
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Begins Southeast Asia Trip - the President will visit Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia, promoting democratization and trade with the United States.  The NY Times has a good read here detailing the implications surrounding this trip.


Violence in Gaza Continues - Isarel continued air strikes in Gaza, with government and minister buildings targeted.  Hamas continued with their artillery fire into Israel.  The Washington Post has an update here.

Keep an eye on this explosive situation in the Middle East.  President Obama, traveling on a Southeast Asia trip, said "Israel had the right to defend themselves".  Peace talks between Israel and Palestine have been stalled for years and this latest action will not act to restart the peace process, but rather push it back years.

The Middle East continues to be a volatile area in the world, exacerbated, in part, by Iran's nuclear program, the new government in Egypt and the continued upheavel in Syria. 


Boehner Wants To Kick Can Down the Road on Fiscal Cliff - the immiediate statements from Congressional leaders following the meeting with President Obama at the White House this week was similar to what took place over a year ago; a willingness to work together, but no agreement reached.  Now, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), unable to get his Republican caucus to go alog with a tax increase to the upper 2% of earners in the U.S., wants to put off a decision until next year.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) said today, there will be no agreement that does not include raising taxes on the wealthy.  Stay Tuned.  You can read more here.


Democratic Representatives Lowey or Kaptur Will Be Ranking Member on House Appropriations Committee - both are capable, but it is Rep. Nita Lowey (D-NY) who appears to have the inside track with backing by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.).  However, Rep. Marcy Kaptur is working hard to earn the top Democratic spot on the committee.  You can read more here. 


Republicans Maintained House Majority Through Redistricting - another twist in the American political system displayed as Democrats won more votes and did gain seats in the House, but Republicans maintained a majority, primarily due to redistricting resulting from the 2010 census. has a good read here.


Barber Wins Gifford's House Seat in Arizona - Democrats continue to win the close races in the House as Rep. Ron Barber (D-Az.) beat Republican Martha McSally.  Democrats now hold 199 seats in the House and Republicans 234.  Two seats remain to be decided with Democrats leading in both contests in Florida and North Carolina.  Democrats held 193 seats prior to the 2012 election. has more here.


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