
Friday, November 30, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Watch Jon Stewart on Obama-Romney Lunch


GOP Rejects White House Offer, Obama Says No Deal Without Top 2% Tax Increase - a familiar refrain coming from the "fiscal cliff" negotiations.  House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said no deal to the offer presented by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner yesterday which included $1.6 Trillion in tax inceases and would reduce the deficit by $4 Trillion over ten years. has more here.


Obama Visits Pennsylvania Toy Factory - as part of his efforts to push for approval of tax hikes on the wealthy in the "fiscal cliff" negotiations.  You can read more here. 


U.N. Votes To Recognize Palestine as Non-Member State - the vote was overwhelming with 138 for and only 9 against with 41 absetentions.  The status does not provide for full independence, but does provide for Palestine to join the International Criminal Court.  The United States and Israel opposed this recognition who feared this action will complicate the Israel-Palestine peace talks, already bogged down.  The Washington Post has more here.


Morsi Receives Approval of New Constitution in Egypt - sparking new demonstrations against the actions taken by new President Mohamed Morsi.  Protestors will push for a "no" vote in a referendum most likely schedule for December, following the approval of the constitution by the 85 member general assembly. has more here.


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