
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama To Lunch With Romney - tomorrow, Mitt Romney will join President Obama for luch at the White House.  In his victory speech, Obama said he would sit down with romney to discuss how we can work together in moving the country forward.  You can read more here.


Obama To Begin Public Relations Campaign on "Fiscal Cliff" - today, the President will hold a press conference from the White House calling on Congress to extend middle class tax cuts and follow that with a road trip of campaign-style events.  The Washington Post has more here. 

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Simpson-Bowles Redo on "Fiscal Cliff" - two years ago the the co-chairs of the President's deficit reduction commission presented a plan that 60% of the commission members supported, yet the plan went nowhere.  Now, Republican Alan Simpson and Democrat Erskine Bowles are resurfacing with the same plan.  The NY Times has more here.


McAuliffe To Try Again For Virginia Governor - former Democratic National Committee chair Terry McAuliffe has announced he will run again for governor of Virginia after losing four years ago.  Republican state Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has also announced his intension to run for governor next year.  It promises to be a fun race to watch.  You can read more here.


House Committee Chairs All Men - Republicans have not helped themselves with the women vote as they announced yesterday the chairs of committees in the incoming Congress were all men.  Two chairs remain; the ethics committee and administrative committee, so a woman still could be named to chair a committee. has more here.


Republicans Boost Kerry for Secretary of State - Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) was the latest to criticize U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, even bringing up her time spent in Africa and several bombings which took place which also claimed the lives of Americans.  Collins also promoted Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) to become Secretary of State.

The latest political rumor, also mentioned last night by MSNBC commentator Rachel Maddow is the furor over Susan Rice is partly motivated by pushing for Kerry to receive the nomination so Republicans could run recently defeated Scott Brown for his vacant Senate seat in Massachusetts.


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