
Friday, December 21, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

NRA Chief Wants Guns in Schools - in a completely out of touch and often combative speech this morning, the NRA executive director Wayne LaPierre called for arming Principals and providing security at schools with no mention of ending sales of assault weapons after the horrific tragedy in Newtown. has more here.

His answer to gun violence seemed to be arming everyone with a gun.  This statement comes as an overwhelming number of Americans are pushing for Congress to enact gun controll legislation.


Obama Approval Hits 57% - a three year high.  The latest Gallup poll showed President Obama at 56%, following polls by AP/GfK and CBS News earlier this week had the President's approval at 57%.


Kerry To Be Nominated Today for Secretary of State - at 1:30 PM ET today, President Obama will nominate Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) to become the next Secretary of State. has more here.


Boehner Still Open To Talks with Obama - after, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) was unable to get the votes from his own Republican caucus to pass his "Plan B", he signaled he was still open to discussion with the President.  You can read more here.

The resolution to the "fiscal cliff" remains elusive, with House tea party Republicans opposed to any tax hikes.  Another stumbling block to meeting the January 1 deadline, is House legislation needs to be posted for 72 hours prior to a vote. 


Sanford Eyes Political Comeback - former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford (R) is seriuosly considering running for the House seat vacated by Representative Tim Scott (R) who was chosen by Governor Nikki Haley (R) to replace Senator DeMint, who resigned recently.

Sanford's extramarital affair caused the end of the two term Governor's thoughts of running for President. has more here.


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