
Friday, July 13, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Clinton Says It is "Odd" Romney Will Not Release Tax Returns - appearing on NBC "Today"


Date Romney Left Bain Questioned - seems the Mitt Romney campaign says he left Bain Capitol in 1999, but Romney told Olympics official in 2002 he still maintained business ties.  Romney also continued to show up as CEO on corporate records. has more here.


JP Morgan Chase Loss Climbs to $5.8 Billion - almost three times the original estimate of $2 million from bad trades.  The Washington Post has more here. 

It is past time to reinstate the Glass Steagall Act and the Volcker Rule.


This Congress is The Worst Ever - Ezra Klein lists 13 reasons the 112th Congress is the worst ever in history.  He begins with the Republican led House voting 33 times to appeal the Affordable Care Act, somehow expecting a different result.  You can read more here.


Obama Visits Virginia Today - the president begins in Norfolk as he embarks on a two day bus tour across the state.  Virginia is an important swing state. has more here.


Will Romney Pick Condoleeza Rice as VP? - the latest buzz is she is among those on the short list in spite of her being pro-choice.  Many Republicans may think having an African American woman on the ticket will help Mitt Romney. Rice has repeatedly said she is not interested.  You can read more here.


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