
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Non Partisan Elections For City of Frederick?

George Wenschhof

Once again, the discussion of changing to a non partisan election in The City of Frederick, Maryland is about to take place. Republicans, who hold a voter registration majority in Frederick County, but trail in voter registration in the city to Democrats, have long sought a change to non partisan elections in the city.

This time, it is Gary Brooks who in a email sent to five former mayors of The City of Frederick, says "I am writing you today to ask for your support to help change Frederick City Elections to a Non-Partisan Election occurring on the same cycle as the presidential election. Along those same line, requesting your support for a re-call provision".

He adds further "The goal is to hold a press conference in October, prior to the Mayor and Board of Alderman’s meeting to put forth the idea of Non-Partisan Elections to be held on the Presidential Election cycle along with the Re-call Provision". You can read the full email from Gary Brooks here.

The email was sent Monday to former mayors Ron Young, Paul Gordon, Jennifer Dougherty, James Grimes and Jeff Holtzinger.

The only response I have received to date is from state senator and former mayor Ron Young who says in part "I can support moving the general election to the presidential cycle but you are eliminating half the savings by having a seperate primary".

Young adds "By the way, with the presidential election going on there will probably be less attention paid to the city election by the media and by the city residents. This is not good. You claim you want a larger turnout but non partisan elections decrease the turnout. The largest turnouts are in cities with partisan elections".

Young concludes with asking Brooks "I am curious! Have you asked for non partisan elections in the county or do you like partisan elections there where everyone is from the same party ( your party )?". The full email response from state senator and former mayor Ron Young is here.

Increasing the anemic voter turnout in The City of Frederick should be a goal supported by all. I have long advocated changing the election to coincide with the presidential election cycle which will ensure almost tripling the voter turnout of the last city election.

An added benefit is a reduction in the cost to the city in holding a separate election. Also, polling locations in schools could be used, eliminating the confusing alternative city election polling locations instituted in the last city election.

However, adding a discussion on changing to non partisan elections which reduces voter turnout and adding discussion on a recall election provision only serves to confuse the issue of increasing voter turnout.

Stay Tuned...


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