
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Romney Wins Michigan and Arizona -
the serious challenge in Michigan by Rick Santorum fell short. The 3 point win by Mitt Romney in Michigan coupled with a convincing win in Arizona, put a stop to the recent surge by the Santorum campaign.

After Tuesday's primaries, with 8 Michigan delegates still to be awarded, the delegate count is Romney-163, Santorum-83, Gingrich-32 and Paul-19.

Up next is a not so Super Tuesday, where 11 states with a total of 419 delegates will hold primaries. has more here.


Oympia Snowe Retirement - A Pick Up For Democrats? -
The moderate Republican Senator, citing the partisan gridlock, said she will not run for a fourth term. She is the only woman to have served in both Houses of the state legislature as well as Congress. The Washington Post has more here.


Will Kerrey Run in Nebraska? -
the retirement of Senator Ben Nelson (D) had many believing this seat was now a sure pick up for Republicans. Spoiling that view would be the entry into the race by former Democratic Senator Bob Kerrey. has more here.


Obama Hosts Lunch with Congressional Leaders Today -
hopeful, a luncheon at the White House will result in consensus on legislative priorities to help in job creation, especially in the area of small business. has more here.


U.N. Renews Effort for Syrian Resolution as Violence Continues -
government troops began a ground assault on the city of Homs after nearly a month long siege and bombardment. The U.N. is continuing to efforts to pass a resolution calling for a transition from the Assad governement. has more here.


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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Michigan and Arizona vote Today -
Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are locked in a close struggled to win Michigan and Romney is expected to win Arizona. Most polls in Michigan close at 8:00 PM ET and in Arizona at 9:00 PM ET. You can get live results tonight from here.


Romney Blasts Santorum Over Robo Calls to Democrats -
Rick Santorum, doing whatever it takes to win the open primary in Michigan, is calling Democrats, asking for their vote. Romney called the recorded message "outrageous and disgusting." has more here.


Romney Favorability Drops Among Conservatives -
a new ABC News/Washington Post poll shows only 38% of those who consider themselves very conservative support Mitt Romney. Rick Santorum receives 60% from the same group.

Overall, among conservatives, Romney receives a 40% favorability rating. has more here.

Former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm has a good read in today on how the Republican move to the far right is helping Democrats. You can read it here.


New York Cities Borrowing from Pension Funds To Pay For It -
a NY Times report shows how many cities in New York are borrowing from the Pension Funds to pay for the escalating costs of the Pensions. Across the state over 750 million was borrowed and 1 billion more is expected next year. You can read more here.


More Atrocities Discovered in Syria -
just outside the city of Homs, under bombardment by President Assad forces, 64 bodies of men were found dumped. Apparently, they were gunned down by government forces as they attempted to leave the city. The Washington Post has more here.


U.S. - Egypt Struggle to Find Solution To Americans on Trial -
the presence of non governmental agencies (NGOs) in Egypt and their pro democracy effort has resulted in Americans being put on trial. Under intense pressure by the U.S., including the threat of losing the annual 1.3 billion in military aid, the trial has been suspended until April. has more here.


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Monday, February 27, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Romney and Santorum Tied in Michigan -
in a Mitchell Research poll released one day before the primary tomorrow, Rick Santorum received 37% and Mitt Romney 35%, a statistical tie. You can read more here.

Republican strategists believe a Romney loss, in his home state, would be devastating to his campaign and led to further and intense effort to encourage another candidate to enter the race, as they believe Santorum can not win a nationwide battle against Obama.


Santorum Assails Education and the Separation of Church and State -
adding to the fears Republican strategists have if Santorum became the Republican Party nominee. The Washington Post has more here.


12 Swing States likely To Determine Election -
a poll released by USA Today/Politico illustrates why they call them swing states. The electorate is split with President Obama in a statistical tie with both Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum.

Take note: Voters in the swing states weighed in on the new federal health care law with 53% thinking it was a bad thing and 38% thinking it was a good thing.

You can read more here.


GOP Campaigning Helping Obama Approval Ratings -
in a poll released by politico/George Washington University, President Obama has had his approval rating increase to 53%, up 9 points over the last four months.

Nationwide, among most likely voters, Obama leads Romney 53%-43%, Obama 53%-Santorum 42%, Obama 50%-Generic Republican 45%

Take Note: the Generic Republican fares better against Obama than either Romney or Santorum.

You can read more here.


Who is Funding Those T.V. Political Ads? -
as part of an overall effort toward reign in runaway campaign fund raising, online disclosure is being pushed. Currently, TV broadcasters are only required to keep a paper trail at their corporate headquarters. Efforts to require online disclosure join efforts to improve disclosure of super PACs and SEC rules to require corporation to disclose to shareholders their political contributions. has more here.


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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Maryland Sixth District Race Heats Up

George Wenschhof

The mudslinging directed at some of the Democratic candidates is earnest as the Maryland April 3 primary nears.

Reports surfaced recently showing Democratic candidate John Delaney contributed to Republican Congressman Andrew Harris who defeated incumbent Democrat Frank Kratovil in the 2010 first district congressional race.

Revelations Democratic state senator Rob Garagiola may have violated state ethics law regarding failure to report financial income followed last week.

A rampant rumor mill adds the newly drawn sixth district was designed for Garagiola and that Delaney, a wealthy businessman, who has contributed significant personal finances to his campaign, is trying to buy the seat.

These disclosures are but a part, of the silliness currently taking place in the Democratic primary. The efforts designed to conjure up flights of imagination and distract from the candidate’s positions on the important issues facing voters in the newly configured sixth district.

The redrawn district was designed, with the help of state Democratic leaders, with one thing in mind - to replace 20 year ineffective incumbent Republican Representative Roscoe Bartlett.

The 42,000 voter registration edge for Democrats is the result of the redistricting mandated every ten years by the U.S. constitution. The Democratic voter advantage was achieved by combining portions of Montgomery County with Western Maryland and removing portions from the former sixth district which have heavy Republican voter registration.

All of which bolsters an argument state legislatures should appoint bi-partisan committees to draw redistricting maps every ten years.

Perhaps, if all states would adopt this method; a suggestion offered by Rob Garagiola during a recent interview, this would aid in reducing the acrimony and gridlock which currently exists in the House contributing to the historic low (10%) approval rating Congress receives today.

A look at recent voter registration numbers in the new district reveals the following: Democrats -183,051, Republicans – 140,969, and Unaffiliated/Other – 89,602.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize this is now a race Republicans can only win by maintaining their Republican base, drawing a majority from the “Unaffiliated/Other” voters and receiving significant defections from Democratic voters.

The Maryland April 3 primary is rapidly approaching and Western Maryland Democrats, long forgotten and accustomed to being voters from the wilderness, have five Democratic challengers from which to choose.

The Democratic candidates are state senator Rob Garagiola, John Delaney, Milad Pooran, Charles Bailey and Ron Little.

Republicans, perhaps wary their ten term 86 year old Congressman, had overstayed his welcome, have eight candidates in the race.

The Republicans are incumbent Roscoe Bartlett, state senator David Brinkley, state delegate Kathy Afzali, Robin Ficker, Brandon Rippeon, Joseph Krysztoforski, Peter James and Robert Coblentz.

Democrats across the sixth district are rejoicing over the Republican challenge Bartlett is receiving, confident it signals the end of his time in office.

Republicans are gleeful and perhaps even behind, the allegations circulating in the Democratic primary hopeful disgruntled Democratic supporters of the losing candidates will vote Republican in the General Election.

It remains to be seen if Democrats learned their lesson from 20 years ago, when a divided party, upset over the negative attacks used by Thomas Hattery to defeat long term incumbent Representative Beverly Byron in the primary, contributed to the upset victory achieved by Republican Roscoe Bartlett.

Lost to the voter, is the serious debate on the important issues. For instance, how a candidate will bring jobs to Western Maryland; an area of the state long neglected, is more important than personal gossip.

It is past time to replace Roscoe Bartlett and Democratic candidates would be wise to keep their eyes on the prize and focus on what they will do for voters in the district.

Sixth district voters deserve better representation and only need to be reminded of the underwhelming 20 year career of Bartlett, totally void of any significant accomplishment.

Democratic voters across the district should focus on candidate positions on the issues and not be distracted by the personal attacks; keeping in mind there is more that unites Democrats than divides them.

And, for sixth district Republicans, as a result of the redistricting, the sad reality is; the Democratic Party “Drive for 25” to regain a majority in the House is now likely a “Drive for 24”.

Watching the sixth district race unfold, I’m reminded of the phrase uttered by Will Rogers – “I’m not a member of any organized party, I’m a Democrat.”

Stay Tuned.


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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

Prior, to Tuesday's primaries in Michigan and Arizona, Mitt Romney will appear on Fox News Sunday. Rick Santorum, who is closely battling Romney in the polls in both states, will appear on NBC "Meet The Press" and ABC "This Week".

Governors from across the country dominate the rest of the morning shows with appearances by Mitch Daniels (R-Ind.), Martin O'Malley (D-Md.), Chris Christie (R-N.J.), Scott Walker (R-Wis.), John Hickenlooper (D-Col.), Jerry Brown (D-Calf.), Deval Patrick (D-Mass.), Rick Snyder (R-Mich.) and Jan Brewer (R-Ariz.).

Rising gas prices at the pump, and what to do about it, should receive discussion along with the continuing crisis in Syria.

Below, is a quick video preview from, followed by my list of the scheduled guests on the Sunday morning "Talking Heads".

NBC "Meet The Press" - Rick Santorum, Governors Jerry Brown (D-Calf.) and Jan Brewer (R-Ariz.).

Roundtable with Kathleen Parker, Harold Ford Jr., Steve Schmidt and Chuck Todd.

ABC "This Week" - Rick Santorum, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R), a Romney backer and Gov. Deval Patrick (D-Mass.), a supporter of President Obama.

Roundtable with George Will, Cokie Roberts, and former Governors of Michigan; Jennifer Granholm (D) and JohnEngler (R).

CBS "Face The Nation" - Governors Chris Christie (R-N.J.) and Martin O'Malley (D-Mass.). Also, former senator Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.), a Romney supporter. Look to see same-sex marriage be discussed as both N.J. and Maryland passed legislation last week. O'Malley championed the passage and Christie vetoed the bill.


CNN "State of The Union" -
Former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.). Governors John Hickenlooper (D-Col.) and Scott Walker (R-Wis.).


Fox News Sunday -
Mitt Romney and Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels (R).


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama said there was no "silver bullet" for bringing down gas prices and stressed the need for a comprehensive approach in developing energy and reducing consumption.

The president points out that today America is producing more oil today than at any other time in the last eight years. Obama added that in 2010, America's dependence on foreign oil was under 50% for the first time in over ten years.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Tex.) criticizes the Democratic controlled senate for blocking bills passed by the House that would aid job creation.

She also blames President Obama for the slowdown in exploration of domestic oil and gas which has contributed to the rising cost of gasoline.


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Friday, February 24, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Maryland Becomes 8th State to Approve Same-Sex Marriage -
both the vote in the House last week and the Senate yesterday were close, passing by one vote over the majority needed. Governor Martin O'Malley (D), who had put the weight of his office behind the proposal, will sign the bill, will will go into effect January 2013, next week. Meanwhile, opponents will petition to force a statewide referendum in the General election this year. The Washington Post has more here.


Virginia Controversial Anti-Abortion Bill Tabled -
the furor that erupted from the bill requiring women to have a ultrasound performed prior to an abortion ended any hopes for passage. Governor McDonnell (R) had originally supported the bill, but withdrew his support as details came forward on the bill, including the requirement a vaginal probe be used tom determine the age of a fetus. You can read more here.


Afghanistan Demands NATO Put on Trial Koran Burners -
the demand comes as thousands demonstrate against the inadvertent burning of the Koran by NATO personnel. President Obama sent a letter of apology to Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai. has more here.


Syrian Opposition Faces Lack of Organization - as international outrage intensifies over the brutal crackdown by the Assad regime, the NY Times has a good read here on how the opposition is made up of many separate and distinct groups.


Clinton Heads To "Friends of Syria Conference" -
held in Tunisia, international leaders will be discussing how to aid the opposition forces in Syria. The BBC News has more here.


Comedian Bill Maher to Donate One Million To Obama Super-Pac -
he made the announcement yesterday. The donation will be made to Priorities USA Action. has more here.


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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Candidates Fall Flat in GOP Debate -
the spotlight is on Republican candidates and they continue to stumble. Not one of the four remaining candidates stood out in the debate last night. A poor exhibition sure to stoke the already growing feeling a new candidate is needed by the Republican party.

I suspect Mitt Romney won by default, Rick Santorum was horrible, Paul was just Paul and I could not get past the constant shifty eye movement displayed by New Gingrich to even want to listen to what he had to say.

The Obama reelection campaign continues to smile.

6 takeaways from here.


National Debt Increases Under 3 GOP Presidential Candidates Proposed Budgets - an independent review by U.S. Budget Watch shows only Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) proposed tax cuts and reduction in government spending would result in lowering the deficit. The Washington Post has more here.


Unemployment Claims Unchanged From last Week -
remaining at the lowest levels since March 2008, according to figures released by the Labor Department. has more here.


Obama To Address Rising Gas Prices Today - the President will speak at the University of Miami and promote the energy policies of his administration.

A well intention speech and one that will spell out future direction for the country in the area of energy development and consumption.

However, with the average cost of gas per gallon at $3.58, more direct action will be needed to satisfy American voters and to ensure a weak economic recovery does not stall.

You can read more here.


Federal Judge Rules DOMA Unconstitutional -
U.S. District Court Judge Jeffrey White ruled the part of the Defense of Marriage Act which prohibits federal payments to same-sex spouses to be unconstitutional.

The Obama administration and Justice Department refused to defend this case, saying it was unconstitutional, leading Congress to hire lawyers to defend the case. has more here.


Shelling of Homs Enters 20th Day in Syria -
international outrage is growing as President Assad continues a brutal bombardment on the city Homs, where dissidents are holed up. The NY Times has more here.


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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

GOP Debate Tonight -
beginning at 8:00 PM ET on CNN. The first debate in a month and comes as Romney is battling a surging Santorum with the Michigan and Arizona primaries being held in less than a week. has more here.


Romney Leads in Michigan and Arizona -
NBC News/ Marist polls show Mitt Romney ahead of Rick Santorum in both states who hold their primaries on Feb. 28. The Michigan numbers: Romney 37%, Santorum 35%, Paul 13% and Gingrich 8%. Arizona: Romney 43%, Santorum 27%, Gingrich 16% and Paul 11%. has more here.


Obama Beats All GOP Candidates with Over 50% -
a new poll released by the Associated Press/GfK shows the President beating all of the Republican candidates: Obama 51% - Romney 43%, Obama 52%-Santorum 43%, Obama 52%-Gingrich 42%, Obama 53%-Paul 44%. has more here.


Obama Campaign Announces National Co-Chairs -
absent of a primary challenge, the Obama campaign continues to ramp up for the election year with the announcement of national chairs. Senators, Representatives, Mayors and community leaders make up the list you can read here.


Obama to Propose Lowering Corporate Tax Rate to 28% -
this is down from the current rate of 35% and would include closing a number of loopholes. has more here.


U.N. Nuclear Inspections in Iran Fail -
the latest attempt to verify the nuclear development program underway in Iran is for peaceful purposes only, has failed. has more here.


Violence Erupts in Afghanistan Over Burning of Koran -
the U.S. Embassy in Kabul is on lockdown, resulting from the inadvertent burning of the Koran at a UN base. The Washington Post has more here.


Syrian Shelling of Homs Kills Two Western Journalists -
President Assad continues the bombardment of the city Homs, a refuge for dissidents. The shelling resulting in the deaths of two journalists covering the insurrection. The NY Times has more here.


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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Super Pacs Dominate Republican Presidential Campaigns -
interestingly, two super political action committees supporting Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich combined raised 17 million and spent 24 million last month, more than the political candidate committees. Time to revisit the "Citizens United" decision. You can read more here.


Greece Secures 170 Billion Bail Out -
after agreeing to severe austerity measures, Greece finally received agreement from European finance ministers on a 172 billion loan. The NY Times has more here.


Romney Campaign Spends 3 Times More Than It Raised in January -
the Mitt Romney campaign spent big in January, finance reports indicate. has more here.


Sen. McCain Optimistic on Outcome of Americans Facing Charges in Egypt -
McCain was in Egypt meeting with military and government officials working to find a solution to the 19 Americans facing charges in Egypt. has more here.


Siege of Homs continues in Syria -
President Assad, refusing to bow to international pressure, kept up the attack on the city of Homs, intent on crushing dissent. has more here.


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Monday, February 20, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

I.A.E.A. in Iran For Inspections -
as Iran announces it will halt oil shipments to Britain and France. The question is whether the inspectors will be allowed access to all of the sites to determine if the nuclear programs are for peaceful purposes only. has more here.


Romney Pulls Within 4 Points of Santorum in Michigan -
with the margin of error being 4 points, Public Policy Polling has it Rick Santorum 37% and Mitt Romney 33%, a statistical tie. has more here.


GOP Presidential Candidates Debate Wednesday -
beginning at 8:00 PM ET in Arizona and televised on CNN. has a preview of the debate here.


Polls Shows Putin Leading in Russian Race for President -
with the March 4 election rapidly approaching a state poll shows Vladimir Putin with 58.6%. Gennady Zyuganov is second with only 14.8%. has more here.


The Man Behind The Obama Message -
David Plouffe emerged as a premier adviser when Obama won the 2008 election. Now, he sets the message coming from the White House. The NY Times has a good read here.


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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

DCCC Raises 6 Million in January -
the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee reported it was the highest amount ever raised in the month of January. They also reported 13.1 million cash on hand and no debt. Democrats need to capture a plus 25 seats in the house to gain a majority. You can read more here.

The National Republican Congressional Committee reported 4.8 million in January with 17.6 million cash on hand.


Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Receives Democratic Party Support -
the incumbent who is receiving a challenge in the Democratic primary next month in Illinois remains under a ethics investigation surrounding whether Jackson used public funds to promote his appointment to the vacant Obama senate seat. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) and the DCCC have endorsed Jackson. has more here.


Arizona Sheriff Resigns As Romney Co-Chair Amid Allegations -
not the news Mitt Romney wants as he faces a surging Rick Santorum in his battles for the Republican Party nomination. Sheriff Paul Babeu, who is gay, denies he threatened a former gay lover with deportation if he talked about their relationship. has more here.


Conservatives Focus on Voting Rights Act -
a landmark piece of legislation designed to protect minorities. has a good read here on efforts underway to overturn or diminish the 1965 law.


Santorum Raises Issue of Faith -
during a campaign speech yesterday, Rick Santorum suggested President Obama leads based on a theology different than the Bible. The statement left people wondering if he was suggesting the president was not a Christian. has more here.


Iran Halts Oil Sales To U.K. -
as tensions persist amid the further development of nuclear weapons by Iran. Iran announced they would end sales of crude oil to French and British companies ahead of what was expected to be a ban from the European union on purchasing oil from Iran. has more here.


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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

Expect most of the discussion Sunday morning to be focused on the proposed budget submitted by President Obama earlier in the week and the ongoing battle for the Republican Party nomination for president.

What should receive attention is the passage of same-sex marriage bills in New Jersey and Maryland this week. New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie responded with a veto of the legislation, while Maryland Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley focused his energy on corralling the necessary votes to ensure passage. Maryland and New Jersey became the 8th and 9th states to pass same-sex marriage.

Look to see the controversy surrounding health insurance and women's contraception also be discussed. Republicans did not help their position with women with their stance on the issue. Andrea Mitchell is on NBC "Meet the Press". So, look for her to further discuss the "joke" made by Santorum financial backer Foster Friess about women using "an aspirin between their legs" for birth control.

The ongoing turmoil in Afghanistan and the upheaval in Syria deserves discussion along with the continued threat of Iran developing nuclear weapons.

Below is a list of the programs and their scheduled guests.

NBC "Meet The Press" - Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.)

Roundtable with Ed Gillespie, Al Hunt, Helene Cooper and Andrea Mitchell

ABC "This Week" - Sen. John McCain (R-Az.) and former W.H. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.

Roundtable with George Will, Jonathan Karl, Lou Dobbs, Dee Dee Myers and Clarence Page

CBS "Face The Nation" - Rick Santorum

Roundtable with Norah O'Donnell, John Dickerson, Karen Tumulty and Todd Spangler.

CNN "State of The Union" - Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.), Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) and rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.). Former CIA director Michael Hayden and Ed Walker, former ambassador to Egypt and Israel. Also, Howard Schultz, CEO Starbucks.

Fox News Sunday - Newt Gingrich and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.)


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama talks about the steps being taken to strengthen American manufacturing and create jobs.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wa.) criticizes the budget proposed by President Obama and promotes the Republican plan which reduces government spending and reduces regulations on small businesses.


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Friday, February 17, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Raises 29 Million in January -
for his campaign and the national Democratic Party. The total raised in this campaign cycle is 250 million. The campaign said 98% of the January contributions were $250 or less. has more here.


Same-Sex Marriage Passes in New Jersey, Maryland Vote Nears -
the New jersey Assembly vote was 42-33 and Republican Governor Chris Christie promised a veto which would require a two-thirds vote to override. The NY Times has more here.

Meanwhile, Maryland Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley is still lining up votes in the Maryland House to make Maryland the ninth state to legalize gay marriage. 71 votes are needed in the 140 member House. The vote could come today. The Baltimore Sun has more here.


Friess Comments Highlight GOP Disconnect With Women Voters -
the "aspirin between the knees" comment by a prominent financial backer of Rick Santorum displays the why Republicans have trouble winning over the women vote.

The comment brought swift reaction from women;s advocacy groups. has more here.

CNN Cancels March 1 GOP Debate -
when three of the four remaining candidates said they would not be attending. Only, Newt Gingrich had responded he would participate in the Georgia debate. Super Tuesday is March 6. The Washington Post has more here.


Polls Inconclusive in Warren-Brown Massachusetts Senate Race -
in a closely watched race, Democrats want to win. Senator Scott Brown (R) has a 9 point lead over Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren in the latest poll. Previous polls had Warren with 7 and 3 point leads over Brown. You can read more here.


Payroll Tax Extension Adds 89.3 Billion to Deficit -
over the next ten years, according to the Congressional Budget Office. The deal is expected to pass the House and Senate, as early as today. You can read more here.


Chinese Envoy Heads To Syria -
this follows the U.N. vote calling for President Assad to step down. has more here.


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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Jobless Rates Lowest Since 2008 -
the Labor Department reported claims dropped 13,000 last week to the lowest level since March 2008. The NY Times has more here.


Obama Approval Rating Back to 50% -
in a CNN/ORC International poll, the President hit 50% for the first time in over eight months. has more here.


President Obama Leads Republican Field in 10 Swing States -
in a Fox News poll, Mitt Romney fared the best against the President in these states, but still trails 47%-39%. Fox News has more here.


Santorum Edges Romney in Latest Michigan Poll -
The Detroit News poll shows Rick Santorum with 34%, Mitt Romney with 30.4%, Newt Gingrich 11.4% and Rep. Ron Paul 8.9%. The margin of error was 4.4%. The primary will be held on February 28. The Detroit News has more here.

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder endorsed Mitt Romney today in an editorial appearing in the Detroit News - read it here.


GM Made 7.6 Billion in 2011 -
the highest profit ever recorded for the company with earnings up 62% from 2010. has more here.


Joe Kennedy III Makes it Official -
of his, not so secret, run for the open seat in Massachusetts resulting from the retirement of Rep. Barney Frank (D).


Redistricting May Cost Kucinich his Seat in Ohio -
Rep. Dennis Kucinich is having to battle fellow Democratic Rep. Marcy Kaptur in a newly drawn district that favors Kaptur. The primary will be held March 6. has more here.


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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama in Wisconsin Today to Tout Jobs -
interestingly, greeting him at Milwaukee airport will be Republican Governor Scott Walker. The President will visit a unionized Master Lock plant that is running at full capacity for the fist time in 15 years. has more here.


Deal Near On Payroll Tax Extension -
along with an extension of unemployment benefits and Medicare payment rates for doctors. 50 million in cuts to the federal deficit will be attached to the bill. The Washington Post has more here.


Democrats from Red States Critical of Obama's Budget -
The proposed 3.8 trillion budget has the support of most Democrats, but many from Red states are questioning the 1.33 trillion deficit and say the reduction to a 901 billion deficit in 2013 is not enough. has more here.


Euro Zone May delay Bail-Out Deal with Greece -
concern over the political stability of Greece has Euro zone countries pondering delaying part or all of the bail out package until after elections in Greece are held in April. has more here.


Santorum Leads Romney in Michigan Poll -
a Mitchell/Rosetta Stone poll has Rick Santorum at 34%, Mitt Romney at 25%, Ron Paul 11% and Newt Gingrich 5%. 25% of the voters remain undecided. has more here.


Syrian President Assad Sets Date For Referendum -
on a new constitution for February 26. Meanwhile, government forces continue their violent crackdown on dissent across Syria. The NY Times has more here.


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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Santorum Edges Romney in Latest National Poll -
a CBS/NY Times poll has rick Santorum at 30%, Mitt Romney at 27%, Rep. Ron Paul (Tex.) 12%, and Newt Gingrich 10%. The margin of error is 5 points.

Santorum is the latest to benefit from the "anyone but Romney" votes. But, remember, just a few weeks ago the percentage of the votes were reversed between Gingrich and Santorum. CBS News has more here.


House Republicans Try New Tactic on Payroll Tax Extension -
House Republican Leaders have agreed to extend the popular payroll tax extension scheduled to expire March 1 without any corresponding cuts in other programs to pay for it.

However, they have separated this extension from an extension for unemployment benefits and a measure to prevent a 27% drop in payments to doctors also set to expire March 1.

Democrats are now faced with explaining to voters why they would not accept the payroll tax extension. The NY Times has more here.


Pew Study finds Voter Registration Inaccuracies -
across the country, 2 million dead Americans remain active on voter rolls, 3 million are registered in multiple states, 12 million have errors in their addresses and 1 in 4 eligible (51 million) are not even registered. has more here.


Will Italy Be Next To Need Bailout? -
the financial crisis in Europe extends far beyond Greece and was underscored by the recent cut in debt ratings by Moodys Investment Services of six European countries, including Italy. has more here.


Assad Continues Crackdown as Arab Leaders Consider Arming Rebels -
the violence continues in Syria as President Bashar al-Assad clings to power. has more here.


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Monday, February 13, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Budget Battle Begins Anew -
Today at 10:30 AM ET, at Parkville Middle School in Baltimore County, President Obama will unveil his 2012 budget, which includes the goal of reducing the deficit by 4 Trillion over the next decade. You can read more here.


Congress Beset With Ethics Investigations -
Congress, already reeling with a all time low approval rating of 10%, is also facing at least a dozen ethics investigations of Republican and Democratic lawmakers. has more here.


Greek Parliament Approves Drastic Spending Cuts - Riots Erupt -
the austerity measures required by the European Union were approved yesterday as protesters, weary of the effects of the recession, set buildings on fire. The measures call for cuts in the minimum wage and a 20% reduction in government workers. Euro zone leaders meet Wednesday to decide on whether to give the 182 Billion bailout. The Washington Post has more here.


Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping In D.C. Today -
the anticipated future ruler of China will makes the rounds today, meeting with President Obama, Vice President Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. Xi will then travel to Iowa and California. has more here.


Violence in Syria Continues -
the days are numbered for President Bashar al-Assad, but he continues to order the bombardment on the city of Homs, even as the Arab League has pledged support for the opposition and has called for international peacekeepers. has an update here.


Pakastan Prime Minister Indicted -
the Pakistan Supreme Court has charged Yousaf Raza Gilani with contempt of court for failing to pursue corruption charges against President Asif Ali Zardari. The NY Times has more here.


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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Arizona and Michigan Up Next For GOP -
Mitt Romney has to be grateful for the narrow three point win in the Maine caucuses and his win in the CPAC straw poll yesterday, following three straight loses earlier in the week. However, his margin of victory over Rep. Paul (Tex.) was minor and the Romney campaign allegedly bused in supporters to the CPAC conference, to ensure a victory in their straw poll.

Michigan and Arizona will hold their primaries on January 31 and ten days will pass before the next debate. Meanwhile, the candidates will focus on raising cash. You can read more here.


Polling Shows Santorum Surge -
Public Policy Polling has Rick Santorum with a 15 point lead over Mitt Romney nationwide - 38% - 23%. Newt Gingrich had 17% and Rep. Paul 13%. Public Policy Polling has more here.


U.S. Catholic Bishops Say No To Obama Contraceptive Insurance Compromise -
ensuring the controversy will live on. “The only complete solution to this religious liberty problem is for [the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services] to rescind the mandate of these objectionable services,” the conference said in a statement released late Friday. The Washington Post has more here.


Obama To Release Budget Tomorrow -
it is expected to contain a deficit of 1.33 Trillion and is sure to inflame GOP opposition. With, continuing resolutions being the norm today, Americans are growing tired of the constant Congressional budget battles. has their 10 takeaways on the Obama budget here.


Maryland Gay Marriage Bill Divides Lawmakers -
the latest round of testimony highlighted the emotional divide that exists on the issue. Passage of the measure sponsored by Maryland Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley is dependent on the House, where passage is still several votes short. The Baltimore Sun has more here.


Arab Ministers Meeting on Syria -
as violence continues, the Arab League attempts to find a solution. It appears the days of rule by President Assad are numbered. has more here.


Russian Election Nears -
will Vladimir Putin regain the presidency is the big question. The March 4 election is coming rapidly and the mudslinging is in full force in Russia. has more here.


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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

Lots to talk about on Sunday as the race for the Republican Party nomination for president continues to take twists and turns. Rick Santorum will make the rounds as he tries to build momentum after his three state sweep of caucuses on Tuesday.

The results of the unusual week long caucuses in Maine will be announced Saturday evening at 7:30 PM ET. Mitt Romney and Rep. Ron Paul are expected to battle for first as neither Newt Gingrich or Santorum have campaigned aggressively in the state.

Also, the roll out of new White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew takes place as he appears on all of the morning shows.

The reversal by President Obama on rules pertaining to insurance contraceptive coverage is sure to be discussed. The initial announcement resulted in a fast and furious denunciation of the policy and exposed a rift among close advisers to the president.

President Obama is also set to proposed his annual budget which is expected to add another trillion to the deficit, which is sure to rise the level of Republican discourse in Congress.

Meanwhile, saber rattling continues in regard to Iran and their nuclear arms development program, prompting more talk concerning a preemptive strike against Iran.

In addition, the continued violent crackdown on dissidents in Syria by President Assad and the veto of a U.N. resolution by China and Russia providing for a transition to democracy in the country should receive some discussion Sunday morning.

Below, is a quick video preview by followed by my list of the Sunday morning "Talking Heads" and their guests.

NBC "Meet The Press" - Rick Santorum and new W.H. Chief of Staff Jack Lew.

Roundtable - head of new super pac supporting Obama; Bill Burton, Peggy Noonan, EJ Dionne and Joe Scarborough.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.), W.H. Chief of Staff Jack Lew, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes.

ABC "This Week" - Rick Santorum, Jack Lew and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).

Roundtable - George Will, Donna Brazile, Liz Cheney and David Ignatius.

CNN "State of The Union" - Rick Santorum, Jack Lew and Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.)

Fox News Sunday - Jack Lew and Sarah Palin.


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama warns Congress they need to avoid another protracted battle over the extension of the payroll tax, set to expire March 1. The president urged Americans to call their Representatives to help pass an agreement.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

The 2012 budget war is underway as Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell criticizes President Obama over his yet to be released budget. While, he concedes he has not seen the proposed budget, McDonnell said it will likely "raise taxes … ignore the growing entitlement crisis … and fail to address the $15 trillion, and growing, national debt."


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Friday, February 10, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

White House To Address Insurance "Contraception Rule" -
amidst the turmoil following rules announced by HHS, requiring religious organizations to provide insurance for employees which cover birth control. Republican Leaders as well as some leading Democrats objected to the decision.

ABC News is reporting that today, an "accommodation", not a compromise, will be offered, by perhaps the President himself this afternoon. ABC News has more here.


CPAC Begins Today -
three days of Conservatives paradise with Santorum, Romney and Gingrich all speaking today. The straw poll conducted by the Conservative Political Action Conference will be announced Saturday afternoon. The Washington Examiner has more here.


Turmoil Continues in Greece Over Bail Out Plan -
Greek workers are striking against proposed austerity measures required to secure financial backing from the European Union. The vote in Parliament on the proposed bailout package will take place on Sunday or Monday. has more here.


Bachus Under Investigation For Insider Trading Violations - House Financial Services Committee chair Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.) is being investigated by the Office of Congressional Ethics. has more here.


Joe Kennedy III Clears Field in Race For Barney Frank Seat -
looks like the Kennedy name is still magic in Massachusetts. The latest poll shows the young attorney son of ex-Representative Joe Kennedy (D-Mass.) received 60% of the vote over his likely Republican challenger Sean Bielat who received 28%. has more here.


Pakistan Supreme Court Rejects Prime Minister Gilani Appeal -
the country beset with leadership problems involving the military, the courts and the government is now facing their Prime Minister being removed from office and possibly facing jail time for refusing to reopen corruption charges against President Zardari. The Washington Post has more on the latest developments here.


Explosions hit City of Allepo, Syria -
two targets associated with the military and police were struck, killing at least 25 and injuring over 175. This latest violence coming as Syrian troops continue their siege of the city Homs in their attempt to crack down on dissidents. The NY Times has more here.


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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Unemployment Claims Drop To 4 Year Low -
the data released by the Labor Department showed the four week average for claims filed is the lowest since April 2008. You can read more here.


Greece Reaches Financial Bail Out Agreement -
an anxious world financial market has been watching closely as political leaders in Greece wrangled over austerity measures. You can read more here.


U.S. Government Reaches Settlement with Banks -
the agreement to be announced today and is expected to include 26 Billion from five major banks. It is projected the settlement could provide aid to 2 million homeowners behind in their mortgages. The NY Times has more here.


Same-Sex Marriage Approved in Washington State -
The state house voted 55-43, following approval by the state senate last week. Washington becomes the seventh state to approve same-sex marriage and come after an appeals court ruled Proposition 8 which sought to ban same sex marriage in California was unconstitutional. The Washington Post has more here.


Random People Chosen From a Phonebook Better Than Congress -
was what 43% indicated in a recent poll by Rasmussen. 38% disagreed and 19% were not sure. This poll follows a recent Gallup poll which showed Congressional approval had hit an all time low 10%. Rasmussen has more here.


Violence Continues in Syria -
as diplomatic negotiations underway, President Assad continues the violent attack on the city of Homs. has an update here.


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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Santorum's Turn to Shine -
after winning all three contests yesterday. Unfortunately, for Santorum, no delegates were at stake in Missouri and the other two states are non-binding delegate states. has more here.

The two big losers yesterday were Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney. Rep. Ron Paul (Tex.) came in a surprising second in Minnesota with 27% and received 10%-12% in the other two states.

An interesting stat pointed out by David Kurtz of is Romney did not win a single county in either Missouri or Minnesota. has their 7 takeaways here. has their 5 Things They Learned here.

Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post has his winners and losers here.

Interestingly, President Obama has seen his approval rating rise since the Republican nomination process began.


Quinnipiac Poll Shows Obama Winning Virginia -
a crucial swing state that Obama won in 2008. Obama beats all GOP candidates, besting Romney with a narrow 47-43%, 49-41% over Santorum, 47-40% over Paul and crushing Gingrich 52-37%. You can read the full poll results here.


California Circuit Court Halts Proposition 8 -
the ruling by the ninth circuit panel that Proposition 8 was unconstitutional has put the issue of gay marriage in the state on hold, for now. It appears likely an appeal will be filed with the Supreme Court ultimately weighing in on this issue. has more here.


Russia Says Assad will Agree to Dialogue -
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Larov is trying to begin a dialogue with opposition forces, while opposition forces say the only solution is for President Assad to step down. You can read more here.

While, the U.S. actions to date have focused on diplomatic measures, CNN is reporting the U.S. military is beginning reviewing military options in Syria. You can read more here.


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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Republican Caucuses Today -
and one primary in Missouri which offers no delegates to the winner. has an update here.

Rick Santorum is expected to do well there and coupled with what is looking like a possible win in Minnesota, may propel him into the latest anyone-but-Romney candidate.

However, with lack of campaign funds and organization, it is doubtful Santorum will receive much traction. Romney is expected to win Colorado and Gingrich is becoming the latest GOP candidate to begin to fade.

Regardless, of the outcomes today, Romney will still be the Republican front runner.


Romney Says Komen Should Not Fund Planned Parenthood -
in a statement that could come back to haunt him. In an interview on a conservative talk show, Mitt Romney went on to say "he was pro-life". has more here.


Republicans Continue to Push Keystone XL Pipeline -
House Republican leaders are considering adding a provision to the upcoming Highway bill and/or the payroll tax extension bill. has more here.


Obama Reverses - OK's Use of Super Pac -
“We’re not going to fight this fight with one hand tied behind our back,” Jim Messina, the manager of Mr. Obama’s re-election campaign, said in an interview. “With so much at stake, we can’t allow for two sets of rules. Democrats can’t be unilaterally disarmed.” The NY Times has more here.


Russian Foreign Minister Arrives In Syria -
following the veto by Russia and china of the U.N. resolution calling for a transition to democracy. Russian foreign Minister met with President Assad as the bloody military crack down on dissidents in the city of Homs continues. The Washington Post has more here. is reporting Assad is asking Russia to broker talks with the insurgents. you can read more here.


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Monday, February 6, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Pre-Super Bowl Interview with NBC Matt Lauer.


Minnesota and Colorado Up Next For Republicans -
Mitt Romney is expected to win both caucus states, but not showing up in Minnesota may hurt him. Romney is relying on former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty to campaign for him. Interestingly, Minnesota is a nonbinding delegate state, meaning the delegates won are free to vote for any candidate at the Republican convention. Public Policy Polling has it Santorum 29%, Romney 27%, Gingrich 22% and Paul 19%. The has more here.


Obama Leads Both Romney and Gingrich -
in a new national poll released by The Washington Post/ABC News shows President Obama ahead of Mitt Romney 51% - 45% and Obama 54% - Gingrich 43%.

In bad news for Republicans, 55% of the voters who have been closely following the campaign to date, say they disapprove of what the Republican candidates have been saying.

By more than a 2-1 margin, voters say the more they learn about Mitt Romney, the less they like him.

When asked, based on his performance to date, if Obama deserved a second term, the results were split evenly Yes - 49% and No - 49%. You can read more poll results here.


The Citizens United castastrophe -
is a good read by E. J. Dionne on how money in politics is turning democracy upside down. An excerpt: In the short run, Congress should do all it can within the limits of Citizens United to contain the damage it is causing. In the long run, we have to hope that a future Supreme Court will overturn this monstrosity, remembering that the first words of our Constitution are “We the People,” not “We the Rich.”


Abbas to Lead Interim Palestine Government -
Palestinian President Abbas would head the unity government prior to elections in the West Bank and Gaza. How Israel will react to an interim government which includes Hamas, remains to be seen. The Washington Post has more here.


Egypt To Proceed With Trial of 19 Americans -
In total, Egypt plans to try over 40 individuals (including 19 Americans) who worked for nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). The charge is they were receiving foreign money to influence politics in Egypt. This has led the U.S. to reassess their commitment for 1.55 billion in aid to the country. This comes as the military has been slow to transition to civilian and democratic rule. The NY Times has more here.


49% of Voters Wiling for U.S. to Attack Iran Over Nuclear Weapons -
scary results from a poll released today from 31% opposed U.S. military action to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and 20% were not sure. You can read more here.


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