
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

In the end, it was never close

George Wenschhof

The Republican Party has a lot of regrouping to do in the aftermath of the 2012 General Election.

The pollsters were right in their predictions, and with Florida likely going for President Obama after all the votes are counted, Obama will win the popular vote and the electoral vote with 332 and Mitt Romney only winning 206.

The Senate will remain a Democratic majority with Democrats holding 52 seats and Republicans holding 45.  Two Independents are expected to caucus with the Democrats.

Democrats picked up a half dozen House seats to now hold 198 seats, with Republicans maintaining their majority with 237 seats.

The Hispanic/Latino, African American and Women vote went overwhelmingly to President Obama, further illustrating the problem the Republican Party has in appealing to voters in America today.

An interesting factoid overheard in the din last night as numbers were coming in and being tabulated is Mitt Romney won 61% of the White vote.  A number also received by former Republican President George H. W. Bush, who won with that percentage twenty four years ago.

In addition to being out of touch with present day demographics in the nation, Republicans will need to reassess what their message is and what it is they stand for.

Perhaps, Republican leaders will realize the stale old refrain of less tax and less government, without any specifics, is no longer connecting with the majority of voters.

Along with the politics of fear on the deficit and foreign policy, Republicans are painfully out of touch.

The reason President Obama won reelection is because Americans want to continue to move forward together with a feeling of hope, not fear.

Si, se puede.


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