
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

NEA Endorses Obama -
hardly a surprise, but the early endorsement of President Obama for a second term by the National Education Association signals their concern as to the outcome of the 2012 election. The NEA has 3.2 million members and it was doubtful they would endorse a Republican candidate for president. You can read more here.


60% Jewish Americans Support Obama -
a Gallup poll released today shows the president continues to receive strong support among Jewish Americans heading into the 2012 election. This comes after President Obama gave his speech on the future of the Israel-Palestine peace process. has more here.


Dominique Srauss-Kahn Charges likely to Be Dropped -
NY prosecutors are moving toward dropping the sexual assault charges as more conflicting statements from the Hotel maid have emerged. has more here.


China's Debt 540 Billion More than Disclosed -
in what will be another jolt to the fragile worldwide economy, Moody's Investment Services reports that Chinese bank loans to local government is a bout one-third higher than was reported. The possibility of a decline in their credit rating is expected. Stay tuned... has more here.


Senate to Vote on Libya Authorization Today -
the Senate returns today and will take up the authorization of the military action in Libya for up to one year or when the NATO mission ends, whatever comes first. The resolution is expected to pass. It is similar to a measure which failed to pass in the House. has more here.


Obama Meets with New Afghanistan Team Today -
New Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, new Ambassador Ryan Crocker, and Lt. General John Allen who has been nominated by Obama to be the top General in Afghanistan. has more here.


Pakistani Spies Tied To Journalist Slaying -
in yet another blow toward U.S./Pakistan relations the slaying of journalist
Saleem Shahzad, who had disclosed the existence of militants in the Pakistan military, appears to have been killed with help from Pakistani spies, according to reports from U.S. intelligence. The NY Times has more here.


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