
Friday, February 10, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

White House To Address Insurance "Contraception Rule" -
amidst the turmoil following rules announced by HHS, requiring religious organizations to provide insurance for employees which cover birth control. Republican Leaders as well as some leading Democrats objected to the decision.

ABC News is reporting that today, an "accommodation", not a compromise, will be offered, by perhaps the President himself this afternoon. ABC News has more here.


CPAC Begins Today -
three days of Conservatives paradise with Santorum, Romney and Gingrich all speaking today. The straw poll conducted by the Conservative Political Action Conference will be announced Saturday afternoon. The Washington Examiner has more here.


Turmoil Continues in Greece Over Bail Out Plan -
Greek workers are striking against proposed austerity measures required to secure financial backing from the European Union. The vote in Parliament on the proposed bailout package will take place on Sunday or Monday. has more here.


Bachus Under Investigation For Insider Trading Violations - House Financial Services Committee chair Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.) is being investigated by the Office of Congressional Ethics. has more here.


Joe Kennedy III Clears Field in Race For Barney Frank Seat -
looks like the Kennedy name is still magic in Massachusetts. The latest poll shows the young attorney son of ex-Representative Joe Kennedy (D-Mass.) received 60% of the vote over his likely Republican challenger Sean Bielat who received 28%. has more here.


Pakistan Supreme Court Rejects Prime Minister Gilani Appeal -
the country beset with leadership problems involving the military, the courts and the government is now facing their Prime Minister being removed from office and possibly facing jail time for refusing to reopen corruption charges against President Zardari. The Washington Post has more on the latest developments here.


Explosions hit City of Allepo, Syria -
two targets associated with the military and police were struck, killing at least 25 and injuring over 175. This latest violence coming as Syrian troops continue their siege of the city Homs in their attempt to crack down on dissidents. The NY Times has more here.


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