
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Tied with Romney, Edges Perry - in a new Quinnipiac poll former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and President Obama are tied at 45%. Obama edges Texas Governor Rick Perry by 3 points. You can read the full poll results here.


Obama To Introduce New Mortgage Program - the latest effort to aid the ailing housing industry. The proposal will be revealed within the next week and is intended to spur activity in the finance market by encouraging refinancing of mortgages. Government secured mortgages, which make up 90% of the mortgages, would be eligible. The idea is by refinancing at lower rates, homeowners would have more disposable cash to spend on other goods, therefore stimulating the economy.

However, the program does nothing to change the fact many mortgages are now higher than the value of the homes. has more here.


Mark Prater Named Staff Director of Deficit Reduction Committee -
the Republican aide was unanimously chosen by the 12 member committee. It is interesting to note that Prater's expertise is the tax code. An indication the committee will be looking at ways to revise the existing tax code to bring new revenues as they also discuss cuts. has more here.


Rick Perry Book "Fed Up!" Reviewed -
by Ruth Marcus in the Washington Post. The 2010 book written by the Texas Governor talks up the tea party movement while attacking many of the articles in the constitution. In addition, Perry criticizes medicare social security, the "New Deal" and other "socialist" type programs.

Marcus correctly points out Perry's entry into the Presidential race opens up his past record for scrutiny. You can read her column here.


Romney Rethinks Strategy -
as the former Massachusetts Governor sinks in the polls after the entry by Texas Governor Rick Perry. Romney will now participate in the tea party candidate forum in South Carolina next week and is reconsidering his Iowa strategy. has more here.


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