
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Romney Fundraiser Video - 47% of voters dependent on government and will vote for the President no matter what.


Romney Dismisses Israel-Palestine Two-State Solution - The search for a two-state solution has long been official U.S. policy for both Democratic and Republican administrations.

But, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney accused Palestinians of being “committed to the destruction and elimination” of Israel and dismissed the likelihood of a two-state solution during a recent fundraiser.  You can read more here.


Obama Leads Romney 48% - 43% - the latest Reuters/Ipsos Poll among likely voters was conducted september 12-17, which would include any impact to voters from the violence in the Middle East and the death of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens.  You can read more here.


Obama In New York City to Attend Fundraisers - the President will arive this afternoon to attend a series of fundraisers and return to the White House at the end of the day.

Earlier, President Obama will appear on the "Late Show with David Letterman" to be shown tonight.  You can read more here.


Keep An Eye on Indiana Senate Race - Prior, to Senator Dick Lugar (R) being defeated in the primary by tea party backed state Treasurer Richard Mourdock, the seat was considered a safe Republican seat.  Now, Democratic candidate Rep. Joe Donnelly is making it a close race and a possible pick up for Democrats.  You can read more here.


Second Poll Shows Warren Ahead in Massachusetts Senate Race - the poll conducted for NBC affiliate WHDH shows Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren with 48% and Republican Senator Scott Brown with 44%.  You can read more here.


Michelle Obama Fires Up College Students in Florida - speaking at Florida State University in Tallahassee, she reminded college students how important their vote is and the importance of the state of Florida in the election.  You can read more here.


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