
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Federal Reserve Meets Today -
after a credit downgrade and a plummet in the stock market, President Obama spoke to the nation yesterday, reassuring the public amidst the growing alarm in the financial system.

Today, as the Federal Reserve meets, Ben Bernanke has few tools left as interest rates remain near zero. Stocks were up in early trading as hopes were high the Federal reserve would take positive moves. has more here.


Third Day of Rioting in London -
is this a harbinger for the United States? Economic conditions fuel the unrest on the streets of London as frustration with no jobs and no money grows. has more here.


Will Perry Announce Saturday? -
is the questions swirling around the Republican Texas Governor. He is likely to announce his intention to enter the race, but stop short of actually filing papers for candidacy. Regardless, his announcement will drain attention away from the Iowa Ames Straw Poll also taking place on Saturday. has more here.


Wisconsin Recall Elections Today -
in the battle to reverse the anti-union bill signed by Republican Governor Scott Walker. Democrats need to win 3 of the six contests today to gain control of the state senate. Polling indicates a pick up of three seats will be difficult for the Democrats today. Although polling on a recall election is far from accurate as there is no precedence to determine voter turnout. has more here.


O'Malley Spars with Sessions on ABC "This Week" -
appearing on the Sunday morning political talk show, Maryland Democratic Governor and chair of the Democratic Governors Association Martin O'Malley gave Alabama Republican Senator Jeff Sessions a good rap on the knuckles for Republican intransigence in regard to the economy.


Time For New Approach From Obama -
as the economy teeters toward a double dip recession, it is not enough for the president to say he inherited this economy. Although true, President Obama needs to develop and promote a vision which includes jobs and economic growth. In other words, it is time to begin seeing results and end the rhetoric.

Since Obama won election, I have been calling for a federally funded public service employment program to put people back to work. Whether it is rebuilding the nation's crumbling infrastructure or providing employees to nonprofits and municipal government hit hard by the slumping economy, this program is long overdo.


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