receive $1,000 a month for a year will likely run afoul of campaign finance regulations.

After this debate, this is still Biden’s campaign to lose and Warren has established she is the clear second place choice.  Sanders moment was clearly in the 2016 election – his fundraising will keep him in the race, but he is done.  Perhaps, if he endorsed Warren, there would be a serious challenge to Biden. 

O,Rourke, Klobuchar, Butigieg and Booker continue to impress at moments but fail to gain in polling.  Harris has failed to regain any of the momentary bump she received by attacking Biden in the first debate so her days in the campaign may be waning.

For Andrew Yang, it is time for him to exit the race - he is clearly not ready for prime time.

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