
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Approval Rating Slides To 41% -
the new low for the President revealed in a poll conducted by Quinnipiac. More importantly, only 29% believe the economy will improve if Obama is reelected. You can read more of the poll results here.

President Obama will hold a press news conference this morning at 11:00 AM ET. Expect him to urge Congress to pass the Jobs Act now.


Palin Says She Will Not Run -
in a letter to supporters, Sarah Palin said she will be devoting time to electing Republicans from Statehouses to the White House. The Washington Post has more here.

The big question now is who will Palin endorse?


Steve Jobs Dies -
his worldwide impact only to be truly understood many years from now. The NY Times has a good read here.


CBO Estimates Jobs Bill Will Add 175 Billion in Spending -
the Congressional Budget Office released their analysis yesterday. has more here.

Senate Democrats have countered with a millionaires tax to pay for the Jobs bill. You can read more here.


Nevada Moves Presidential Caucus to January 14 -
after Florida moved their primary election to January 31, Nevada changed their date which was February 18. The shuffle by states to maintain early advantage in the Republican primaries and caucuses mirroring what transpired in the Democratic primaries and caucuses in the 2008 election. has more here.


McConnell Casts Doubt on Passage of China Currency Bill -
last night, the Senate Minority Leader indicated the bill may not be going anywhere. Even if the bill passes the Senate, the House is unlikely to approve. has more here.


Unemployment Claims Up Last Week -
in a report released by the Labor Department claims rose slightly by 6,000. The four week average of 414,000 higher than the 375,000 which indicates sustainable job growth. You can read more here.


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