
Monday, March 12, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama's Approval Drops -
as gasoline prices climb, the President's approval rating has dropped, according to a new Washington Post/ABC News poll.

Overall approval has dropped to 46% with 50% disapproving. Only 26% approve of the way Obama is handling gas prices. The Washington Post has more here.


Time For U.S. to Leave Afghanistan -
60% say it is time to leave Afghanistan in a new poll conducted by ABC News/Washington Post. ABC News has more here.


Alabama and Mississippi Primaries to be Close -
new Public Polling Policy surveys shows Mitt Romney with 31% in Alabama, closely followed by Newt Gingrich at 30% and Rick Santorum at 29%. The poll has a margin of error of 4 points, so it is a three way tie.

In Mississippi, Gingrich was leading with 33%, Romney at 31% and Santorum at 27%.

Rep. Ron Paul (Tex.) received 8% in both states.

Public Policy Polling has more here.


More Syrian Civilians Killed in Homs -
the government crackdown on dissidents continues after an unsuccessful visit by U.N.-Arab League Envoy Kofi Annan to broker peace over the weekend. has more here.


Israeli Air Strikes Hit Gaza Again -
making the fourth day straight Israel has targeted rocket launching sites from Gaza. 21 have been reported killed and 75 wounded in the attacks. Over 100 rockets have been fired into Israel from Gaza over the same period. has more here.


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