
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Senate Vote On Debt Ceiling Today at Noon -
it will take 60 votes for passage per agreement among senate leaders. Passage is expected with the bill going to President Obama to sign today prior to the default deadline. You can read more here.


Details of Debt Ceiling Deal Emerge - has a a good rundown here.


Nation's Credit Rating May Be Downgraded -
in spite of the deal just negotiated to lift the debt ceiling. A wide range of economists predict the triple-A rating may still suffer a downgrade. has more here.


Biden Says Tea Party Republicans Acted Like Terrorists -
in a closed door session with the Democratic caucus. Biden was echoing the remarks made earlier by other Democratic Representatives. As, one would expect, the far right conservatives are demanding an apology from Biden. has more here.

The Vice President is known for speaking candidly, but it is his long time experience on the Hill and his relationships which helped him broker the compromise agreement on the debt ceiling bill.


President Obama To Meet with AFL-CIO -
today at the White House. The President will meet with members of the executive committee. You can be sure they will be talking about job creation.


DOJ Challenges Alabama Immigration Law -
the U.S. Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit asking for an injunction against the recently passed Immigration law in Alabama. The suit claims it is unconstitutional as it interferes with the federal enforcement of immigration laws. A suit was also filed against a similar law passed by Arizona and an injunction was granted which Arizona Governor Jan Brewer plans to appeal. has more here.


Gadaffi Remains Defiant -
as negotiations continue for a cease fire and a peaceful transition of government control from Gadaffi to the Rebels. Gadaffi says the war will go on even if NATO ends their bombing in Libya. has an update here.


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