
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

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Former Gen. Stanley McChrystal, who led the war in Afghanistan, endorsed strong gun control laws Tuesday on Morning Joe.

“I spent a career carrying typically either an M16 or an M4 Carbine. An M4 Carbine fires a .223 caliber round which is 5.56 mm at about 3000 feet per second. When it hits a human body, the effects are devastating. It’s designed for that,” McChrystal explained. “That’s what our soldiers ought to carry. I personally don’t think there’s any need for that kind of weaponry on the streets and particularly around the schools in America.

Giffords and Kelly Launch Gun Control Initiative - Former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ) and her husband Mark Kelly on Tuesday announced Americans for Responsible Solutions, a gun control initiative aimed at offsetting the National Rifle Association's outsized influence in American politics.

"Until now, the gun lobby's political contributions, advertising and lobbying have dwarfed spending from anti-gun violence groups," they wrote in a USA Today op-ed published on the second anniversary of the Tucson, Ariz. shooting. "No longer. With Americans for Responsible Solutions engaging millions of people about ways to reduce gun violence and funding political activity nationwide, legislators will no longer have reason to fear the gun lobby. Other efforts such as improving mental health care and opposing illegal guns are essential, but as gun owners and survivors of gun violence, we have a unique message for Americans."


Bloomberg Gun Control Group Airs TV Ad - The ad, paid for by the Mayors Against Illegal Guns, will go on broadcast television for a single-day buy on the two-year anniversary of the Tuscon shooting, which nearly claimed the life of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.


Majority Disapprove of Boehner's Handling of "Fiscal Cliff" Negotiations - 51% disapproved of ther handling of the "fiscal cliff' talks by Republican House Speaker John Boehner (Ohio).  The Poll was conducted by The Wsahington Post and ABC News.  You can read more from the poll results here.


Obama Chooses Inauguration Speakers - President Obama has selected an Atlanta pastor and the widow of a slain civil rights leader to deliver the invocation and benediction at his inauguration.

Myrlie Evers-Williams, former chair of the NAACP and widow of Medgar Evers, will deliver the invocation, and the Rev. Louie Giglio of Passion City Church in Atlanta will deliver the benediction, the inaugural committee announced Tuesday.

Evers-Williams fought for justice for 30 years after her husband, the Mississippi field secretary for the NAACP, was gunned down in his driveway in 1963. She authored three books about their civil rights work.

Giglio founded Passion Conferences, a movement gathering college-aged young people and raising awareness about modern-day slavery, human trafficking.

“Vice President Biden and I are honored that Myrlie Evers-Williams and Rev. Louie Giglio will participate in the Inaugural ceremony,” Obama said in a statement. “Their voices have inspired many people across this great nation within the faith community and beyond. Their careers reflect the ideals that the Vice President and I continue to pursue for all Americans – justice, equality, and opportunity.”

The ceremonial swearing-in at the Capitol Jan. 21 falls on Martin Luther King Jr Day. has more here.


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