
Friday, June 29, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Supreme Court Upholds "Individual Mandate" - and with it, the 5-4 decision affirmed the Affordable Care Act.  The only partial victory which can be claimed by Republicans is the court said states could not be forced to extend medicaid coverage, by using the threat they would lose federal funding if they did not.  You can read more here. adds their "6 Takeaways" here.

Paul Krugman in The NY Times writes "the Real Winners" here.

Eugene Robinson's column "Obama's Great Achievment" can be read here.

The Washington Post editorial "A ruling that's good for the country"


House Vote on Contempt for Holder Illustrates a Broken Congress - no one should wonder why Congressional approval stands at 17% today.  This partisan action taken under the direction of Representative Darrell Issa (R-Calf.) will only result in a long drawn out affair with no outcome coming prior to the November election. Meanwhile, voters are asking what Congress is doing to create jobs and improve the economy.  Chris Cillizza adds his thoughts here.


Obama Maintains Electoral Vote Lead - with a little over four months before the November election, President Obama has 221 electoral votes and Mitt Romney has 181.  There are 11 states still up for grabs with a total of 136 electoral votes.  270 electoral votes are needed to win.  Real Clear Politics has more here.


European Leaders Agree on Bail Out Action - in a move which should help worldwide financial markets, agreement was reached on helping struggling banks directly, without adding debt directly to countries.  The NY Times has more here.


Secretary of State Clinton in Russia as Syrian Violence Continues - Hillary Clinton will meet with her Russian counterpart; Sergie Lavrov prior to an emergency UN meeting in Switzerland on Saturday concerning the escalating fighting in Syria. has more here.


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