
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Gene Stanton Files for Maryland State Delegate in District 4

George Wenschhof
Gene Stanton
The first Democrat to file in district 4, Gene Stanton told me he wants to reduce the gridlock on U.S. Route 270, build on the state’s excellent educational system and is concerned with the runaway growth policies of the current Frederick board of county commissioners.
Stanton said plans show Rt. 270 is scheduled to be widened to 8 lanes by 2030, but he would like to widen Rt. 270 to six lanes from Germantown to Route 15/Monocacy Boulevard as soon as feasible.
Gene would also like to see the Metro Red Line expanded from Shady Grove to Fort Detrick and Frederick Community College.
Stanton, a High School social studies and government teacher, moved to Ijamsville nine years ago.  He feels the planned Monrovia Town Center development is ridiculous and does not take into account the impact new residents will have on local roadways and major arteries.
He likes the rural atmosphere of Frederick County and does not want to see it become another Montgomery County, adding he supports the state’s smart growth policies.
Education is also very important to Stanton, who says he loves being a teacher and intends to continue teaching, should he win election. As state delegate, he wants to move the state’s education system forward, adding kids and taxpayers deserve it.  He believes a strong education is critical for kids to have a future.
Gene Stanton, who grew up in a small town outside of Miami, Florida, is not a stranger to politics.  His father was involved in politics and worked at the Miami Herald newspaper.  Gene said he first registered as a Republican, in part to rebel against his father, and voted for Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush for president, before changing his political affiliation.
He worked for Democrat Bill Clinton’s 1992 and 1996 presidential campaigns and would like to see today’s politicians get back to the days of compromise practiced by Clinton.
Gene shared with me it was after the 2000 presidential election, which saw Republican George W. Bush win, aided by the vote recount debacle in Florida and a questionable Supreme Court decision, that he and his partner of 24 years; Leonardo, moved to Maryland.  They were married in Vermont in 2009 after the state approved same-sex marriages. Last year Maryland's same-sex marriage law went into effect. 
When I asked him what he thought about the state “rain tax” for storm water management, Stanton told me he was against it and feels “we are taxed enough”.  Stanton added “I will not support new state income taxes under any circumstances”.
He does support Governor Martin O’Malley’s proposed state increase in the minimum wage to $10.10 and would also like to see automatic increases tied to inflation.
As delegate, Gene Stanton said he would work hard to see Frederick County receives their fair share back of the state taxes they pay.
He told me he is running because he believes voters deserve a choice, adding he wants voters to get to know him and look at him for what he stands for.  You can learn more about Gene Stanton and his campaign on his website:, on Facebook: at Stanton for Delegate, and Twitter: Gene Stanton.
Voters in district 4 will elect 3 state delegates.  The deadline for candidates to file for election is February 25.  The primary election is June 24 and the general election is November 4.
Incumbent Republican state delegate Kelly Shulz is the only other candidate who has filed at the time of this publication.
Stay tuned.

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