
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Campaign Releases New Ad in Swing States - it is two minutes long and details his economic plan.  Creating a million new manufacturing jobs by giving tax breaks to companies that invest in the United States. Reducing oil imports in half. Hiring 100,000 new science and math teachers. And cutting the deficit in a “balanced” way by raising taxes on the wealthiest.

Obama concludes in the TV ad, “It’s time for a new economic patriotism, rooted in the belief that growing our economy begins with a strong, thriving middle class. Read my plan. Compare it to Gov. Romney’s and decide for yourself.”


Unemployment Applications Drop To Two Month Low - The Labor Department reported job seekers applications had declined by 26,000 last week.  You can read more here.


Gallup: Obama Aprroval and Vote Support hit 50% - President Obama leads Mitt Romney 50% - 44% among registered voters.  On job approval, Obama has hit 51%. has more here.


More Americans Favor Obama Over Romney on Middle East - by a wide margin, in the Bloomberg poll, Americans favored President Obama 49% over Mitt Romney 38% to handle unforseen events in the Middle East.  You can read more here.


Pressure on Romney at First Presidential Debate - a ho-hum Republican Convention, followed by a release of a video where Mitt Romney denigrates 47% of Americans and delivers a gaffe on the tragedy in Libya, has Mitt Romney on the ropes with a little over five weeks to go until Election Day.  With polls showing President Obama widening leads in important swing states, the pressure is on Romney to deliver during next Wednesday's debate. has a good read here.


Majority of Voters Prefer Obama Over Romney To Handle Medicare - The Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation survey found Obama with a large lead over romney on this issue in the swing states of Virginia, Florida and Ohio.

Florida: Obama 53% Romney 41%
Virginia: Obama 53% Romney 42%
Ohio: Obama 56% Romney 40%

You can read more here.


Pennsylvania Voter ID Law Ruling Expected Today - Judge Robert Simpson has until October 2 to render a decision after the state Supreme Court ordered him to reconsider his decision to uphold the state Voter ID law.  You can read more here.


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