
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Approval Ratings Rise -
the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll has Obama approval rating at 48% and disapproval at 46%. Ratings improved in three major categories: country headed in the right direction 30% up from 22%, handling of the economy 45% up from 39%, and believe economy is getting better 37% up from 30%. The Wall Street Journal has more here.


CNN GOP Florida Debate Tonight -
from 8:00 - 10:00 PM ET, the four remaining Republican contenders will face off in Florida. The latest CNN/Time/ORC poll shows Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich essentially tied with Romney at 36% and Gingrich 34%. Rick Santorum is far behind at 11%, Rep. Ron Paul 9% with 7% undecided. has more here.

Look to see Santorum be the next to drop out following the Florida primary on January 31, endorsing Gingrich.


Federal Reserve Likely To Buy Bonds -
chairman Ben Bernanke stated interest rates would likely remain at historic low rates through 2014. To stimulate a sluggish economy, the federal reserve is also poised to invest in securities. has more here.


Obama Sounding Confident on Swing State Tour -
away from D.C. and in the field, the president is sounding confident following his State of The Union Address. has more here.


Americans Banned From Leaving Egypt -
tensions remain high as the country lurches toward democracy. The current Military led government has responded in an angry manner to international rights organizations in country aiding the move to democracy. One of the Americans kept from leaving the country was the son of Ray LaHood, U.S. Transportation Secretary. The Washington Post has more here.


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