
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Administration Formally Recognizes Syrian Opposition - You can read more here.


Only 25% Approve of Boehner's Handling of "Fiscal Cliff" - the ABC News/Washington Post poll shows President Obama with double the support of House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio).  You can read more here.


NBC Chuck Todd Gives the latest on the "Fiscal Cliff" Negotions - watch here.


Watch Jon Stewart on Michigan's "Right To Work" Law

Time For National Voting Standards? - Attorney General Eric Holder, during a speech at the John F. Kennedy Library, said “A recent study by the MacArthur Foundation found that nearly 90 percent of those who voted in last month’s election would support creating national voting standards,...That’s why it is important for national leaders, academic experts, and members of the public to engage in a frank, thorough, and inclusive discussion about how our election systems can be made stronger and more accessible.” 

This comes after some states moved to pass voter ID laws, shortened or did not have early voting, and many precincts in lower income areas experienced long lines and waiting times to vote.  You can read more here.


Bernanke To Give Forecast on 2013 Economy Today - Federal Reserve chair Ben Bernanke will speak as The Federal Open Market Committee concludes a two-day meeting Wednesday, and it will be a busy afternoon for Fed watchers. At 12:30, the FOMC issues a statement announcing the results of its meeting, at 2:00 the committee releases its latest forecast for growth, employment, and inflation in the years ahead, and at 2:15 Chairman Ben Bernanke begins a news conference.  You can read more here.


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