
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Four More Years

George Wenschhof

President Obama showed what a true Commander-in-Chief is during the days preceding and following the devastating impact of Hurricane Sandy on the Northeast.

The statement from New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie, “the President has been outstanding” in his response to the storm echoed the feeling of many who witnessed a President intent on helping those in need, regardless of their political affiliation.

The recent endorsements of former Secretary of State Colin Powell; a Republican, and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg; an Independent, further illustrates the respect Obama has earned during his first term.

A time period marked by the United States and the world hit by the Great Recession; the worst economic period experienced since the Great Depression of the 1930’s, two wars and an unprecedented divided Congress.

In spite of four years of Republican obstruction, President Obama stepped up and fought for government intervention and spending to avert an overwhelming depression, saving the U.S. Auto industry and reducing unemployment from 10% to 7.9%.

Obama ended the U.S. military involvement in Iraq, arguably a war the United States should never enter into in the first place.  In addition, he has a responsible plan to withdraw troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

Replacing old fashioned and ineffective convention warfare, President Obama has increased the use of military drones, including inside of Pakistan where terrorists are known to be sheltered and has instituted the use of anti-terror strike forces capable of addressing modern threats to peace around the world quickly and effectively.

The al-Qaeda network has been decimated during the four years Obama has been president and Osama bin-Laden is dead; the result of an unannounced raid into the heart of Pakistan.

Focusing on education and training, president Obama has fought for programs and funding to help America move forward in the twenty-first century.

Pushing for and achieving the passage of the Affordable Care Act put the United States in the same category as every other developed country in the world that provides health care.

While, adjustments are sure to come to this program, its focus on preventative care, coverage of individuals with pre-existing conditions and children by parent’s insurance for a longer term is all critical and beneficial to families across the country - A monumental and important first step.

Immediately following his swearing in as president, Obama displayed his empathy toward fairness and equality by signing into law the Lily Ledbetter Act, providing equal pay for women.

The likelihood of the President, during the next term, nominating at least one and possibly two Supreme Court Justices underscores the importance of staying the course.  The narrow 5-4 “Citizens United” decision which allowed unlimited spending by corporations in elections, and the fear women have of their rights to make personal decisions being eroded are just two of the many critical decisions to be reviewed and opinions rendered by the Supreme Court in the years ahead.

These are all compelling reasons to vote for President Obama on November 6.


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