
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Cheat Sheet

George Wenschhof

On Friday, President Obama signed the order making the $85 bill sequester official.  This comes, after Republicans in congress were unable to reach a compromise with Democrats.

The sequestration order implements 9 percent cuts to non-exempt domestic accounts and a 13 percent cut to defense accounts for the period of March 1 to Oct. 1 this year.
It will be up to agencies to administer the cuts to the programs, projects and activities covered by the appropriations accounts.

You can expect discussion on sunday morning to focus on the squester and what is next.

Making the rounds on the Sunday morning shows will be Gene Sperling, who is director of the National Economic Council and assistant to the president on Economic policy.

Sperling was the center of a kurfuffle this week, spread by journalist Bob Woodward, who overstated a claim he felt threatened by Sperling, when composing a column on the squester.

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is the headliner on NBC "Meet the Press".  He was interviewed by Dick Gregory following the meeting held by President Obama with congressional leaders on Friday.

CBS "Face The Nation" with guest Senators John McCain (R-AZ.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) will likely cover the prospects of congress passing immigration reform and also the effects of the sequester.

As, one might expect, Fox News Sunday has Mitt and Ann Romney as their guest, the first time they have been interviewed since losing the 2012 presidential election.

NBC "Meet The Press" - House Speaker john Boehner (R-Ohio), Gene Sperling

Roundtable with Kathleen Parker, Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID.), Joy Reid, Chuck Todd and Tom Brokaw.

ABC "This Week" - Gene Sperling andSen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.)

Roundtable with Matthew Dowd, Cokie Roberts, James Carville, Paul Gigot and Mia Love

CBS "Face The Nation" - Senators John McCain (R-AZ.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Cardinal Timothy Dolan.

Roundtable with Bob Woodward, David Sanger, Rana Foroohar and John Dickerson.

CNN "State of The Union" - Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Gene Sperling, Rep. Steve Israel (D-NY), and Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR)

Roundtable with Stephen Moore, Susan Page and Mark Zandi

Fox News SundayMitt and Ann Romney

Rountable with Bill Kristol, Kirsten Powers, Scott Brown and Charles Lane.


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