
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

More Insight On Obama Campaign Fundraising Emerge -
as more financial reports have been filed with the Federal Election Commission. The nearly 47 million the campaign raised as a result of individual donations and the efforts of a team of 240 large dollar fund raisers and two dozen "bundlers" who each raised at least $500,000. The all important cash on hand reported was 37 million.

Republican Mitt Romney reported raising 18.4 million with 12 million cash on hand. Both figures, putting Romney way ahead of his Republican competitors. The Washington Post has more here.

Staggering figures during a difficult financial time. Campaign finance reform, anyone?


Budget Deal Near? -
hard to say with all the official bluster coming from both the Republican and Democratic congressional leaders. Sticking points remain the raising of taxes, a high enough level of spending cuts, and tinkering with entitlement programs. has more here.

House Speaker John Boehner, to appease the far right wing of the Republican Party will hold symbolic votes in the House next week, even though he realizes they will not be entertained by the Senate.

President Obama is weighing whether to call yet another White House meeting this weekend to discuss the progress that has been made in the budget discussions. The president has said approval is needed by July 22 in order to satisfy procedural issues and meet the Aug 2 default date.


Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup -
Think the budget will be discussed on the shows this Sunday? You bet ya. White House Budget Director Jack Lew is the latest from the Obama administration to make the rounds. Below, has the lineup for Sunday and the Hosts predict a smaller debt reduction deal will result from talks between the White House and Congressional Leaders.


D.A.D.T. Still in Place -
per a ruling by a federal appeals court. The repeal of D.A.D.T. was signed by President Obama, but provides for an orderly time period for the implementation of the bill according to the court ruling. However, the court stated the government is not able to investigate, penalize, or discharge anyone who is openly gay. You can read more here.


U.S. To Give Libya Rebels 30 Billion -
in addition to the recognition by the U.S. of the rebels as the legitimate government, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the U.S. would release the 30 billion in Libyan assets held to the rebels. The NY Times has more here.


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