
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Unemployment Claims Drop By 6,000 - the Labor Department also reported 163,000 jobs were added in July, the largest montly figure since February.  You can read more here.


First Lady Makes Three Stops in Philadelphia Today - Michelle Obama will speak at two colleges and a high school.  You can read more here.


Obama Campaign Buys Tampa Air Time During GOP Convention - during the last week in August when the Republican National Convention is underway, 160 Obama campaign ads will play across TV.  You can read more here.


Indiana Senate Race Could Be Pick Up For Democrats - a new poll shows Democratic candidate Joe Donnelly with 41% and Republican candidate Richard Mourdock with 40%.  Tea Party backed Mourdock beat long time Senator Richard Lugar in the Republican primary.  You can read more here.


DCCC Now Targets 51 Seats in Their Red-To-Blue Campaign - in their quest to gain 25 seats to reach a majority in the House, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee now has 51 races they are focusing on as potentional pick ups.  You can read more here.


Moderates Becoming Extinct in Congress - In the 1970s, about 30% of the lawmakers were considered centrist. Today, the figure is between 5%-8%, which means of the 435 members of Congress, less than 35 are moderates. You can read more here.


Egypt Attacks Militants in Sinai - This comes days after Islamist militants attacked Egyptian border guards, killing many and attempting a strike into Israel.  You can read more here.


Battle for Aleppo Contiues - the Syrian army continues it's assault on the rebels using tanks and air strikes.  President assad also announced a new prime minister; Wael Nader al-Halqi, to replace the former prime minster who defected to Jordan.  You can read more here.


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