
Monday, December 31, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama, Clinton, Most Admired - Gallup has released its list of "Most Admired Woman and Most Admired Man" living anywhere in the world, and for the 11th year in a row, Hillary Clinton tops the list of women, while Barack Obama is the most admired man for the fifth year in a row.


Senate Reconvenes at 11:00 AM ET, "Fiscal Cliff" Deal Nears? - the Senate will take up what will hopefully be a deal worked on between Vice President Joe Biden and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)

The latest details indicate the proposal would have taxes go up for individuals making over $400,000 and families earning more than $450,000.

The possible deal breaker remains the tens of billions of spending cuts, known as the sequester.  If, a a bill passes the Senate, it would still need to be passed by the House. has more here.


Clinton Hospitalized with Clot - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was hospitalized yesterday after a blood clot was discovered stemming from the concussion she suffered several weeks ago.

She is being treated with anti-coagulants and is at New York-Presbyterian Hospital so that they can monitor the medication over the next 48 hours.

“Her doctors will continue to assess her condition, including other issues associated with her concussion. They will determine if any further action is required.”  The Washington Post has more here.


Senate Report Faults Pentagon, State Department on Benghazi Tragedy - the bipartisan committee found that the State Department failed to appropriately assess and heighten security measures after intelligence showed that Americans stationed in Benghazi could be threatened by terror groups, according to reports from media groups which obtained an advance copy of the findings. The report will be released Monday.

While the committee report acknowledges that there was no specific intelligence pointing to an imminent attack, officials in Washington failed to take “effective steps” to protect the Benghazi facility and the diplomats there. has more here.


Coburn Will Not Vote to Confirm Hagel - yesterday on CBS "Face The Nation", Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) said he would not vote to confirm Chuck Hagel for Defense Secretary if he was nominated by President Obama.

Hagel faces a steep climb, if nominated with Republican opposition likely joined by Democrats soured by Hagel's previous comments pertaining to gays serving as U.S. ambassadors.

President Obama called Hagel "a patriot" when he appeared on NBC "Meet The Press", but indicated he had not made a decision on who he will nominate for Defense Secretary. has more here.


$10 Billion Settlement with Banks on Foreclosure Abuses - Banking regulators are close to a $10 billion settlement with 14 banks that would end the government’s efforts to hold lenders responsible for foreclosure abuses like faulty paperwork and excessive fees that may have led to evictions, according to people with knowledge of the discussions.

The $10 billion pact would be the latest in a series of settlements that regulators and law enforcement officials have reached with banks to hold them accountable for their role in the 2008 financial crisis that sent the housing market into the deepest slump since the Great Depression. As of early 2012, four million Americans had been foreclosed upon since the beginning of 2007, and a huge amount of abandoned homes swamped many states, including California, Florida and Arizona.  The NY Times has more here.


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

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Obama on "NBC "meet The Press" - as expected, most of the conversation focused on the "fiscal cliff" negotiations. 

In “Meet the Press” interview this morning, the president says lawmakers must “prevent taxes from going up for the vast majority of Americans.”

"What I'm arguing for are maintaining tax cuts for 98 percent of Americans. I don't think anybody would consider that some liberal left-wing agenda. That used to be considered a pretty mainstream Republican agenda," he said. "And it's something that we can accomplish today if we simply allow for a vote in the Senate and in the House to get it done. The fact that it's not happening is an indication of how far certain factions inside the Republican Party have gone where they can't even accept what used to be considered centrist, mainstream positions on these issues."

"The offers that I've made to [Republicans] have been so fair that a lot of Democrats get mad at me," he said, noting that his acceptance of Chained CPI, a measure that would change the way Social Security payments are determined, has caused particular rancor within his own party.

"Highly unpopular among Democrats," he said of the proposed change. "Not something supported by AARP. But in pursuit of strengthening Social Security for the long-term I'm willing to make those decisions."

The president did say he was skeptical of the NRA proposal to put guns in schools.  "We have very good leads" on who was behind Benghazi attack and we will be implementing all of the recommendations from the report issued from the committee that investiagted the tragedy in Benghazi.

He also said comprehensive immigration reform was top on his list of things to accomplish in his second term.

Asked whether there was anything that easily disqualified Hagel from becoming Secretary of Defense, the president said "not that I see."

"I've served with Chuck Hagel. I know him. He is a patriot," Obama said.


Milk Bills To Be Considered By House - due, to the failure to pass the farm bill, milk prices are set to go up, perhaps even doubling in price.  One bill would extend the expired 2008 farm bill, which expired Sept. 30, for one year. The second would provide for a farm-bill extension through January and a third would just extend dairy programs through January. has more here.


Biden, Right Choice to Face NRA on Gun Control - First elected to the Senate in 1972, Mr. Biden had a long interest in passing crime legislation, and gun control eventually became part of his proposals. An assault weapons ban he wrote in the 1980s failed in Congress, but by 1994, as he put together a comprehensive crime package, a new Democratic senator, Dianne Feinstein of California, wanted to try again.

President Bill Clinton’s White House and House Democrats worried that the gun ban would end up taking down the entire crime bill, which authorized 100,000 more police officers, expanded the death penalty, built more prisons, cracked down on hate crimes and violence against women, and financed prevention programs. 
In the end, it passed, in significant part because of Mr. Biden. “I think there were days the chairman didn’t sleep,” said Karen Robb, who worked for the committee at the time. “It never would have made it out of the Senate without his help, period. It never would have made it out of conference without him.”
To get it through required a compromise. The bill defined an assault weapon as a gun that was able to accept a detachable magazine and that included two or more other combat-type accessories, like a pistol grip, a flash suppressor or a grenade launcher; those with just one accessory were still legal. The NY Times has more here.
Clinton-Ryan Contest in 2016? - a new CNN poll shows Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is tops among possible Democratic candidates for President in 2016 with 85% support.  Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) leads possible Republican candidates with 75% support. has more here.
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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Cheat Sheet

George Wenschhof

The status of the "fiscal cliff" negogiations taking place in Congress will dominate the Sunday morning political discussion with President Obama the guest on NBC "Meet The Press"

One of my readers and friends from Oregon; Aileen, is not a fan of Dick Gregory. But, he snagged the man of the moment.  Now, we get to see how Gregory conducts the interview as the deadline to avoid the "fiscal cliff" will be only one day away when the program airs.

President Obama, in his press conference on Friday, borrowed a line from Yankee great; Yogi Berra, when he said this was "deja vu, all over again" when referring to the inability of Congress to craft an agreement.

After, summoning Congressional leaders to the white House for talks on Friday, the President, in his Saturday weekly address, stated he was "cautiously optimistic" Congress would reach an agreement.

Continuing the "fiscal cliff" discussion, Representative Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Senator Chuck Schumer will be guests on ABC "This Week".  On CBS "Face The Nation", Senators Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Tom Colburn (R-Okla.) square off. 

The 112th Congress is coming to a close and will go down in history as the least effective with the distinction of only passing 219 pieces of legislation.

While, the last minute "fiscal cliff" negotiations will dominate the discussion Sunday morning, also look to see some discussion on the likelihood former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel will be nominated by President Obama for the next Defense Secretary.

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calf.) will appear on "Fox News Sunday" and you can be sure her promise to present legislation to ban assault weapons to the new Congress will be discussed.

Perhaps, the failure of Congress to pass a farm bill will also receive attention, when Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) appears on CNN "State of The Union".  Milk prices are set to double due to the failure to pass a farm bill.  Stabenow is chairwoman, Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee.  Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsak will also be on this program. 

The scheduled guests follow below.

NBC "Meet The Press" - President Obama

Roundtable discussion with Tom Brokaw, John Meacham, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Chuck Todd and David Brooks 

CBS "Face The Nation" - Senators Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Tom Colburn (R-Okla.)

Roundtable discussion with Dee Dee Myers, Peggy Noonan, Michael Duffy, Joe Klein, Nancy Cordes and Major Garrett 

ABC "This Week" - Senators Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.).  Representatives Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Raul Labrador (R-Idaho)

Roundtable discussion with Jonathan Karl, Howard Dean, Tim Pawlenty, Todd Purdum and Maggie Haberman

CNN "State of The Union" - Senators Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) and John Barrasso (R-Wyo.).  Representatives Darrell Issa (R-Calf.) and Donna Edwards (D-Md.).  Tom Vilsak

Roundtable discussion with Jessica Yellin, Karen Tumulty, Gerry Seib, and Matt Bai.

Fox News Sunday - Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calf.)

Roundtable discussion will Bill Kristol, Steve Hays, Evan Bayh and Kirsten Powers


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

With the deadline on the "fiscal cliff" fast approaching, President Obama on Saturday urged Congress one more time to pass legislation that would prevent income taxes from rising, saying the economy "can't afford a politically self-inflicted wound."


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Senator Roy Blount (R-Mo.) continued the Republican Party call to pass "fiscal cliff" legislation already approved by the Republican majority on the House.

Blount said Republicans in the House have specifically worked to pass “bills to protect all Americans from burdensome tax increases” and “passed legislation to replace damaging across-the-board spending cuts with responsible targeted ones, and to bring our nation’s record debt under control.”


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Friday, December 28, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

"Fiscal Cliff" Deal? - more drama on capitol hill as the deadline for automatic spending cuts and tax inceases from taking place on January 1.  President Obama, who cut his holiday vcation short, has summoned congressioonal leaders to the White House today for a last minute attempt to forge an agreement.  House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has called for the House to resume business on Sunday.

Rumors are plenty; one suggests a scaled down deal which would spare tax increases and add more time before automatic cuts would go into effect.  Stay Tuned.  You can read more here. has "Five Things To Watch at Today's White House Meeting" here.


More Americans Blame Republicans For "Fiscal Cliff" Stalemate in Congress - a new Reuters/Ipsos poll shows Americans continue to have a low opinion on the latest version of the "do nothing" Congress.

The poll shows 27% blame Republicans, 16% blame President Obama, 6% blame Democrats and 31% blame all of the above for the inability to reach agreement on the "fiscal cliff".  You can read more here.


Markey To Run for Kerry Senate Seat - Representative Richard Markey (D-Mass.) is the first to officially announce he will run for the seat vacated by Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.), when he is confirmed as Secretary of State.

In his announcement speech Markey said, in part, “With Senator Kerry’s departure, Massachusetts voters will decide once again whether we want a Senator who will fight for all our families or one who supports a Republican agenda that benefits only the powerful and well-connected, I refuse to allow the Tea Party-dominated Republican Party to lead us off the fiscal cliff and into recession. I won’t allow the [National Rifle Association] to obstruct an assault weapons ban yet again. I will not sit back and allow oil and coal industry lobbyists to thwart our clean energy future or extremists to restrict women’s rights and health care.”

The special election is likely to be held in June.  The Boston Globe has more here.


U.S. Embassy in Central African republic Evacuated - as concern for security grew that rebels could take the capitol.   The U.S. ambassador and his diplomatic team were evacuated out of the country by plane overnight.

The evacuation came after President Francois Bozize on Thursday urgently called on former colonial ruler France and other foreign powers to help his government fend off rebels who are quickly seizing territory and approaching the capital. has more here.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, suffering from an illness and recovering from a concussion, announced she will be returning to work next week. 


Transition Government for Syria? - a distinct possibility now that long term ally, Russia has urged Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to begin negotiations with the opposition.

Frederic C. Hof, who served as a special adviser on Syria to the State Department, said “Assad is not yet persuaded that he needs to yield power and get out,” Mr. Hof said. “There is no solution that involves him sticking around, even as a figurehead.” The NY Times has more here.


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Speaks To Congressional Leaders on "Fiscal Cliff" - Before leaving to return to Washington from his family holiday vacation in Hawaii, President Obama spoke by phone, to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

The Senate returns to work today, but the House remains empty with five days to go to the deadline before automatic spending cuts go into effect.

At this point, procedural guidelines in the House and Senate may prohibit a bill from being passed prior to January 1.  The Washington Post has an update here.


Geithner Takes Action to Avoid Nation Hitting Debt Limit - with the lack of an agreement on the "fiscal cliff" and the nation's debt ceiling, treasury secretary Timothy Geithner, sent a letter to Congressional leaders saying, the U.S. government is approaching the limit of its borrowing authority and will begin taking “extraordinary measures” to delay a vote by Congress on increasing the debt ceiling. has more here.


Unemployment Applications Lowest Since 2008 - The Labor Department said Thursday that weekly applications dropped 12,000 to a seasonally adjusted 350,000 in the week ended Dec. 22. The four-week average, a less volatile measure, fell to a nearly five-year low of 356,750.  You can read more here.


Shatz Named To Replace Inouye - Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie (D) appointed Lt. Governor Brian Shatz to fill the open Senate seat resulting from the death of Senator Daniel Inouye (D).

Speculation was Representative Colleen Hanabussa (D) would succeed him.  Shatz is expected to be sworn in this afternoon. has more here.


EPA Administrator Jackson is Latest Cabinet Member to Step Down - Lisa Jackson announced she will be resigning as head of the Environmental Protection Office shortly after President Obama delivers the State of The Union Address next month.

President Obama said “Under her leadership, the EPA has taken sensible and important steps to protect the air we breathe and the water we drink, including implementing the first national standard for harmful mercury pollution, taking important action to combat climate change under the Clean Air Act, and playing a key role in establishing historic fuel economy standards that will save the average American family thousands of dollars at the pump, while also slashing carbon pollution”. has more here.


CNN Poll: First Lady Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton Receive High Marks - Tops on the list is First Lady Michelle Obama; Seventy-three percent of Americans approved of the way Michelle Obama was handling her job as first lady, compared to 20% who disapproved.

In the poll, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also received high marks - 66% of Americans approved of the job she's doing, compared to 30% who disapproved.

Another Cabinet member, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, received lower marks in the CNN poll released Wednesday. Thirty-six percent of respondents approved of the job Geithner is doing at the Treasury, compared with 42% who disapproved and 21% who were unsure. has more here.


NBC "First Read": Top Ten Political Events of 2012 - number one was the 47% video.  In the video, from a closed-door fundraiser in May, Romney tells wealthy donors that the "47 percent" of the country that doesn't pay income taxes, that is dependent on government, and that believes "they are victims" will vote for President Obama no matter what. He adds in the video: "My job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

NBC has more on all ten events, here.


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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Greets Marines at Hawaii Base on Christmas - President Obama spent part of his last full day in Hawaii participating in an annual tradition for his wife Michelle and him: greeting Marines at the base near his vacation home here.

In short remarks, Obama, dressed casually in a blue button-down shirt and khakis, thanked the service members and their families – mostly Marines, but some Army and Navy as well - for enduring the challenges of military life.

“Not only do those in uniform make sacrifices but I think everybody understands the sacrifices that families make each and every day as well,” he said. has more here.


Obama Cuts Vcacation Short, Heads to D.C. - the deadline for reaching the "fiscal cliff" is under a week and President Obama will be arriving in Washington this evening with hopes an agreement can be reached on the budget impasse.  The Senate is scheduled to resume on Thursday and the House is expected to be back in action by the end of the week.  You can read more here.


Grand Bargain Unlikely on "Fiscal Clift" - While the road ahead remains uncertain, the options have no doubt narrowed. Talk of a comprehensive deal, or grand bargain, has all but ceased, with all parties setting their sights on smaller temporary patches to avoid impending tax increases and spending cuts.
On Friday, Obama called on Congress to take up a narrow measure that would extend tax cuts only for those making less than $250,000 annually, extend unemployment insurance benefits and temporarily put off the $500 billion in sequestration cuts. has more here.


GOP Polster Says NRA Out of Touch - Top GOP pollster Frank Luntz said the National Rifle Association's call for armed guards in schools shows it is not listening to the public response to the shooting in Newtown, Conn.
"The public wants guns out of the schools, not in the schools," Luntz said Wednesday morning on CBS. "And they are not asking for a security official or someone else." has more here.


Gillibrand Shifts on Gun Control - popular N.Y. Democratic Representative Kirsten Gillibrand, had received an “A” grade from the NRA, has become a vocal advocate of tighter gun control in the wake of the mass killings at Sandy Hook Elementary School earlier this month. has more here.


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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Who's In and Out of Obama's Cabinet - lots of changes coming in 2013.  The best known change is Hillary Clinton is out as Secretary of State and President Obama has nominated Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) as her replacement.  But, there are plenty more changes coming to Obama's cabinet in 2013. has a look here as to who is leaving and the possible replacements. 


Politico's 13 People to Watch in 2013 - Some interesting names on the list.  One is Kamala Harris, 48, who is the attorney general of California, but many Democrats sense her catapulting up the ranks in the party — and soon. 

Taking over for Eric Holder as U.S. attorney general if he leaves? A possible appointment as the next Supreme Court justice? Maybe a future gubernatorial run?

No matter what, expectations for Harris are high. 2013 could see her biggest political move yet.  To read the entire list, click here. 


Inouye's Replacement To be Named Wednesday - Hawaii Governor Neil Abrecrombie (D) will name the interim replacement for the late Senator Daniel Inouye (D) tomorrow.  This will ensure the new Senator will be able to take part in the "fiscal cliff" negotiations.

Abercrombie has given no indication of whom he would like to tap for the vacant seat. But before he passed away, Inouye wrote the governor and recommended that Rep. Colleen Hanabusa (D-Hawaii) be named his successor.

Hanabusa is widely seen as the front-runner for the post, but other possible appointees include former Rep. Ed Case (D), and Lt. Gov. Brian Schatz (D), who lost his 2006 bid for Congress. has more here.


Ted Kennedy Jr. Will Not Run for Kerry's Seat - Putting the fast spreading rumor to an end, Ted Kennedy Jr. said yesterday he will not run for the open seat, if Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) is confirmed, as expected, for Secretary of State.

Kennedy Jr. said that although he's "extremely grateful for all of the offers of support," he doesn't want to uproot his family from their current home in Connecticut, and doesn’t feel good about moving to Massachusetts to run for a seat outside of his current home state. Kennedy said he has a "strong desire" to some day seek office "at another point in my future," most likely in Connecticut. You can read more here.


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Monday, December 24, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Will Senate Find Solution to "Fiscal Cliff"? - the buzz is it is now up to Senate leaders to craft a last minute budget agreement to avoid the mandated spending cuts and tax increases effective January 1.

What is likely is a stop gap agreement to extend the Bush administration tax cuts for all except those earning more than a figure somewhere between $250,000 and $500,000.  In addition, an extension of unemployment benefits along with some spending cuts will be included. 

With passage in the Senate, the onus would be on the House to pass it and with Democratic support, only a minority of Republicans would be needed to pass it in the House.  The NY Times has more here.


4 Firefighters Shot, 2 Dead after Responding to Blaze - firefighters responding to a large blaze in Webster, New York, were met with gunfire as they emerged from their fire truck.  Details are still coming forth on this breaking story.  This incident will surely add fuel to the call for Congress to pass gun control legislation. has updates here.


A "Crazy" LaPierre Continues Opposition To Gun Control Measures - appearing on NBC "Meet The Press" yesterday, NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre, said "If it's crazy to call for putting police and armed security in our schools to protect our children, then call me crazy".

Meanwhile, political leaders from both sides of the aisle are moving forward to enact legislation in the wake of the Newtown tragedy.  Senator Diane Feinstein (D-Calf.) has promised to introduce legislation banning assault weapons and Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-Tex.) expressing support to limit sale of large capacity ammunition clips.  You can read more here.


Hagel Nomination for Defense Secretary Faces Tough Climb - if, another name is floated soon as a possible nomination by President Obama for Defense Secretary, it will spell more trouble for former Republican Chuck Hagel.

In addition to Republican Senators expressing opposition to Hagel, even Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) ha sdeclined to offer support. has more here.


Obama Attends Inouye Funeral - President Obama, vacationing in Hawaii for the holidays, attended the funeral for the late Senator Daniel Inouye (D).  He made a brief visit to the grave of his grandfather, World War II veteran Stanley Dunham, after Sunday’s service. has more here.


Most Expensive Campaigns of 2012 - the cost continues to escalate for candidates wishing to become a member of the House and Senate and has a list of the top races from 2012 here.

The race between Republican Senator Scott Brown and Democrat Elizabeth Warren, who emerged the winner, led the list with a total cost of $85,429,334.

Campaign finance reform, anyone?


Movie "Promised Land" Brings Attention to Dangers of "Fracking" - state legislators are facing demands for increased regulations on the practive of "fracking" to aid developers extract natural gas from the earth.  The movie, starring Matt Damon, has elevated the issue to a national issue and one that Congress will likely take up in 2013.  Reuters.ocm has more here. 


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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

LaPierre Continues To Display He is Out of Touch - appearing on NBC "Meet The Press" this morning, NRA President Wayne LaPierre continued his call for armed guards in schools.  Democrats and Republicans, including N.J. Governor Chris Cristie have said LaPierre's comments make no sense in the wake of the horrific tragedy in Newton, Connecticut.

LaPierre rejected talk of banning large-capacity magazines as well as spoke derisively about new plans for an assault weapons ban being proposed by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).
“I think that’s a phony piece of legislation and i do not think it will pass for this reason: it is all based on lies that have been found out,” LaPierre said. has more here.


Will Ted Kennedy Jr. Run for Kerry Senate Seat in Massachusetts? - Patrick Kennedy told The Associated Press that his 51-year-old brother has been receiving calls from their late father’s former colleagues and friends, including former Connecticut Gov. Lowell Weicker Jr., urging him to consider running in the anticipated special election.

Republican Scott Brown, who just lost to Democrat Elizabeth Warren, is expected to be the Republican nominee.  You can read more here.


Reid Urges Quick Appointment for Inouye Successor - In a statement, Reid said he has asked Gov. Neil Abercrombie (D) to tap a replacement by year’s end.

“I have asked the governor of Hawaii to appoint Senator Inouye's successor with due haste. It is critically important to ensure that the people of Hawaii are fully represented in the pivotal decisions the Senate will be making before the end of the year,” read the statement from Reid. has more here.

Egypt Vice President Resigns as Voters Approve New Consitution- preliminary results show the proposed constitution passed with 64% of the vote.  The Washington Post has more here.

Mahmoud Mekky, a well-known judge before he took the post, resigned yesterday as the country votes for the new constitution proposed by President Mohamed Morsi and rubbered stamped by the Parliament.

Mekky said he was not privy to Mursi's decree on November 22 to expand his powers that sparked crisis and said he had worked hard for the nation in his post but that he had "realized for some time that the nature of political work did not suit his professional background as a judge." has more here.


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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Cheat Sheet

George Wenschhof

It should be an interesting Sunday morning to tune in and watch the political discussion.  Sure to be discussed, in the wake of the horrific shootings in Newton, Connecticut, will be the bizarre and combative statement by NRA executive director Wayne LaPierre who wants to arm principal and teachers at schools and the announcement by President Obama of a new gun violence task force with Vice President Joe Biden as chair.

Wayne LaPierre will appear on NBC "Meet The Press", along with senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).  President Obama has urged Congress to act and Senator Diane Feinstein (D-Calf.) has said she will introduce the reinstatement of the assult weapons ban legislation when the new Congress convenes.

Former Representative Asa Hutchinson, who has been named by the NRA to head up their effort for armed guards in schools and Sarah Brady of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence will appear on ABC "This Week".  Hutchinson also appears on CNN "State of The Union".

Another hot topic will be the failure by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) to secure enough Republican votes to pass his own "Plan B" to avoid the "fiscal cliff".

Look to see a stop gap type of measure pass prior to January 1 which will include an extension of the Bush era tax cuts for all except the upper 2% of wage earners making over $250,000 annually.  This bill has already passed the Senate and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) has an indentical bill ready to go in the House which Boehner has blocked from coming to the floor for a vote.

On the foreign policy front, the resignations of state department officials following a scathing report from an independent commission on the Benghazi tragedy, should also be discussed on the morning shows.  Hillary Clinton, recovering from an illness, is expected to testify before Congress in January.

The nomination of Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) by President Obama to succeed Hillary Clinton as the next Secretary of State will also receive mention as well as whether or not Republican former senator Chuck Hagel will be nominated by Obama for Defense Secretary.

After, repeated criticism of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice over comments made pertaining to the benghazi incident, led to the nomination of Kerry, criticism of Hagel is mounting, including an old derogatory statement on gays which surfaced this week.

Plan to tune in as the conversation promises to be lively.

The scheduled guests follow below.

NBC "Meet The Press" - NRA ED Wayne LaPierre, Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

Roundtable discussion with Chuck Todd, Andrea Mitchell, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Ut.) and Harold Ford Jr.

ABC "This Week" - Asa Hutchinson, Sarah Brady and senators Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.)

Roundtable discussion with Cory Booker, Grover Norquist, Matthew Dowd, Peggy Noonan and Katrina vanden Heuvel

CBS "Face The Nation" - NRA President David Keene, Representatiove tim Scott (R-S.C.), Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Tex.) and Mark Warner (D-Va.), actor Ben Affleck

CNN "State of The Union" - Asa Hutchinson, Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.), and Rep. Steve LaTourette (R-Ohio)

Roundtable discussion with Susan Page, Ron Brownstein and Michael Duffy

Fox News Sunday - Senators John Barrasso (R-WY) and Kent Conrad (D-ND).  Pastor Rick Warren Saddleback Church

Roundtable discussion with Bill Kristol, Kirsten Powers, Laura Ingraham, and Juan Williams 


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

In this week’s address, President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, and thanked our brave troops and their families for their service. The President and First Lady asked the American people to visit to find ways to honor and support our veterans and military families, and said that we must all come together, as we always do, to care for each other during this holiday season.  


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

House Speaker John Boehner, who was unable to deliver enough Republican votes to pass his own "Plan B" to the "fiscal cliff", continued to blame Senate Democrats and President Obama for the inability of Congress to reach budgetary agreement to avoid the deadline of January 1.


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Friday, December 21, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

NRA Chief Wants Guns in Schools - in a completely out of touch and often combative speech this morning, the NRA executive director Wayne LaPierre called for arming Principals and providing security at schools with no mention of ending sales of assault weapons after the horrific tragedy in Newtown. has more here.

His answer to gun violence seemed to be arming everyone with a gun.  This statement comes as an overwhelming number of Americans are pushing for Congress to enact gun controll legislation.


Obama Approval Hits 57% - a three year high.  The latest Gallup poll showed President Obama at 56%, following polls by AP/GfK and CBS News earlier this week had the President's approval at 57%.


Kerry To Be Nominated Today for Secretary of State - at 1:30 PM ET today, President Obama will nominate Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) to become the next Secretary of State. has more here.


Boehner Still Open To Talks with Obama - after, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) was unable to get the votes from his own Republican caucus to pass his "Plan B", he signaled he was still open to discussion with the President.  You can read more here.

The resolution to the "fiscal cliff" remains elusive, with House tea party Republicans opposed to any tax hikes.  Another stumbling block to meeting the January 1 deadline, is House legislation needs to be posted for 72 hours prior to a vote. 


Sanford Eyes Political Comeback - former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford (R) is seriuosly considering running for the House seat vacated by Representative Tim Scott (R) who was chosen by Governor Nikki Haley (R) to replace Senator DeMint, who resigned recently.

Sanford's extramarital affair caused the end of the two term Governor's thoughts of running for President. has more here.


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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Boehner Failing in "Fiscal Cliff" Negotiations - House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) inability to control his own conservative caucus, has led him to schedule a House vote tonight on extending the Bush administration tax cuts for all except for those earning more than $1 million.  The bill is receiving push back from conservatives, but is likely to barely pass the House tonight in a vote scheduled for 7:30 PM ET.  However, it is a non starter in the Senate and President Obama has promised a veto if it did pass the House.  You can read more here.


U.S. Economy Grows 3.1% Third Quarter - The Commerce Deparment report showed the economy grew at a higher rate than forecasted from July through September.

However, analysts are predicting growth to fall to 1.5% in the fourth quarter of this year due to the impact of Hurricane Sandy and the uncertainty surrounding the "fiscal cliff" negotiations.  You can read more here.


Booker To Announce Senate Run - coming as no surprise, reports indicate Newark mayor Cory Booker will announce via Twitter, his intention to run for U.S. Senate.  Instead of challenging popular Republican Governor Chris Christie, the Democrat will run for the seat currently held by Democrat Frank Lautenburg.  Lautenburg is 88 years old and is not expected to run for reelection in two years.  You can read more here.


Mikulski To Head Senate Appropriations Committee - Democratic Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski was the beneficiary of the fall of dominos after Senator Pat Leahy (D-Vt.) announced he will stay on as chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee.  Leahy was expected to become chair of the Appropriations Committee and Senator Diane Feinstein (D-Calf.) was set to become chair of the Judiciary Committee.  You can read more here.

This also takes a future political option off the table for Maryland Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley.  If, Hillary Clinton chooses to run for president in 2016, O'Malley who is term limited will have no chance as securing the Democratic nomination.  His fall back was a run for U.S. Senate, assuming Mikulski would retire in 2016.  As chair of the powerful Appropriations Committee, Mikuski will not retire anytime soon. 


Brown, Leading in Poll To Replace Kerry, Backs Assault Weapons Ban - Senator Scott Brown (R-Mass.), who was defeated by Democrat Elizabeth Warren, is the leading contender for the seat of Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) should he receive confirmation to Secretary of State.  Brown received 47% support of the voters in the  WBUR poll, with 39% supporting the generic Democratic challenger.  You can read more here. 


3 State Department Officials Resign Over Benghazi - the resignations coming after a critical independent report on the “serious, systemic problems” that led to inadequate security at the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi before the fatal assault in September,  was released on Monday.  Two deputy secretaries of state; Thomas Nides and William Burns testified before Congress today after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was unable to attend after suffering a concussion after falling due to dehydration from a stomach virus.  Senator Kerry (D-Mass.) stated Clinton would tesify before Congress in January.  You can read more here.


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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Named Time Person of the Year for Second Time - the first was the year he first won election. has more here.


Pelosi Announces Gun Control Task Force - House Minority Leader Nancy Pelsoi (D-Calf.) announced Representative Mike Thompson (D-Calf.) will chair the House Democratic committee.  You can read more here.

As I reported yesterday, President Obama will announce today he is naming Vice President Joe Biden to head an national task force to reduce gun violence.  The Washington Post has more here.


Theatrics Enter "Fiscal Cliff" Negotiations - with the Janyaury 1 deadline rapidly approaching and no agreement, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is moving forward with two votes tomorrow to extend the Bush administration tax cuts.  Tomorrow, Boehner will introduce his Plan "B" which extends tax cuts for all except those earning above $1 million.  Boehner will also introduce President Obama's proposal to extend the tax cuts for all except the upper 2% of wage earners over $250,000.  President Obama has already threatened to veto the millionaire proposal by Boehner. has more here. 


Independent Review of Benghazi attacks Criticizes State Department - security at the U.S. consulate was "grossly inadequate".  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has accepted all 29 recommendations put forward in the report.  The BBC has more here.


Feinstein To Become Chair of Senate Judiciary Committee - Senator Diane Feinstein (D-Calf.) will become chairwoman after Senator Pat Leahy (D-Vt.) is named as the replacement for deceased Senator Inouye (D-Hawaii), who chaired the Senate Appropriations Committee.  The has more here.


Opposition Grows To Hagel as Defense Secretary - the former Republican Senator from Nebraska has been widely floated as being the nominee by President Obama to replace Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.

Republican Senators, led by John McCain (R-Az.) are expressing their dissatisfaction with Hagel. “We had some disagreements; obviously those will be examined, for example, when he said the [Iraq] surge could not succeed, and obviously he was wrong there,” Arizona Sen. John McCain, the top Republican on the Armed Services Committee, said. “We obviously want to review his whole record and go through the regular process.” has more here.


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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Biden to Lead Effort To Stem Gun Violence - President Obama has named Vice President Joe Biden to head a commission to make recommendations on legislation aimed to stem gun violence. has more here.


Obama's Offer Narrows Gap on "Fiscal Cliff" - the latest offer from President Obama to reduce increased tax revenue from $1.6 trillion to $1.2 trillion, limit tax increases to those earning more than $400,000, $1 trillion in entitlement cuts and make adjustments on rate increases to social security moves the country closer to a deal.

However, House Speaker John Boehner this morning said, it is not enough and they are working on a plab "B" to avoid taxes going up for everyone as of January 1.  Republicans are likley to introduce legislation to allow all current tax rates for those earning up to $1 million to stay the same.

The Senate has alreday passed legislation to allow tax rates to stay the same for all except the upper 2% of wage earners making over $250,000.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) has tried to get the same bill to the floor of the House for a vote. has an update here.


74% Approve of Tax Rate Increase on Those Earning More than $250,000 - the Wsahington Post/ABC News poll also shows Americans oppose slashing spending on Medicaid and the military, as well as raising the age for Medicare eligibility and slowing the increase of Social Security benefits.  The Washington Post has more here.


Senator Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) Dies at Age 88 - The long-time senator had been hospitalized since early December because of respiratory problems. Inouye had served in the Senate since 1963 and represented Hawaii since 1954, serving as the Aloha State’s first congressman beginning in 1959. He served as the Senate pro tempore — the designation for the chamber’s longest-serving Senator — and the person third in line to the presidency. He also chaired the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee at the time of his death. You can read more here.

In a letter delivered just hours before his death, Sen. Daniel K. Inouye, D-Hawaii, wrote to Gov. Neil Abercrombie asking him to appoint Rep. Colleen Hanabusa to succeed him. has more here.

 Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) was selected this morning to be president pro tempore of the Senate.  The position traditionally goes to the longest serving member of the Senate. Leahy is the body's most senior member, having served since 1975.


Independent Commission Submits Benghazi Report - the classified report will be delivered to Congress today.  The House Foreign Affairs and Senate Foreign Relations committees will hear open testimony on the report on Thursday from William Burns and Thomas Nides, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's two main deputies.

An unclassified version of the report is expected to be released to the public after board chairman Thomas Pickering, a former ambassador, and Adm. Mike Mullen, a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, appear at Wednesday's hearings. 


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Monday, December 17, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama-Boehner Meet as Differences Remain in "Fiscal Cliff" Negotiations - the two are meeting at the white House this morning after House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) relented and proposed a tax increase on those making more than $1 million, but total new revenue was $1 trillion v. President Obama's revised offer of $1.4 trillion and tax hikes for those earning more than $250,000.

In a significant shift, Boehner also offered to put off talks on raising the debt limit for one year.

The two sides are remain apart on cuts to entitlement programs. has more here.


Action By Congress on Assault Weapons Likely - in the wake of the tragedy in Newton, Connecticut, lawmakers are speaking up to reinstitute the ban on assault weapons.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has vowed to introduce legislation to ban assault weapons at the start of the next Congress. Retiring Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.) has also called for reinstating the ban, which expired in 2004.

“I don’t know anyone in the sporting or hunting arena that goes out with an assault rifle,” Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) said on “Morning Joe” on Monday. “I don’t know anyone that needs 30 rounds in a clip to go hunting.”  The Washington Post has more here.


Scott To Replace DeMint in Senate - reports indicate Governor Nikki Haley (R-S.C.) will appoint Represenative Tim Scott (R) to replace Seantor Jim DeMint who announced his resignation recently to run the Heritage Foundation.

Mr. Scott will become South Carolina’s first black senator, and the first black Republican in the Senate since Edward Brooke of Massachusetts left in 1979. Over all, he will be the seventh black senator, and the chamber’s fourth black Republican.  The NY Times has more here.


Dukakis May Be Interim Replacement for Kerry - if, Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) is nominated by President Obama to become the Secretary of State, as expected, Governor Deval Patrick (D-Mass.) may select former Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis to serve until a special election is held next year. has more here.


Electoral College Makes it Official Today - November 6 saw Obama pass the electoral threshold of 270 – from a total of 538 votes - as ballots from Ohio rolled in, besting Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. Ultimately, Obama won 332 electoral votes, with 51% of the popular vote, to Romney's 207, with 47% of the popular vote.

Under the U.S. Constitution, the president and vice president are elected indirectly by electors, who are elected by popular vote.

Electors meet in their respective state capitals on the Monday after the second Wednesday in December. Each state has electors equal to its representation in Congress. has more here.


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