
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Reid ready to help Democrats Win

William "Billy" Reid
George Wenschhof

William "Billy" Reid told me after Donald Trump got elected president and the divisive politics that has followed, "I got off the couch and decided to get involved in helping Democratic candidates get elected".  He added when Barack Obama won the presidency, he remembered thinking "he sounds just like me"!

He is running for the Frederick County Democratic State Central Committee.  Democratic voters elect six men and six women to the central committee on primary election day June 26, 2018.

Mr. Reid believes in the Democratic Party because he likes diversity and said "it has always been a big tent".  He wants to help good people get elected who are concerned with issues and their constituents. Helping to get young people into the Democratic Party is also important to him. In addition, Billy told me "we are going to need innovative politicians to deal with future issues such as the impact of artificial intelligence on the workforce".

Raised in Frederick County, his family has deep roots in the community and as a result he told me "I understand the issues that are important to Frederick County voters".  His great uncle Maurice Reid served as principal of the first African American High School in Frederick County, Maryland.  His mother was also a teacher for 30 years in Frederick County.

A graduate of Governor Thomas Johnson High School, Billy has a lifetime of education. He attended University of Maryland, received his veterinary degree at Tuskegee University and completed his residency in Laboratory Animal Medicine at University of Michigan.  Mr. Reid also enlisted and served 4 years in the Army followed with 4 years active reserve, primarily assigned to Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.

Billy met Monica, his wife of 27 years, while attending Tuskegee University.  She works locally at Fort Detrick and he is a staff scientist at National Institutes of Health (NIH) involved in imaging studies.  His bio-medical research experience includes developing an animal model of HIV disease.

Mr. Reid told me "I am ready to hit the ground running" to help local Democrats get elected following the primary election. He has already been helping with canvassing voters and has attended central committee meetings, adding  "I think they do a great job"!

Since deciding to run for a position on the central committee, Billy has enjoyed going to candidate "meet and greet" events where he has met many candidates, elected officials and voters.

He told me he views the central committee like a cheerleader helping Democratic candidates get elected to office. Mr. Reid said "I want to get people registered as a Democrat and I want to help get Democratic voters to the polls".

Billy added, "I am ready to go door-to-door, phone bank and help with targeted voting".

To learn more about William "Billy" Reid, you can go to his Facebook page:


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