
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama: U.S. Committed To Two States - "The United States is deeply committed to the creation of an independent and sovereign state of Palestine," Obama said at the press conference. "The Palestinian people deserve an end to occupation and the daily indignities that come with it."

But the president also strongly condemned the overnight rocket attack. The attack did not cause any damage or injuries, but effectively ended an eight-day cease-fire in the region.
"We condemn this violation of the important ceasefire that protects both Israelis and Palestinians, a violation Hamas has a responsibility to prevent," Obama said.

Obama’s visit with Abbas came on the second day of his trip to the Middle East and hours after Hamas militants fired two rockets from the Gaza Strip into the Israeli town of Sderot. has more here.


Senate Passes Continuing Resolution - A far-reaching six-month funding bill cleared the Senate on Wednesday afternoon after final adjustments were made for the meat industry to forestall the planned furloughs of food safety inspectors this summer in the wake of sequestration.

The measure goes next to the House, which is expected to give its quick approval Thursday so as to avoid any threat of a government shutdown when the current continuing resolution runs out March 27.

The final 73-26 Senate roll call followed a 63-36 vote in which 10 Republicans — nine of them from the Senate Appropriations Committee — again provided pivotal support. has more here.


House Passes Continuing Resolution - CNN) - The House of Representatives approved legislation Thursday funding the government through the end of September and avoiding a partial federal shutdown, while also softening the blow of forced spending cuts. The measure, which passed the Senate on Wednesday, now goes to President Barack Obama to be signed into law.

The vote was 318-109.


House To Vote on Ryan Budget Today - Republican leaders are poised to pass Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) budget on Thursday, having convinced centrists and conservatives to back the blueprint that Democrats believe is their road map back to the House majority.

As of late Wednesday, only three Republicans had publicly said they intend to vote against the Ryan plan, while 33 House GOP lawmakers were undecided or declined to comment, according to a whip count conducted by The Hill. Among the undecided lawmakers, several noted they would probably support the measure.

With all Democrats expected to vote “no,” House Republicans can only afford about 15 defections. Last year, 10 Republicans rejected Ryan’s budget; the House GOP majority is smaller in 2013. You can read more here.


Report: U.S. Intelligence Distorted - A panel of White House advisers warned President Obama in a secret report that U.S. spy agencies were paying inadequate attention to China, the Middle East and other national security flash points because they had become too focused on military operations and drone strikes, U.S. officials said.

Led by influential figures including new Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and former senator David L. Boren (D-Okla.), the panel concluded in a report last year that the roles of the CIA, the National Security Agency and other spy services had been distorted by more than a decade of conflict.  The Washington Post has more here.


Clinton Leads Rubio and Bush in Florida Poll - According to a Quinnipiac University survey released Thursday, the former first lady, former senator from New York, 2008 Democratic presidential candidate and former secretary of state leads Bush, the former two-term governor of Florida, 51%-40% in the Sunshine State. And the poll indicates Clinton topping Rubio, the first term senator from Florida, 52%-41% in his home state.


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