
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

 President Obama Speaks at Pentgon on 9/11 Anniversary - “Instead of changing who we are, the attacks have brought out the best in the American people,” he said. “Instead of turning on each other, we’ve resisted the temptation to give in to mistrust and suspicion.” You can read more here.


Obama 50% - Romney 44% - in a Washington Post/ABC News Poll released today.  On trust to lead the economy, President Obama now leads Romney 47% - 45%.  You can read more here.


Continuing Resolution Vote Set for Thursday - the latest stop gap budget agreement to keep funding government agencies for six months.  The federal fiscal year begins October 1.  You can read more here.


What is Romney's Position on Health Care? - seems the Republican presidential; candidate doesn't know himself.  He has gone from supporting coverage for pre-existing conditions and parent's coverage of children to the age of 26 to saying he would not leave parts of the Affordable Care Act in place.  You can read more here.


Democrats look To Maintain Contol of Senate - many of the races remain fluid which Democratic candidate Joe Donnelly gaining in Indiana and Republican Linda McMahon surging in Conneticut. Comments made by Republican Todd Akin on "legitimate rape" have hurt his chances in Missouri.  So, the net gain of 4 needed by Republicans to gain a majority in the Senate continues to be too close to call.  You can read more here.


New Hampshire Primary Today - voters will be deciding their candidates for Governor and Congress. The leading candidates on the Democratic side for Governor are Maggie Hassan, an Exeter-based lawyer, and Jackie Cilley, a professor who lives in Barrington. The two Republicans with the best shot of securing the nomination are Ovide Lamontagne, a businessman in Manchester, and Kevin Smith, a consultant from Litchfield.  You can read more here.


SEC Drags Feet In Implementing Dodd-Frank Measures - holding investment advisers and brokers to the same standard of fiducoary responsibility to their clients would seem like a simple measure to implement.  However, the Security Exchange Commission, under the leadership of Mary Schapiro has not written the rules and implemented the provision for two years and it is not expected to be enacted prior to the November election.  You can read more here.


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