
Friday, August 31, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Eartquake Hits Phillipines, Tsunami Warning Issued - an earthquake which registered 7.6 magnitude has hit the eastern coast of the Phillipines.  You can read more here.


Republican Convention Ends - thanksfully, Isaac shortened the event to 3 days.  Other, than Ann Romney, who came across as the best speaker, the rest of the convention featured future presidential wannabes.  The rhetoric was high against President Obama's failure to produce jobs, but lacking in any specific proposals or disclosure the Republican Party in Congress spent the last four years blocking Obama's jobs proposals.  Conspicuously absent during the three days was any sighting, let alone a mention of former President George W. Bush.

The worst moments outside of whatever it was Clint Eastwood was trying to say durinmg the convention, can be read here.


Huh? Eastwood Speech: Minus Good, was Ugly and Bad


Obama and Biden To Tour Swing States before Democratic Convention - President Obama will tour Iowa Saturday, Colorado Sunday, Ohio Monday and Virginia Tuesday, arriving in Charlotte on Wednesday.

Biden will be in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Wednesday and arrive in Charlotte on Tuesday.  You can read more here.


Al Gore Calls For Popular Vote - saying, it is time to end the electoral college.  Gore won the popular vote in 2000, only to lose to George W. Bush on disputed ballot counting in Florida which gave the state's electoral votes to Bush and with it, the presidency.  You can read more here.


Obama in Texas to Mark Two Year Anniversay to End of Iraq War - the President will visit Fort Bliss where he will conduct a roundtable discussion with service members and their families and also speak to the troops.  You can read more here.


Bernanke Hints At New Measures at Wyoming Conference - speaking at an annual monetary policy conference in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Federal Reserve chair Ben Bernanke indicated it is likley the Federal Reserve will take further actions to stimulate the labor market when it meets September 12-13.  You can read more here.


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Campaign Points Out Falsehoods in Ryan Speech - not to be left out, Stephanie Cutter, deputy campaign manager said “There is no delicate way to put this: last night Paul Ryan lied.” You can read more here.


Now It's Romney's Turn - a big night for the Republican Party as Mitt Romney will take the stage to deliver a pivotal speech.  For six years, Romney has been running for president and one of the constant drags against his rise in poularity is his lack of personality.  Whatever the mystical "it" is with politicians, which help them sway voters to their side, Mitt has never displayed "it".  Tonight, will be a huge test. You can read more here.


Consumer Spending Highest in 5 Months - some good news for the economy as unemplyment claims held steady.  You can read more here.


New Orleans Spared Major Damage From Isaac - some suburbs did experience major flooding as a result of storm surges creating flash flooding.  The flooding did not appear to be a result of damaged levees.  You can read more here.


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Ryan's Speech Full of Lies and Distortions

George Wenschhof

It is easier to appeal to a rabid base at a national convention when you do not tell the truth and that is exactly what Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) did last night.  Below, are links to some of the columns which appeared today pointing out the outright lies made by Ryan.

Top 5 Fibs in Ryan's Convention Speech  - has more here.

Mr. Ryan's Misleading Speech - The Washington Post has more here.

Paul Ryan -- fails the truth - by Jonathan Bernstein - read it here.

In Ryan Critique of Obama, Omissions help make the case - by Michael Cooper - read it here.

The Vacuum behind the slogans - The NY Times has more here.

Paul Tales - Ryan Misleads again and again - The Huffington Post has more here.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Maryland Governor O'Malley Criticizes Romney and Republican Governors on the Economy - responding to the first night speaches given by Republican Governors at the Republican Convention in Tampa, Democratic Governors Association chair Martin O'Malley criticized Mitt Romney's record on the economy.  You can watch it here.


Isaac Hits New Orleans - seven years to the day, Hurricane Katrina wrecked havoc to the area.  So far, there has been minor flooding with about 125,000 power outages reported.  Storm surges and flood threats are expected to remain throughout the day as the storm moves through the area.  You can read more here.


On to Day Two Of GOP Convention - Ann Romney was the big hit from the list of day one speakers.  Unfortunately, for Republicans, she is not the candidate.  The first night theme of "We did build this" fell mostly flat as did the stream of Republican Governors who spoke.  While, Republicans were hopeful the appearance of African American Artur Davis would help the Romney cause, he was received by viewers for what he is, a disgruntled party-switcher.  Chris Cillizza of The Washington Post shares his views of the first night here.

Tonight, the headline speach will be given by Representative Paul Ryan (Wis.).


Obama Campaign Voter Turnout Effort Way Ahead of Romney Campaign - a Wsahington Post/ABC News poll shows 20% of voters say they have been contacted by the Obama campaign compared to 13% for the Romney campaign.

In the 2008 campaign, 18% of voters said they had been contacted by the Obama campaign and 13% by the McCain campaign.  You can read more here.


Quayle Loses in Arizona Primary - as a result of redistricting, two Republican incumbent Representatives faced each other in the primary.  David Schweikert defeated Ben Qualye 53% - 47%.  Quayle is the 13th Republican incumbent Representative to lose in the primaries this cycle.  You can read more here.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Urges Caution As Isaac Bears Down on Gulf Coast -

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Only 41% Say Romney Understands Their Problems - the new poll by CBS News of registered voters says 54% feel President Obama understands their problems.  You can read more here.


Ann Romney To Try To Show Human Side of Mitt - a tall order for the wife of Mitt Romney as she delivers her speech tonight.  You can read more here.


Obama in Iowa and Colorado Today - two of the twelve swing states which will determine the outcome in November.  The president will welcome back students at Iowa State University and Colorado State University.  You can read more here.


Obama Leads Romney in Florida 50% - 46% - the CNN/Time poll shows the closeness in the state where the Republican Convention is being held.  Romney must win Florida to win in November.  You can read more here.


Republican Convention Day 1 Prime Time Speaker List:

7:00 PM ET: Reince Priebus, Rick Santorum, House Speaker John Borhner (R-Ohio)

8:00-10:00 PM ET: Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), Governors Nikki Haley (S.C.), Scott Walker (Wis.) and Brian Sandoval (Nev.)

10:00 PM ET: Ann Romney, Governor Chris Christie (N.J.)


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Monday, August 27, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof Releases New Ad "Stepping on The Middle Class"


Crist To Speak at Democratic Convention - former Republican Governor Charlie Crist, who endorsed President Obama in an op-ed in the Tampa Bay Times, will be a speaker at The Democratic convention next week.  You can read more here.

This reminds me of when independent Senator Joe Lieberman (Conn.), a former Democratic Senator, who caucuses with The Democrats, spoke at the 2008 Republican convention.


Trump Bumped From Republican Convention Speaker Lineup - due to the canceled events for today, Donald Trump will not be speaking at the convention.  You can read more here.


Things to Look For During Republican Convention - already thrown off message by Hurricane Isaac, Mitt Romney has to hope to define his message to all Republicans across the country this week. has a list of what to look for here.


Are Party Conventions Relevant Today? - today, the conventions have become a heavily scripted show for the political parties.  The NY Times has a series of op-eds on whether they should continue, here.

Tom Brokaw suggests a one day and one prime-time night would suffice.


Romney Can Not Win Without Florida - it doesn't take a mathematician to calculate the electoral vote and it is clear Mitt Romney must win Florida and it's 29 electoral votes in order to win in November.  It is no secret that is why Republicans chose to hold their national convention in Florida.

Over $110 million has been spent so far between the Obama and Romney campaigns and their supportive PACs.  You can read more here.


Romney 47% - Obama 46% in Latest National Poll - The Washington Post/ABC News survey showed the candidates tied at 47% in early July.  Obama maintains a huge lead over Romney in likability, 61%-27%.  You can read more here.


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Campaign Releases New Ad

It is entitled "Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: The Do-Over -".  Released one day before the Republican national convention, the Obama campaign said it is "presenting Americans with an epic cinematic preview of Mitt Romney's 'convention re-invention' - the Do-Over moment that voters have grown to expect - because they've seen this movie before."

The ad ends with the imaginary movie's rating: "Rated 'N' for 'Not gonna work.’"   You can read more here.


Republican Convention Cancels Monday Events - as Tropical Storm Isaac bears down on Tampa, Florida.  Vice President Joe Biden also canceled his scheduled speaking engagements in Florida due to the weather.

RNC chair Reince Priebus said the convention will convene on Monday to fornally nominate Mitt Romney as their presidential candidate and then adjorn until Tuesday.  You can read more here.


Former Florida Republican Governor Crist Endorses Obama - Charlie Crist, on the eve of the Republican National Convention being held in Tampa, Florida, says the Republican Party had moved too far to the extreme right.  His op-ed appeared in the Tampa Bay Times.

An excerpt: "As Republicans gather in Tampa to nominate Mitt Romney, Americans can expect to hear tales of how President Obama has failed to work with their party or turn the economy around.

But an element of their party has pitched so far to the extreme right on issues important to women, immigrants, seniors and students that they've proven incapable of governing for the people. Look no further than the inclusion of the Akin amendment in the Republican Party platform, which bans abortion, even for rape victims.

The truth is that the party has failed to demonstrate the kind of leadership or seriousness voters deserve."

You can read more here.


Obama Leads Romney 60%-30% on Women's Issues - the CNN poll shows On who is more "in touch with the problems facing middle class Americans," Obama leads 53 percent to 39 percent among likely voters and 58 percent to 33 percent among registered voters. Obama also leads on the question of who cares about "the needs of people like you" by 13 points among likely voters and 20 points among registered voters.  You can read more here.


October Presidential Debates Could Be Tipping Point - coming after the excitement of the two national political party conventions, the debates between President Obama and Mitt Romney are likely to be pivotal in determining the outcome of the November election.  President Obama is eager to engage Romney in those debates.  You can read more here.


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Cheat Sheet

George Wenschhof

The discussion will focus on the Republican Party Convention set to begin Monday in Tampa, Florida.

As one would expect, Fox News Sunday has Mitt Romney and his wife as their guests.

Republican National Committee chair, Reince Priebus will be on most of the morning "Talking Heads", trying to make the most out the upcoming convention and hoping Hurricane Isaac doesn't hit Tampa.

In spite of an national unemployment rate of 8% and an anemic economy, Mitt Romney, the Republican Party nominee to be, has been unable to gain a lead in the polls.  His selection of Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) resulted in the lowest, if any, bump in the ratings a presidential candidate has received since 1980.

The latest CNN nationwide poll showed Obama 49% and Romney 47%.

So, the Republicans have to be hoping for a bounce in the polls following the convention.  If not, the Republican Party will be in trouble as they head down the home stretch to the November election.

The scheduled guests for Sunday follow below.

NBC "Meet The Press" - Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Senator John McCain (R-Az.)

Roundtable with Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Jan Brewer, Mike Murphy and Chuck Todd

Look for sparks to fly between Brewer and Wasserman Schultz.

ABC "This Week" - Gov. Bob McDonnell (R-Va.) and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa (D) 

More sparks likely as McDonnell chairs the Republican Governors Association and Villaraigosa is chair of the Democratic Party Convention.

Roundtable with George Will, Rep. Donna Edwards (D-Md.), Jennifer Granholm, Mary Matalin and Greta Van Susteren.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Reince Priebus, Harley Barbour, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.)

Roundtable with Dan Balz, Peggy Noonan, Rich Lowry, Norah O'Donnell and john Dickerson

CNN "State of The Union" - Reince Priebus, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-Tex.), Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley (D) and Al Cardenas 

O'Malley may be  out numbered, but look to see him hold his ground

Fox News Sunday - Governor Mitt Romney and his wife Ann


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama debunks Republican rhetoric that he "raided" Medicare to fund the Affordable Care Act.

“We gave seniors deeper discounts on prescription drugs, and made sure preventive care like mammograms are free without a co-pay,” Obama said in his weekly White House address. “We’ve extended the life of Medicare by almost a decade and I’ve proposed reforms that will save Medicare money by getting rid of wasteful spending in the healthcare system and reining in insurance companies – reforms that won’t touch your guaranteed Medicare benefits. Not by a single dime.” 

“Republicans in Congress have put forward a very different plan,” Obama said. “They want to turn Medicare into a voucher program. That means that instead of being guaranteed Medicare, seniors would get a voucher to buy insurance, but it wouldn’t keep up with costs. As a result, one plan would force seniors to pay an extra $6,400 a year for the same benefits they get now. And it would effectively end Medicare as we know it.”


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Weekly Republican Address

George Wenschhof

Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.), delivering the weekly Republican address, continued the refrain of less spending and the need to reform entitlement spending.

Paul said there was a “war going on for the heart and soul of America.”

“As the president campaigns against those who succeeded, as the president vilifies those who employ millions of workers, he condemns the very system that made America great,” said Paul in the GOP weekly address on Saturday. “Today there is a war going on for the heart and soul of America, a war between those who believe in the American dream and those who cannot grasp what makes America great. “

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama and Romney Agree To Candidate Forums with Univision and Facebook - The forums, in a news release issued by Univision, are billed as the first-ever events in which candidates for the U.S. presidency will “directly address topics of importance to the Hispanic community.” The discussions will be in Spanish and English and topics will include “education and the future” of the country’s growing Hispanic population.   You can read more here.


Shooter Kills One, Injures Nine Others Near Empire State Building - the early reporting suggests the shooter was a disgruntled employee who had recently lost his job.  The shooter was killed by police officers.  NY City Mayor Bloomberg is scheduled to speak.  NBC has live updates here.

Look to see Mayor Bloomberg try to elevate gun control legislation into the presidential election debate.  He previously called for more legislation following the recent tragic shootings at the theater in Colorado.


Romney To Be Nominated By Republican Party Monday - the first night of the four day national Republican Convention in Tampa, Florida.  Traditioanally, the nomination comes the day before the acceptance speech, which Romney will give on Thursday.  You can read more here.


Nine States Remain Key to Election - It has come down to nine battleground states to determine the next president.  They are: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin.  The gauge on the electoral vote has it Obama 237 and Romney 191 with the nine states with 110 electoral votes too close to call.  270 electoral votes are needed to win the presidency.  You can read more here.


Gawker Website Publishes Bain Financial Documents - it seems the website has published 950 pages of internal audits and financial statements of 21 entities in which Mitt Romney had invested.  You can read more here.

Look to see these documents reviewed thoroughly by the Obama campaign.  Stay tuned.


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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Watch Clinton in New Obama Campaign Ad "Clear Choice"


Obama Ahead in Pa, Florida, Ohio and Wisconsin - in Pennsylvania, President Obama has opened up a 9 point lead over Mitt Romney; 49%-40%.  You can read more here.

Florida: Obama 49%, Romney 46%  Ohio: Obama 50%, Romney 44% Wisconsin: Obama 49%, Romney 47%.  You can read more here.


Less Than One-Third Voters in Florida, Ohio and Wisconsin Support Ryan's Medicare Plan - in more bad news for Republicans, a majority of the voters in these three swing states, want Medicare to stay as it is.  You can read more here. 


McCaskill Opens Up 10 point Lead Over Akin - the poll released by Rasmussen after Akin's remarks about women, rape and abortion shows Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill with 48% and Republican Representative Todd Akin with 38%.  You can read more here.


Tropical Storm "Isaac" On Track To Hit GOP Convention on Monday - despite the warnings of severe weather, the RNC says the convention will not be cancelled.  You can read more here.


Unemployment Claims Up 4,000 - the Labor Department report shows the economy remains sluggish.  With less than three months to go, it is unlikely uneployment numbers will drop significantly, before the general election You can read more here.


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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hecht Supports Rosapepe Bid For Maryland Comptroller

George Wenschhof
Former Frederick Democratic state delegate Sue Hecht is inviting friends to attend a meet and greet fundraiser for state senator Jim Rosapepe (D), who is considering a run for state comptroller in 2014.
The event will be held Thursday August 23 at a private home in The City of Frederick, Maryland on Thursday from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM ET.
Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot (D) is among a handful of Democrats seriously considering a run for Governor in 2014.  Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley (D), who is term limited, is rumored to have his eyes set on a White House bid in 2016.
In the email to Hecht supporters, Rosapepe says he is exploring a race for Maryland comptroller, if his friend Peter Franchot runs for Governor.
The email cited Rosapepe as a Maryland fiscal leader who vice chaired the Ways and Means Committee while a member of the House and has served as chair of the Joint Audit and Technology Committee as a member of the state senate.
Interestingly, Frederick state delegate Galen Clagett, has made it known he is not running for another term and is considering a run for state comptroller, also citing Franchot as a friend and saying he would run only if Franchot declared a run for Governor.
House Majority Leader Kumar Barve, a Democrat from Montgomery County is another who has said he will run for Comptroller if Franchot declares a bid for Governor.
The support of Sue Hecht for Jim Rosapepe illustrates, what has long been known in local Democratic circles, fellow Democrats Sue Hecht and Galen Clagett have not seen eye to eye on many issues.
Additional Democrats seriously considering a run for Governor include Lt. Governor Anthony Brown who has O’Malley’s support, Attorney General Doug Gansler and Howard county executive Ken Ulman.
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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

New Obama Campaign Ad Attacks Romney on Education


AP Poll: Obama 47% - Romney 46% - While, the national race is essentially a tie, President Obama maintains a 53% favorable/ 44% unfavorable split, while Mitt Romney has a 44% favorable/ 46% unfavorable split among registered voters.  You can read more here.


Brown Leads Warren 47.1% to 43.2% in Massachusetts Senate Race - the latest poll indicates Republican Senator Scott Brown increasing his lead over Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren.  Brown was the first to condemn Todd Akin on his remarks pertaining to women and rape and has since called on the Republican Party to chnage their nation platform, recognizing pro-choice.  You can read more here.


Akin To Hurt Republicans in House Races - Democrats are already using the comments made by Representative Todd Akin (R-Mo.) about women, rape and prenancy in close contests across the country.  Democrats are hoping this will aid them in their "Drive for 25" to regain a majority in the House.  You can read more here.


Ryan's Opposition To Abortion Similar to Akin's - Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the Republican running mate with Mitt Romney has sponsored 38 anti-abortion bills while a member of Congress, many of them without any exception for rape.  You can read more here.


NARAL Blasts Republican Convention Platform on Abortion - The Republican platform committee endorsed a constitutional amendment banning abortion. It does not give an exemption for terminating pregnancies that result from rape or incest.

The abortion-rights group NARAL Pro-Choice America today blasted anti-abortion language in the Republican Party's platform. And the group's president, Nancy Keenan, called on the Romney/Ryan ticket to "disavow" the language.  You can read more here.


More Women Speakers Announced For Democratic Convention -
(CNN)– Nine additional Democratic women, many with ties to specific voting blocks, will address the national convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, the Democratic National Convention Committee said Wednesday.
The list includes Rep. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin; Georgetown student Sandra Fluke; Caroline Kennedy; Lilly Ledbetter; Eva Longoria, a co-chair of the Obama campaign; former Assistant Veterans Affairs Secretary Tammy Duckworth; Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland and Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Action Fund.


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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Representative Todd Akin (R-Mo.) Asks For Forgiveness in New Ad - don't look for a lot of sympathy to result from this ad released for the Republican Senate candidate.  Republican leadership is pushing for Akin to withdraw from the race.  The deadline for withdrawal is 5:00 PM today.


Romney Campaign Leads Obama Campaign in Cash On Hand - with less than three months to go until the election, the Romney campaign reported having $185.9 million cash on hand as of the end of July.  The Obama campaign reported having $123.7 million cash on hand.  You can read more here.


Only 36% Support Ryan's Medicare Proposals - in more bad news for the Republican Party, a recent survey by Public Policy Polling shows 45% of registered voters oppose Representative Paul Ryan's proposed changes to Medicare.  You can read more here.


Obama Travels To Ohio and Nevada Today - the President will speak at two college campuses and focus on education.  You can read more here.


Georgia Primary Runoff and Wyoming Primary Today - will have the results here.


Conservative Group ALEC behind Voter ID Laws - the American Legislative Exchange Council has been tied to more than half of the 62 state voter ID laws introduced in 37 states over the last two years.  You can read more here.


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Monday, August 20, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Democratic Convention Speakers To Be Released Today - among the names to be announced are Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel, Senator John Kerry (Mass.), Governors deval Patrick (Mass.), John Hickenlooper (Col.) and Martin O'Malley (Md.).  Former Governors Ted Strickland (Ohio) and Tim Kaine (Va.) will also speak.  San Antonio mayor Julian Castro will deliver the keynote address. 

The convention begins September 4 in Charlotte, North Carolina. You can read more here.


Obama Campaign Begins Airing Radio Ads in Swing States - the ads are targeted at local issues in the battleground states which are key to winning the national election in November.  You can read more here.


Akin's Comments Damage Republicans - in a close presidential election, Representative Todd Akin (R-Mo.) comments yesterday on abortion, rape and women have knocked the headlines of Rep. Paul Ryan being named Romney's running mate and Vice President Joe Biden's recent gaffe off the front pages.  In the process, Akin has further eroded women support of the Republican ticket.  You can read more here.


Scott Brown Calls for Akin To Withdraw - Massachusetts Republican Senator Scott Brown, locked in a close race with Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren, called on Missouri Republican Senate candidate Todd Akin to withdraw following his controversial remarks about women and rape.  You can read more here.


GOP House Members Cause Embarassing Splash in Israel - seems during a fact-finding trip to Israel last summer, up to twenty Republican House members and their familes took a late night dip in the Sea of Galilee, one; Rep. Kevin Yoder (Kan.) without his clothes.  You can read more here.


U.N. Monitors Leave Syria - after, four months, it became clear the conflict was not close to ending and the agreed upon cease fire was never going to be implemented.  You can read more here.


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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama - Romney Contest Provides Clear Choice for Voters - "The race could offer voters the starkest choice since 1964, said Dennis Goldford, a professor of politics at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa.

That’s when Republican conservative Barry Goldwater, with his message of leaner government and more personal responsibility, challenged President Lyndon Johnson and his Great Society – and got trounced."  You can read more here.  ---

Obama in New Hampshire - one of a dozen battleground states.  the president will continue to hammer away at the Romney-Ryan ticket and how they would gut Medicare and their tax plan would hurt middle class families.  You can read more here.


Ryan Campaigns in Florida With His Mother - as he tries to persuade seniors he will protect Medicare.  You can read more here.


First Lady To Visit Families of Sikh Temple Shooting Victims - on Thursday, Michelle Obama will travel to Wisconsin.  You can read more here. 


Assad Makes First Public Apperance in a Month - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad appeared at a Mosque for the first public appearance since members of his inner circle were killed in a bomb attack.  You can read more here.


Drone Attacks Kill 13 in Pakistan - Over the last two days, three U.S. directed Drone attacks were responsible for the death of 13 militants.  This comes as attacks against u.S. soldiers in Afghanistan has increased.  You can read more here.


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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Cheat Sheet

George Wenschhof

Campaign surrogates have the spotlight on Sunday as they fan out among the morning "Talking Heads".  They will be joined by the anti-tax head spokesman; Grover Norquist.

NBC "Meet the Press"  it is a continuation of the battle between the chairs of the Democratic and Republican Governors Associations.  Martin O'Malley (D-Md.) squares off once again with Bob McDonnell (R-Va.).

Roundtable discussion will include Chuck Todd, E. J. Dionne, Peggy Noonan, Ted Cruz, Texas Senate Republican candidate and Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed (D).

ABC "This Week" - Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter goes head to head with Romney campaign senior adviser Kevin Madden.

Roundtable discussion with Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), Austan Goolsbee, Kimberley Strassel and Grover Norquist.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Rudy Giuliani, and Grover Norquist.

Roundtable discussion with John Dickerson, Jeff Zeleny, Nia Malika-Henderson and Carl Hulse.

CNN "State of The Union" - Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter, Romney campaign senior adviser Eric Fehrnstorm, and Rick Santorum.

Fox News Sunday - Obama campaign senior adviser Robert Gibbs and Romney campaign senior adviser Ed Gillespie. 

Bloomberg TV "Political Capital" - Grover Norquist


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama continues to push Congress to pass his jobs bill which would put teachers back to work.  Since, 2009, 300,000 education jobs have been lost due to cuts at the local and state level.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Representative Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) criticized Senate Democrats for failing to pass drought relief to help farmers and small businesses.  She also continued the call to extend the George W. Bush tax cuts for all.


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Friday, August 17, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Campaign Releases New Ad Saying Ryan's Plan Would Raise Cost for Seniors and Turn Medicare Into a Voucher Program.


World Business Leaders Say Obama Better Than Romney for Economy - the poll showed 42.7% of global business executives believed the economy would prosper better if President Obama won election in November.  Only 20.5% believed the economy would be better if Mitt Romney won.  You can read more here.


Consumer Sentiment Hits Highest Level in Three Months - the survey on consumer sentiment showed the levels wre the highest since May.  You can read more here.


Obama Campaign Chooses Van Hollen and Kerry for Debate Prep - Maryland Democratic Representative Chris Van Hollen and Massachusetts Senator John Kerry have been tapped to fill in as Rep. Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney as President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden prepare for the upcoming debates.  You can read more here.

CNN/ORC Poll Shows Obama Leads Romney By 4 Points in Wisconsin - the poll comes after the selection of Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney's running mate.  The Poll showed voters favored President Obama 49% to 45% for Mitt Romney.  You can read more here.


Romney Team Rejects Obama Campaign Offer To Settle Tax Questions - Obama campaign manager Jim Messina sent a letter to the Romney campaign saying they would stop questioning Mitt Romney's tax returns if he released five years of returns.  The offer was rejected by Romney campaign manager Matt Rhoads.  You can read more here.


Ryan Admits he Did Request Stimulus Money - this admission came after he was shown letters he had written asking for stimulus funds for a nonprofit in Wisconsin.  Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) had previously said he had never asked for stimulus funds.  You can read more here.


Federal Court Rules Florida Shortening of Early Voting Discriminates Against Blacks - the court ruled a Florida law that limits the number of early voting days in some counties can not be implemented because it would have an adverse impact on minorities.  You can read more here.


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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Ryan Pick Has No Impact On Presidential Race - the latest poll tracking voter preference following the selection of Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis) as Mitt Romney's running mate shows no impact.  You can read more here.


Ideology, Rather Than The Economy Becomes Focus of Presidential Campaign - with the pick of Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) as Mitt Romney's running mate, the focus has become on the choice of approaches over the future of Medicare, the popular health insurance program for retirees, and the role and scope of government.  The NY Times has a good read here.  


Economies Up in Swing States - in what could be an important barometer of the outcome of the presidential election in November.  Ten of fourteen battleground states where polls show a close race, have unemployment figures below the national average.  You can read more here.


Obama Up By 5 in Michigan, 6 in Pennsylvania - according to two released polls in these two pivotal swing states.  You can read more here and here.


DCCC Releases Ad Attacking Ryan's Medicare Plan - in their "Drive to 25" to regain the majority in the House, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee will be focused on Romney's running mate and his Medicare plan.  You can read more here.


Arizona Governor Brewer Refuses To Abide By White House Immigration Policy - a defiant Governor Jan Brewer signed an executive order to deny undocumented immigrants benefits under the new deferred action policy signed by President Obama.  You can read more here.


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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Ryan Provides Little Bounce for Romney - If the Republican presumptive nominee was expecting a bounce from his selection of Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) as his running mate, it has not happened.  So far, the bounce has registered below the average bounce the selection of a vice president has received in tracking done since 1984.  You can read more here.


First Lady Joins President Obama in Iowa - on the last day of a three day tour of this pivotal swing state.  You can read more here.


Ryan's Position on Abortion and women's Health Issues Will Hurt GOP Ticket in Swing States - One of the bills he co-sponsored would define human life as beginning at the moment of fertilization — a far-reaching approach that could limit access to contraception and procedures like in vitro fertilization. It’s similar to the “personhood” approach, which voters in deeply conservative Mississippi rejected last November.  You can read more here.


State Judge Won't Block Pennsylvania Voter ID Law - Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson’s 70-page order ruled that opponents of the law failed to establish “that disenfranchisement was immediate or inevitable.” The case will now go to an appeals court.  You can read more here.


Federal Court To Decide on Ohio Early Voter Law - another swing state where a Republican legislature has cut off early voting on the weekend prior to the election except for members of the military.  You can read more here.


Univision Calls for Latino Presidential Candidate Forum - in a letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates, Univision President Randy Falco points out the three presidential debates all have white moderators, in spite of the fact 20 million Hispanics will take part in determining the next president of the United States.  You can read more here.


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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Republicans Concerned Ryan Pick Could Cost Them House and Senate Seats - in the battle to retain control of the House and win the majority in the Senate, the Ryan selection as running mate with Mitt Romney is proving troublesome.  You can read more here.


Former Reagan Budget Director Calls Ryan's Budget Plan a Fairy Tale - In a NY Times`editorial, David Stockman, former Director of Office of Magaement and Budget from 1981-1985, says "Thirty years of Republican apostasy — a once grand party’s embrace of the welfare state, the warfare state and the Wall Street-coddling bailout state — have crippled the engines of capitalism and buried us in debt. Mr. Ryan’s sonorous campaign rhetoric about shrinking Big Government and giving tax cuts to “job creators” (read: the top 2 percent) will do nothing to reverse the nation’s economic decline and arrest its fiscal collapse."   You can read more here.


Ryan Opposed Debt Reduction Plan Romney Uses As a Model - Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) blocked passage of the 2010 Bowles-Simpson agreement while serving on the committee.  You can read more here.


No Palin, Christie Will Give GOP Keynote Address - the upcoming Republican convention will not feature Sarah Palin as a speaker.  Instead, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will give the keynote address.  You can read more here.


Florida, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Connecticut Hold Primaries Today - has a look at the Congressional races here.


Five Swing States Visited Today by Candidates - President Obama, Vice President joe Biden, Mitt Romney and Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) are in Iowa, Virginia, Ohio, Colorado and Nevada.  You can read more here. 


First Lady on The Tonight Show with Gabby Douglas


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Monday, August 13, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Only 39% Feel Ryan is a Pretty Good or Excellent Vice President Choice - the Gallup/Usa Today poll shows 42% feel Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) is a fair or poor choice.  You can read more here.

A lot of the focus initially on Ryan has been his controversial budget.  Sure to come from the Obama campaign is the lack of foreign policy experience from the Republican ticket.


Presidential Debate Moderators Named - the three presidential debates and one vice-president debate will be held in the month of October.
PBS's Jim Lehrer will host the first presidential debate on October 3 in Denver, Colo.

CNN's Candy Crowley will host the second, town-hall debate on October 16 in Hempstead,

N.Y. CBS's Bob Schieffer will host the third debate on October 22 in Boca Raton, Fla.

ABC's Martha Raddatz will host the vice presidential debate on October 11 in Danville, Ky.

You can read more here.


Obama To Announce $170 Million in Drought Relief - today, while visiting Iowa, President Obama will announce the Agriculture Department will purchase catfish, chicken, lamb and pork.  Obama also will continue to push Congress to pass the Farm Aid bill.  You can read more here.


House Oversight Committee to File Contempt Case Against Holder - today, as expected the committee will file a civil contempt suit against attorney general Eric Holder for his failure to release information pertaing to the failed "fast and furious' program.  You can read more here.


Egypt President Morsi Fires Generals - in the latest shake up in the newest democratic nation.  The top two military chiefs were removed in an attempt to consolidate power by Morsi.  You can read more here.


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Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Choice of Ryan by Romney, A Calculated Pick?

George Wenschhof

For Romney, his selection of Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) signals his battle with President Obama begins anew.

Romney, who has been dropping steadily in the polls, despite an unemployment rate hovering at eight per cent, needed someone with more charisma than himself, to refocus the debate on the economy.

Unable to shake attention from his failure to release additional personal tax returns and his dubious history with Bain Capital, Mitt Romney is hoping to focus voter attention on the economy, by choosing to cast his fate with his embrace of Paul Ryan and his austerity budget.

With Ryan and his proposed national budget, he gets just that.  Unfortunately, for Romney and Ryan, European politics of late clearly illustrate austerity measures similar to those proposed in the Ryan budget, have fared poorly among voters overseas.  A likely fate for the Republican party in the U.S. as well.

In addition to falling backward in national polls, Mitt Romney has consistently been significantly behind President Obama in the all important electoral college vote, where 270 are needed to win. electoral college count has it Obama 237 and Romney 191, with 110 undecided.

Over the next twelve weeks, the two campaigns will focus on nine states; Colorado(9), Florida(29), Iowa(6), Nevada(6), New Hampshire(4), North Carolina(15), Ohio(18), Virginia(13) and Wisconsin(10), which combined, make up the 110 undecided electoral votes.

For, the Romney campaign, they have to be hoping the pick of Ryan to be the running mate, brings home in November, enough of these states to win 79 of the 110 undecided electoral votes.

On the other side, the Obama campaign needs one-third of the remaining 110 undecided electoral votes for the President to be reelected.

The Obama campaign has already reacted swiftly, on the Romney vice president selection, with attacks on how the Ryan budget guts Medicare, a deliberate move to shore up the senior vote in Florida.  As, one can clearly see, from the numbers, Romney would have to win the remaining eight undecided states to win, a feat which is highly unlikely.

While, conservatives are giddy at the choice of Ryan as Romney's running mate, the pick may backfire and turn what is presently a close race for the presidency, into a rout by Obama.

The next twelve weeks will tell the story.  Stay tuned.


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