
Thursday, November 7, 2013

2014 Political Season Buzz Begins

George Wenschhof

With absentee ballots still to be counted today before results of The City of Frederick election is official, attention is already shifting to what will be a very busy 2014 election year.

The primary election will be held June 24, 2014 and the general election will be on November 4, 2014.

Democratic candidate for Frederick County executive; Jan Gardner will make her official announcement on Saturday November 9 at 1:00 PM in front of Winchester Hall.

In her zeal to be the first to announce, she inadvertently stepped on a planned candidate training day sponsored by the Frederick County Democratic state central committee.  I’m hearing the class will be given a recess and invited to attend her announcement.

Voters in Frederick County will have a crowded ballot next year when they elect the Governor and Lt. Governor, Comptroller, Attorney General, Congressman, state senator, state delegates, county executive, seven council members, Sheriff, State’s Attorney, Clerk of the Court, Register of Wills and three Orphans Court judges.

Whew!  It is no wonder Gardner is trying to get a head start.  Rumors of infidelity continue to swirl around Frederick Republican board of county commissioner president Blaine Young.  So, the much anticipated contest between Young and Gardner may not take place.

While, the dirt is flying around Blogs smearing Blaine Young, local Republican leaders have told me there is damaging information on Jan Gardner that will certainly surface.

After, witnessing the negative robo-calls made by the state Republican Party against Democratic alderman-elect Donna Kuzemchak, one can only hope the county executive election next year focuses on the issues and electing the best person.

Lt. Governor Anthony Brown and his running mate Howard county executive Ken Ulman have jumped out in front in the race for the Democratic nomination for Governor and their Frederick County chairs are Goodloe (Geb) Byron and Elizabeth Chung.

Speaking of negative campaigning and Attorney General Doug Ganslers name immediately surfaces.  It is obvious, someone opposing his campaign for Governor has been leaking negative information on Gansler as his campaign has been forced to endure accusations concerning his alleged reference to Brown appealing to African Americans, a state trooper dust up over improper driving and the latest photos of Gansler present at a underage beer blast at a beach house.

Meanwhile, state delegate Heather Mizeur, a huge underdog in the race, continues to campaign across the state building her grassroots support.

Republican candidates for governor are Harford County Executive David R. Craig, Del. Ron George of Anne Arundel County and Charles Lollar, a Charles County business executive.  

Lt. Governor Brown is the early favorite to win, but don’t count out Gansler who has an impressive record and a campaign fund to compete seriously in the race for Governor.

Frederick County congressmen Chris Van Hollen(D) and John Delaney(D) are both expected to win reelection.

Comptroller Peter Franchot (D), who toyed with the idea of running for Governor, is easily expected to win re-election.

The two early favorites to replace Attorney General Doug Gansler are state delegates Brian Frosh and Jon Cardin.

In addition to electing a county executive for the first time, Frederick County voters will be electing seven council members; five from districts and two at-large.

Whitney Duck (D) is expected to run in the Brunswick district and Jessica Fitzwater (D) has announced she will be running in one of the two city of Frederick districts.  Expect more announcements soon.

In the local state delegate races, look to see Stephen Slater (D) run in district 3-b and look to see lots of juggling among candidates for the two open seats in district 3-a.  Former City of Frederick alderman Carol Krimm(D) is expected to run.  Other names surfacing are Karen Young (D) who just lost in her bid for mayor of Frederick, Ryan Trout (D), who ran for delegate in district 4-a in 2010 and lost.  Trout will need to leave his position with the city Housing Authority, where he is prohibited from running by the Hatch Act.
Maryland state delegate Galen Clagett (D-district 3-a), who lost in the Democratic primary in his bid to become mayor of Frederick, assured me yesterday he was not going to be running for re-election.

County Commissioner Paul Smith(R) has also been rumored to be running for delegate in district 3-a. 

The 2014 political season is just getting started, so there will be much to follow.

Stay tuned.
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