
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Cheat Sheet

George Wenschhof

The discussion will focus on the Republican Party Convention set to begin Monday in Tampa, Florida.

As one would expect, Fox News Sunday has Mitt Romney and his wife as their guests.

Republican National Committee chair, Reince Priebus will be on most of the morning "Talking Heads", trying to make the most out the upcoming convention and hoping Hurricane Isaac doesn't hit Tampa.

In spite of an national unemployment rate of 8% and an anemic economy, Mitt Romney, the Republican Party nominee to be, has been unable to gain a lead in the polls.  His selection of Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) resulted in the lowest, if any, bump in the ratings a presidential candidate has received since 1980.

The latest CNN nationwide poll showed Obama 49% and Romney 47%.

So, the Republicans have to be hoping for a bounce in the polls following the convention.  If not, the Republican Party will be in trouble as they head down the home stretch to the November election.

The scheduled guests for Sunday follow below.

NBC "Meet The Press" - Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Senator John McCain (R-Az.)

Roundtable with Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Jan Brewer, Mike Murphy and Chuck Todd

Look for sparks to fly between Brewer and Wasserman Schultz.

ABC "This Week" - Gov. Bob McDonnell (R-Va.) and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa (D) 

More sparks likely as McDonnell chairs the Republican Governors Association and Villaraigosa is chair of the Democratic Party Convention.

Roundtable with George Will, Rep. Donna Edwards (D-Md.), Jennifer Granholm, Mary Matalin and Greta Van Susteren.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Reince Priebus, Harley Barbour, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.)

Roundtable with Dan Balz, Peggy Noonan, Rich Lowry, Norah O'Donnell and john Dickerson

CNN "State of The Union" - Reince Priebus, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-Tex.), Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley (D) and Al Cardenas 

O'Malley may be  out numbered, but look to see him hold his ground

Fox News Sunday - Governor Mitt Romney and his wife Ann


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