
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Cheat Sheet

George Wenschhof

Likely topics for discussion will be the passage of a budget by the Senate early Saturday morning for the first time in four years, the struggle to pass gun violence legislation in Congress, same sex marriage and President Obama's Middle East trip.

Expect a lively exchange on the issue of gun violence legislation when NRA President Wayne LaPierre squares off against New York mayor Michael Bloomberg on NBC "Meet The Press".

Bloomberg will also be asked about his legislation curtailing sales of "large" soft drinks, which a judge issued a stay on and his recent proposed legislation on smoking.

It should also be fun to watch when former Obama campaign manager Jim Messina is matched with Republican political operative Karl Rove on ABC "This Week".

"This Week" will also feature a roundtable discussion on President Obama's Middle East trip with Christiane Amanpour.

With California's Proposition 8 before the Supreme Court next week, same sex marriage discussion will take place.  Look for sparks when Freedom to Marry President Mary Wolfson and Family Research Council President Tony Perkins appear on CBS "Face The Nation". 

Plan to tune into CNN "State of The Union" where Colorado governor John Hickenlooper (D-CO) will discuss his signing of two landmark bills, as Colorado becomes the sixth state to legalize civil unions, and the second state to enact gun control bills in the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut shootings.

Also appearing on "State of the Union" will be Veteran Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki who will discuss the growing backlog of veterans claims, the high rate of unemployment among vets, and the transition for troops as they come home from war.

Below are the scheduled guests.

NBC "Meet The Press" - Michael Bloomberg, Wayne LaPierre

David Boies on constitutionality of same sex marriage and Richard Engel on the just concluded Middle East trip by President Obama

Roundtable discussion with Ralph Reed, Hilary Rosen, EJ Dionne and David Brooks

ABC "This Week" - Jim Messina and Karl Rove

Roundtable discussion with Donna Brazille, Terry Moran, Peggy Noonan.

Middle East roundtable with Christiane Amanpour, Jeffrey Goldberg, Dan Senor and Rana Foroofar.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), Evan Wolfson and Tony Perkins

Roundtable discussion on Middle East with Tom Friedman, Clarissa Ward and Bobby Ghost

CNN "State of The Union" - Governor John Hickenlooper (D-Col.), Eric Shinseki, Kamala Harris, Peter Gaytan, Tom Tarantino and Ana Navarro

Fox News Sunday - Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Nicolle Wallace andGary Bauer

Roundtable discussion with Newt Gingrich, Evan Bayh, Jennifer Rubin and Juan Williams.


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