
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Sunday morning "Talking Heads" Lineup - White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner combine to appear on all five of the major networks. Folks will be wanting to hear updates from the latest budget talks which are scheduled for this morning. Four Senators from the "Gang of Six" also appear and who will likely discuss their plan to reduce the deficit over the next decade. has a quick update on who will be appearing below.


Libyan Rebels Want More Talks With U.N. and U.S. -
as NATO air strikes continue. Talks which took place the last week in Tunisia were fruitful and led to this new call for continued discussion. A UN spokesman said negotiation for a cease fire and a power-sharing government can continue, but Gaddafi must go. has more here.


Maryland Governor O'Malley to Sponsor Gay Marriage Bill -
the term limited Democratic Governor must figure it is better late than never to get out in front on this issue. Martin O'Malley stood on the sidelines as the state general assembly debated the issue this year, with the vote to pass a marriage equality bill narrowly failing by a vote in the state House. The Washington Post has more here.

Martin O'Malley, who is also the Democratic Governors Association chair, has national ambitions. The press release from "O'Malley on gay marriage follows shortly after New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo fought for, and won, passage of gay marriage in his state, spurring talk of a presidential candidacy for 2016. You can read more here.


D.A.D.T. Ends September 20 -
upon receiving certification from Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, they were ready to implement, the president signed which will now officially end the military policy aimed at gay and lesbians. previous Congressional action required the military certification confirmed by the president followed by a sixty day period before the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell is ended. has more here.


Finance Reform Bill Hits Implementation Roadblocks -
the financial industry has been fighting hard the implementation of rules and regulations, the result of the passage of the Dodd-Frank bill. Interestingly, acting comptroller of the currency John Walsh is arguing for relaxing rules banks must adhere to.

President Obama has nominated Thomas Curry to head the agency, but his senate confirmation will be difficult. The NY Times has a good read here.


Romney Wins Ohio Straw Poll -
the former Massachusetts Governor won with 25% of the vote. Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, Representative Michele Bachmann (Minn.) and Texas Governor Rick Perry were bunched together at 16%, 15% and 14%.

Pawlenty will use his second place showing to try to revive his sagging campaign and Perry will use his "strong" showing as reason for him to enter the Republican presidential campaign. has more here.


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