
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Why is Romney Hiding The Rest of His Tax Returns? - is the latest ad released by the Obama campaign.


Obama/Romney Tied at 47% - among registered voters in a new poll released by ABC News/Washington Post.  The poll shows while a majority of voters are disatisfied with the economy, they are not voting for Mitt Romney.  You can read more here.


House Republicans To Hold Repeal Vote on Health Care - tomorrow, with the vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act, Republicans hope to elevate this issue into the presidential campaign.  Even though, it is highly unlikely the measure will pass in the Senate. has more here.


Obama To Iowa, Romney to Colorado - keys swing states to both campaigns.  The electoral votes in both states are key to getting to the magic 270 needed to win the presidency. has more here.


Berkley Ethics Inquiry To begin - The Democratic Representative from Nevada will face an investigation as to whther she did anything wrong when she fought to block the closing by a federal agency of a medical facility where her husband worked.  Shelley Berkley is facing Republican Senator Dean Heller, who replaced Republican Senator John Ensign who resigned after his own ethics scandal.  You can read more here.


Rangel declared Winner in Hotly Conested NY Democratic Primary - the embattled long term Representative, Charles Rangel won by about 1,000 votes after absentee ballots were counted. has more here.

Rangel is expected to win wasily in November in a heavily favored Democratic district.


Defiant Egyptian Parliament Meets - despite a court order to disband and military opposition, the newly elected parliament met today and voted to appeal the court ruling.  The NY Times has more here.


Spain To get First Installment of $100 Billion Bail Out - Euro Zone leaders agreed to send $37 Billion to Spain which will they hope will be approved by the numerous finance ministers by July.  The BBC has more here.  Is Italy next?


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