
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Republican Presidential Candidates Hammer Obama on Credit Downgrade -
Representative Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said the president should be in Washington and not Camp David after Standard and Poor's downgraded the U.S. credit rating form AAA to AA+. Former Governors Tim Pawlenty (R-Minn.) and Mitt Romney (R-Mass.) also criticized the president for the lowering of the credit rating. The NY Times Caucus Blog has more here.

What they are leaving out of course is the eight years of Republican George W. Bush which led up to the current economic crisis and the failure of republicans presently to work in a cooperative manner to help the country through the difficult economic times ahead.

Two unfunded wars, unfunded tax cuts, and relaxed rules for wall street led to the financial crash at the end of the George W. Bush administration. Now, Republicans are making sure a Democratic president fails at bring the country out of the recession, for which, they are largely responsible.


Redistricting 6th Maryland Congressional District Not Easy -
the 6th district which has been long held by Republican Roscoe Bartlett will not be easy to reconfigure. The hope by western Maryland Democrats to add sections of Montgomery county is countered by Democrats concerned with the outcome from the last redistricting that took place ten years ago. The Washington Post has more here.


House Speaker Boehner Wants Geithner Out -
In light of the recent credit downgrade, John Boehner is now calling for the ouster of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. Rumors were flying prior to the debt ceiling deal, Geithner would be resigning to return to the private sector. has more here.

Boehner should be careful for what he wishes for, as MSNBC commentator chris Matthews has been floating the trial balloon for former president Bill Clinton as Treasury Secretary. A move which would be superb. Clinton is the great communicator and he understands the economy - remember he left office with a surplus!


Perry Talks to Evangelicals -
Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry, ratcheting up the possibility he will enter the presidential contest, spoke at a prayer event saying religion should be part of public life. He also said to pray for President Obama. has more here.


Wisconsin Recall Elections Tuesday -
six Republican state senators face a recall election in two days which could alter the composition of the state legislature, altering the union busting bill signed by Governor Walker. On August 16, two incumbent Democrats face election. Democrats need a net gain of three seats to win control in the state senate. Money(estimated 25 million) has poured into the recall elections from across the country due to special interests. has more here.


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