
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Debt Ceiling Talks Go Down to the Wire -
there seems to be agreement on creating a bipartisan committee with members from the House and Senate who will be responsible for coming up with the 1.8 trillion in cuts by the end of the year. This, coupled with the original 900 billion cut proposed by House Speaker Boehner would get the country through 2012. The sticking point remains a "trigger" mechanism which would be used if agreement is not reached. An short "several day" extension of the debt ceiling default date may be included to allow lawmakers time to conclude the deal.

The National Journal has some details of the agreement here.

Meanwhile, time is running out to pass a bill to raise the debt ceiling.


Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup -
Republican and Democratic lawmakers make the rounds this morning along with White House senior adviser David Plouffe. has a preview below.


O'Donnell Outs Tea Party Representative Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) For Owed Child Support -
the republican representative has been vocal on the airwaves about how the country can not place the debt on the backs of our children. MSNBC Lawrence O'Donnell bans him from appearing on his show "The Last Word" until he pays the $117, 437 he owes his ex-wife and three children.

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Maryland Democratic Party Invites Supporters to Join Governor O'Malley at Rally in D.C. - Event Postponed

7-31-2011 9:30 PM ET - i received the following email from Maryland Democratic Party

George -

In light of fast moving events surrounding the debt ceiling vote, I regret to inform you that we are postponing the event that was planned for tomorrow at 11:45 AM at the Triangle in front of the Capitol.

I appreciate your understanding and thank you for your continued support.


I received the following email from the Maryland Democratic Party and thought I would pass it on. Click on the link provided below if you plan to attend.


What Republicans did this week made it clear that they care more about the tea party and playing political games than saving our economy from a disastrous default.

We have to give them a reality check.

Join Governor Martin O'Malley on Monday August 1st at 11:45 AM at the House Triangle in DC for a last chance Republican reality check rally. We are going to show Republicans what will happen if they push our economy over the cliff and take the rest of us with them.

Monday, August 1st
11:45 AM

House Triangle
House side of Capitol East Front
Capitol Hill, Washington DC


I hope to see you on Monday as we stand up for senior citizens, students, veterans and working Americans and call on Republicans to stop holding our economy hostage.


PS - RSVP now to join Governor O'Malley and given Republicans a reality check!

Paid for by the Maryland Democratic Party, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. By authority of Robert J. Kresslein, Treasurer.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Senator Jon Kyl (R-Az.) continues with the tired and old refrain of less taxes and less government. He fails to point out the debt ceiling proposals being discussed presently contain no tax increases and the Republican "Party of No" still can not agree.


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama urges Democratic and Republican leaders to compromise to avoid defaulting on the nation's debt for the first time in history.


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Friday, July 29, 2011

Debt Ceiling Update - Watch House Vote Live - Will it Happen?

George Wenschhof

CBS News is reporting President Obama is willing to accept a day day extension of debt ceiling to get compromise bill passed.

Latest on Boehner bill is it is becoming the latest version of the "Cut, Cap and Balance" bill which already failed in the Senate. In order for Boehner to get the Republican votes he needed, he agreed to the amendment which would require a balanced budget bill to be passed by Congress before the debt ceiling can be raised a second time. has more here.

The House vote is now expected to come shortly after 6:00 PM ET.

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This comes as releases latest poll showing Obama approval rating at lowest point in his presidency - 40%


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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Scheduled for 10:20 AM Press Conference -
update on debt ceiling talks expected along with agreement with auto industry on emissions and mileage requirements.


House Speaker John Boehner to Address Republican Caucus This Morning -
after failing to get the required votes from Republicans to pass his budget bill. The House Rules Committee voted 8-4 to allow Boehner to make changes with out their review and to present to full House for vote. The procedural issue was a problem as the clock continues to click down on a default. You can read more here.

A vote is expected today and unless significant changes have been made, including the lifting of the debt ceiling through 2012, the Democratic controlled Senate will not pass the bill. Prolonging the exercise of getting to a compromise bill which will pass both chambers.

Boehner's choice to back out of the grand deal he had with President Obama has been devastating to him personally, as it has highlighted his inability to lead his own Republican caucus.

However, before Democrats cheer his demise, it is unlikely there is a better choice among Republicans to be House Speaker. His replacement could easily come from the "tea party" wing which would only make governing more difficult in Washington.

First in line to replace Boehner, would be House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.).


Compromise Underway By Democrats on Budget -
first reported several days ago, a hybrid of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), the House Speaker John Boehner (R-Oh.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is being worked on by some Democrats.

The two step process of raising the debt ceiling would remain. However, as written in the McConnell plan, President Obama would be able to lift the debt ceiling, with a two-thirds vote in the House and the Senate needed to oppose. The lifting of the debt ceiling and corresponding cuts would also be determined by agreed upon "triggers". Stay tuned... has more here.


Hoyer Endorses 14th Amendment -
House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said yesterday if all else fails, President Obama should invoke the 14th Amendment to prevent a default.

President Obama has said after consulting with White House legal staff, he does not believe this is a viable action for him to take. has more here.


U.S. Economic Growth Weak - the Commerce Department reported orders for durable goods fell 2.1% in June, when forecasters had predicted a 0.3% gain. The gross domestic product only grew at a 1.8% annual rate. Coupled with lower than expected job growth, the reports will highlight a weak economy. The Washington Post has more here.


Libyan Rebel Leader Killed -
the circumstances as to how military leader
Abdel FattahYounes died are unknown at the moment. Some suspect assassination from within the rebel ranks. Regardless, the loss of the rebel military leader, who was once part of Gaddafi's inner circle, is a big blow to the Rebels. has more here.


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Thursday, July 28, 2011

House Budget Vote Expected 5:45 PM - Watch Live

George Wenschhof

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) says no Democrat will vote in favor of House Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio) bill. Which means Boehner can only afford to lose two dozen Republican votes in order for it to pass.

Regardless, the bill is destined to be defeated in the Senate tonight, as all Democratic Senators will vote against.

So much for the bipartisan bill promised by Boehner. The House will remain in session over the weekend as Republican Leaders realize a compromise will be necessary to raise the debt ceiling by the Tuesday August 2 default date.

Stay tuned... You can watch the House debate and vote live below.

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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Neither Side Blinking on Budget -
the House plans to vote today on the revised Boehner

Boehner's plan has come under fire from conservatives as well, so the vote is likely to be close today. Due, to a few vacancies, 217 votes are needed for passage in the House.

Meanwhile, the Senate Democrats have vowed to defeat the Boehner bill. Tuesday is default day, so a compromise bill will need to be crafted quickly.

Stocks took a tumble yesterday so keep an eye on them today as this saga continues to unfold.

Stay Tuned...


U.S. and North Korea Begin Nuclear Talks Today -
two days of talks are expected to be held at the U.N. building in New York. Talks broke off years ago with North Korea over nuclear disarmament and allowing nuclear inspectors within their country. You can read more on the developments here.


Bipartisan Commission Redraws California Congressional Districts -
Democrats are expected to pick up one to three seats overall. However, with the new proposed districts, as many as thirteen districts may be in play.

The bipartisan commission was established by a ballot proposition last year. Their recommendations will be made public tomorrow and after a two week period will go into effect. A challenge to their proposal is not expected. has more here.

An interesting and fair approach to the required redistricting. Political Parties in power, have long used this opportunity to strengthen their majorities.


Exxon Profit Up 41% -
They made 10.68 Billion in the second quarter up from the 7.56 Billion in the second quarter last year. has more here.
bill which would raise the debt ceiling, with corresponding cuts in spending, in a two-stage process. The two-stage process not acceptable to President Obama.

While the working men and women around the world continue to suffer, Exxon continues to earn incredible profits.


Unemployment Claims Drop Below 400,000 -
for the first time since April, initial claims fell below 400,000. A bit of good news for the struggling economy. has more here.


Obama Administration and Automobile Industry Agree on Fuel Efficiency Standards -
through 2025. By 2025, U.S. vehicle fleets would need to average 54.5 miles per gallon. This would represent a 50% cut in greenhouse gases and a 40% reduction in fuel consumption. The Washington Post has more here.


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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

White House Working on Budget Hybrid Plan -
The plans put forward by House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are being rewritten after the CBO reported they did not reduce the deficit as much as they had stated. Meanwhile, questions remain as to whether Boehner can get the needed votes to pass his legislation in the House.

Over in the Senate, Majority Leader Harry Reid faces the uncertainty his plan will receive the needed votes in the Senate to pass.

This has led White House staff to begin crafting a hybrid plan which would incorporate aspects of both plans with hopes a vote could be obtained by Monday or Tuesday, which is the August 2 deadline for default. The Wall Street Journal has more here.


Boehner's House Leadership in Question -
the plan the House Speaker put forward not only did not survive scrutiny by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. The plan is also being attacked by various factions within the Republican Party. Leading many to wonder if John Boehner will be able to continue as House Speaker if a resolution to the budget/deficit issue is not reached soon. has a good read here on the splintering of the GOP on this issue.


Britain Joins U.S. in Recognizing Rebels as Legitimate Government in Libya -
This decision allows 150 million previously frozen in assets to now be released to the rebels. Peace talks continue with the possibility Gaddafi could stay in Libya if he steps down. The Washington Post has more here.


Race For Wu's Seat Already Underway -
even before Representative David Wu (D-Ore.) announced he would resign, candidates were positioning themselves for a run. Governor John Kitzhaber is who will determine the special election date. the two Democratic front-runners are state labor commissioner Brad Avakian and state senator Suzanne Bonamaci. has more here.


3,700 Post Offices To Close -
as expected, the announcement made it official the closings will take place by 2015 to help meet the gap of 20 billion gap in revenue. has more here.


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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Daily Show Takes On The Budget

Jon Stewart Tries to Make Sense of the Current Debt Crisis, as only he can...

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Neither Side Blinks on Budget -
after two budget proposals were introduced yesterday by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), President Obama and Boehner went to the airwaves to defend their positions.

Obama was still focused on the "grand deal" which includes tax increases for the wealthiest Americans and corporations, while Boehner stayed with the "Party of No" theme. Neither offered a hint of compromise as the clock keeps ticking with only one week to go until the nation defaults on it's debt.

However, President Obama did correctly point out the bills coming due were from expenditures approved by members of both political parties. White House Press Secretary Carney got it right when he said the Reid plan gives Republicans what they want, no new taxes and cuts exceeding the amount needed to raise the debt ceiling.


Double Speak From Republicans On Debt - has a good read here which shows Republican Leaders voted for the main drivers of the current debt they blame President Obama for accumulating.

House Speaker John Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell all voted for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Bush tax cuts and medicare prescription drug benefits, and the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) - this amounted to 3.4 Trillion of the national debt and continues to contribute to the current 1.5 trillion annual deficit.


Market Holds Steady as Debt Crisis Continues -
partly due to new analysis which shows the government has until August 8-10 before they will be unable to make payments. The Dow Jones dropped 0.07 yesterday. Standard and Poor's and NASDAQ dropped a half percentage point. has more here.

The extra week may be needed as Washington politicians continue to show an inability to compromise.


Blagojevich Files Motion For New Trial -
not surprising after the former Illinois Governor was convicted in his second trial of 17 corruption related charges. The second trial verdict came after a first trial resulted in only one conviction of lying to federal authorities and 23 other charges being thrown out. Stay tuned... has more here.


California Latest State to Pass DREAM Act -
while the bill failed to pass the U.S. Senate, states have been passing measures which allow children of undocumented immigrants to obtain state tuition fees and earn citizenship by serving in the military or attending college. Governor Jerry Brown signed the bill yesterday. You can read more here.


Wu Will Not run For Reelection -
the embattled Democratic congressman from Oregon will not, according to his press secretary, run for reelection. This announcement comes after David Wu was accused of unwanted sexual contact with a daughter of a campaign donor leading to an ethics inquiry launched by Nancy Pelosi (D- Calf.). has more here.


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Monday, July 25, 2011

Debt Impasse Continues

George Wenschhof

It just can't get any crazier than this - As if to highlight the polarization that exists on Capitol Hull, the Republican Speaker of the House and the Democratic Senate Majority Leader unveiled last minute dueling budget plans to avoid a default on the nation's debt.

House Speaker John Boehner's (Ohio) plan turned out to be the two-step plan which was expected by the Republicans, who want to keep the issue alive next year during the presidential election.

You can read it here, courtesy of

Senate Leader Harry Reid's plan also turns out to be the rumored 2.7 Trillion cut with no tax increases and avoids the issue being revisited next year. has the Reid plan here and here.

As, one would expect, President Obama has endorsed the Reid plan and will address the nation tonight at 9:00 PM ET.

Speaker John Boehner will respond to the President's statement two minutes after he concludes his remarks. has termed the situation Debtpocalypse and has updates on the shenanigans taking place in Washington here.

It turns out Republicans are now arguing with themselves as the Democrats have now offered a plan with no tax increases and cuts more (2.7 trillion) than the debt ceiling is raised (2.4 Trillion) - a demand by Republicans. So, now they get what they want and it is not good enough.

Meanwhile, the August 2 default date for the nation, looms.

Perhaps, in a sign agreement will be reached among the D.C. politicians on the budget, the NFL Players voted to agree to a final deal today, ending the four and one-half month lockout. You can read more here.

Stay tuned...


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Maryland 2012 Election Calendar Set

George Wenschhof

A significant change in the presidential election calendar for Maryland is the date of the primary will be April 3, 2012. In 2008, the primary was held on February 12. The earlier primary date a result of the desire of Maryland politicians to have more input from the state in the national presidential election. Fearing, a later primary election date would render the ten electoral votes held by Maryland insignificant, the earlier primary date was agreed upon.

However, the earlier date did not increase the influence Maryland had on the election and merely caused, due to weather, an inconvenience to voters and election officials across the state.

Redistricting is also taking place this year, with western Maryland voters, especially Democrats, eying what takes place in the sixth congressional district, presently filled by long term Republican Roscoe Bartlett.

Democrats presently represent six of the eight congressional districts in Maryland. The other two are represented by Republicans with the first district competitive and the sixth district a Republican voter dominated district.

In all likelihood, Governor Martin O'Malley will ask for a special session of the state general assembly to be held this fall, to finalize the redistricting.

In the meantime, regardless of the redistricting, sixth district Democrats need to be aware the filing deadline for candidates is January 11, 2012, less than six months from now. Republican Roscoe Bartlett, has already filed for reelection.

The Maryland Board of Elections has a complete list of the important dates here.

Important dates:

Candidate Filing Deadline: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 – office open until 9 p.m.

Close of Registration/Party Affiliation Change/Deadline to Request Voter Registration

Tuesday, March 13 - office open until 9 p.m.

Early Voting Begins:
Saturday, March 24 – 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. Every day through March 29. Sunday, March 25th Early Voting is noon-6 p.m. Election offices are open to the public during these hours.

Early Voting Ends:
Thursday, March 29 - 8 p.m.

Primary Election Day:
Tuesday, April 3 – 7 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Election Certification:
Friday, April 13

Certification of State/Local Ballot Questions:
Monday, August 20

Close of Registration/Deadline to Request Voter Registration List:
Tuesday, October 16 - office open until 9 p.m.

Early Voting Begins:
Saturday, October 27 – 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. Every day through November 1. Sunday, October 28th Early Voting is noon-6 p.m. Election offices are open to the public during these hours.

Early Voting Ends:
Thursday, November 1- 8 p.m.

General Election Day:
Tuesday, November 6 – 7 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Election Certification:
Friday, November 16

Presidential Electors Meet:
Monday, December 17


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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Competing Debt Proposals Expected Today -
seems no agreement was reached over the weekend on a long term debt reduction and a lifting of the nation's debt ceiling. Republican House Speaker John Boehner is likely to propose a two step deal which would require further negotiations early next year. Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is saying a two step proposal is a non-starter and will be proposing a 2.7 trillion debt reduction plan today with no tax increases.

President Obama cancelled two fundraising appearances scheduled today as budget talks failed to reach an agreement.

Meanwhile, concern remains global financial markets will drop as a result of failed negotiations to date. The Wall Street Journal has live updates on the markets here.


Pelosi Asks For Ethics Investigation of Wu -
Representative David Wu (D-Ore.) has been undergoing psychiatric treatment ever since his staff reported erratic behavior prior to the election last year. Now, with reports he had a unwanted sexual encounter with a teenage daughter of a supporter, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi is asking for an ethics investigation. has more here.


African American Representation Under Review as Redistricting in Maryland gets Underway -
ten years ago, the courts were forced to redraw the legislative maps after the Democratic controlled state legislature drew lines which were not acceptable.

In Maryland, minorities, mostly African American make up nearly fifty per cent of the population but only two of the eight Representatives are African American. The Fannie Lou Hamer political action committee is making the point lines are being drawn to favor incumbents and not represent the community. The Washington Post has more here.

Democrats currently hold six of the eight seats in the House from the state.


U.S. Aid Ending Up With Taliban -
another crazy development in the U.S. involvement in Afghanistan. Reports indicate a review of the 2.16 billion trucking contract with eight firms show money diverted to the Taliban. has more here.


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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Clock Ticking on Budget Negotiations -
President Obama has summoned the top four Congressional Leaders to the White House for a 11:30AM ET meeting. In order to get through all of the procedural steps in the House and Senate for a bill to be presented to the president for signature by August 2, a bill must be introduced by July 27.

Concern is also mounting, that if no deal is announced today by 4:00 PM ET, when the Asian financial markets open, there will be a downward trend spread across worldwide markets.

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is rumored to be pursuing a two-step proposal which would involve a vote this week to raise the debt ceiling, followed by a vote to trim as much as 3 Trillion from the deficit over the next decade. The San Francisco Chronicle has more here.


Iowa Straw Poll Ballot Finalized -
the all-important Republican straw poll ballot will leave off some recognizable names. The August 13 event will include three names of Republican presidential candidates who already declared they are not even competing - they are Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Al Huntsman. Texas Governor Rick Perry and Sarah Palin were left off the ballot. Write-ins are allowed. The Des Moines Register has more here.


DCCC Robo-Calls 60 Congressional Districts Over Debt Crisis -
emphasizing Republican inability to compromise on budget negotiations. The 60 districts were mostly won by President Obama in 2008. has more, along with a sample call-script, here.


Clinton Invites North Korea
to U.S. For Nuclear Talks -
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a meeting in Indonesia with Southeast Asian nations to invite North Korea Finance Minister Kim Kye Gwan to New York. They will discuss the resumption of the six nation nuclear disarmament talks which broke off in 2008. The Washington Post has more here.


34 Billion Wasted on Private Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan -
the nonpartisan commission on wartime contracting is expected to release it's report in the coming weeks. The report will detail the misuse in spending of the over 200 billion in grants and contracts over the last decade. Interestingly, over 200,000 have been on the U.S. payroll - more than the current number of U.S. troops currently in both countries. has more here.


Representative David Wu (D-Ore.) Needs To Step Down -
in the wake of the latest sex scandal involving a member of Congress. The Representative, who was behaving erratically prior to his reelection last year, has been accused of an "unwanted sexual encounter" with a teenage daughter of a longtime friend over the Thanksgiving holiday last year. No criminal complaint has been filed. has more here.


Will Hosni Mubarak Face Trial? -
the former 30 year ruler of Egypt is scheduled to have his trial begin on August 3, but doubts exists it will take place. It is currently scheduled to take place during the holy month of Ramadan. Mubarak also continues to be in a hospital near his summer home, where he has been since charges were placed against him. All eyes are on the military, as maintain control in Egypt. The NY Times has more here.


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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Sunday morning "Talking Heads" Lineup - White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner combine to appear on all five of the major networks. Folks will be wanting to hear updates from the latest budget talks which are scheduled for this morning. Four Senators from the "Gang of Six" also appear and who will likely discuss their plan to reduce the deficit over the next decade. has a quick update on who will be appearing below.


Libyan Rebels Want More Talks With U.N. and U.S. -
as NATO air strikes continue. Talks which took place the last week in Tunisia were fruitful and led to this new call for continued discussion. A UN spokesman said negotiation for a cease fire and a power-sharing government can continue, but Gaddafi must go. has more here.


Maryland Governor O'Malley to Sponsor Gay Marriage Bill -
the term limited Democratic Governor must figure it is better late than never to get out in front on this issue. Martin O'Malley stood on the sidelines as the state general assembly debated the issue this year, with the vote to pass a marriage equality bill narrowly failing by a vote in the state House. The Washington Post has more here.

Martin O'Malley, who is also the Democratic Governors Association chair, has national ambitions. The press release from "O'Malley on gay marriage follows shortly after New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo fought for, and won, passage of gay marriage in his state, spurring talk of a presidential candidacy for 2016. You can read more here.


D.A.D.T. Ends September 20 -
upon receiving certification from Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, they were ready to implement, the president signed which will now officially end the military policy aimed at gay and lesbians. previous Congressional action required the military certification confirmed by the president followed by a sixty day period before the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell is ended. has more here.


Finance Reform Bill Hits Implementation Roadblocks -
the financial industry has been fighting hard the implementation of rules and regulations, the result of the passage of the Dodd-Frank bill. Interestingly, acting comptroller of the currency John Walsh is arguing for relaxing rules banks must adhere to.

President Obama has nominated Thomas Curry to head the agency, but his senate confirmation will be difficult. The NY Times has a good read here.


Romney Wins Ohio Straw Poll -
the former Massachusetts Governor won with 25% of the vote. Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, Representative Michele Bachmann (Minn.) and Texas Governor Rick Perry were bunched together at 16%, 15% and 14%.

Pawlenty will use his second place showing to try to revive his sagging campaign and Perry will use his "strong" showing as reason for him to enter the Republican presidential campaign. has more here.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Representative Jeb Hensarling (R-Tx.) talks about the "Cut, Cap, and Balance" act which was passed by the House this week. he calls it the only viable plan that will create jobs while not raising taxes.

What, he fails to point out is the bill failed to pass the Senate and was a non-starter which wasted valuable budget negotiating time by holding partisan symbolic votes in the House and Senate this week.


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

You guessed it! President Obama discusses the need for a bipartisan approach to strengthen the economy. This comes a day after House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) ended budget talks with President Obama.

The president has consistently called for the need to balance cuts with revenue sources which can be achieved with some revamping of the tax code.

President Obama has summoned Congressional leaders to the White House for more budget talks, beginning at 11:00 AM today.


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Friday, July 22, 2011

Republican Intransigence Causes Debt Talks To Bog Down

George Wenschhof

A visibly upset President Obama held a press conference shortly after Republican House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) sent a letter informing him he was ending negotiations on the "grand deal" and beginning talks with Senate and House Leaders.

“Essentially what we had offered Speaker Boehner was over a trillion dollars in cuts to discretionary spending both domestic and defense. We then offered an addition $650 billion in cuts to entitlement programs, Medicare, Medicaid and social security,” Obama said.

“In addition what we sought were revenues that were actually less than what the Gang of 6 signed off on,” Obama added.

Obama said it could have been accomplished with tax reform and closing tax loopholes.

“In other words this was an extraordinarily fair deal,” Obama said. “If it was unbalanced it was unbalanced in the direction of not enough revenue.”

The president summoned Congressional leaders to the White House tomorrow at 11:00 AM to continue discussion on parameters for a rise in the debt ceiling and deficit reduction measures.

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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Grand Deal, Middle of the Road or No Deal? -
presently, all three options remain elusive as partisan politics rue the day. Today, President Obama will hold a town hall meeting at the University of Maryland, where he is expected to continue to make his case for a grand bargain in the range of 4 trillion in deficit reduction over the next decade. You can read more here.


Reid Schedules "Cut, Cap and Balance" for Vote in Senate -
to appease GOP Senators, the bill which passed the House, on a mostly partisan vote, will begin debate today with a vote expected tomorrow - it is not expected to pass the Senate. Clearing, the way for a vote on a compromise package on raising the debt ceiling and lowering the national deficit. has more here.


New Bailout Approved For Greece -
155 billion is the amount this time from both Eurozone countries and private lenders. The has more here.

Greece was forced to declare default first which may lead to addition problems down the road. Pay attention to Spain and Italy, as the worldwide financial crisis is far from over.


D.A.D.T. Nears End -
Today Defense Secretary Leon Panetta will report to President Obama the military is prepared to end the controversial Don't Ask Don't Tell provision which currently applies to gays and lesbians serving in the military. The president is then expected to formally certify the Congressional appeal of the act, which would then become law in sixty days. The Washington Post has more here.


North and South Korea Hold Talks -
Envoys from both countries met in Indonesia and agreed to the resumption of the six party talks on denuclearising which have been stalled since 2008. has more here.


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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Budget Talks Continue -
if the "gang of six" 3.7 trillion debt reduction proposal continues to garner support, the likelihood of a short term agreement increases. This, to give time for the details of the "gang of six" proposal to be finalized. The McConnell "emergency" plan authorizing President Obama to make cuts, up to a limit, also remains a distinct possibility as the August 2 default date nears.

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), after sharing pizza with a group of freshmen tea party supported Representatives, will hold a press conference this morning at 11:15 AM.

Meanwhile, Wall Street is hedging on the budget talks, making plans to make money regardless of what transpires. The NY Times has more here.


Obama maintains 47% Approval Rating -
in the latest Gallup poll, it shows Obama has maintained an approval rating near 47% for the last 5 quarters. History shows Reagen with a lower approval rating in quarter 10 with 44%, who then went on to win reelection. Gallup suggests the data is more important indicator in quarters 12 and 13 as to whether a president will win reelection. has more here.


Unemployment Claims up 10,000 -
for the week ending July 16. Another bad sign for the economy as seasonal job opportunity typically reduced unemployment over the summer months. has more here.

For over two years now, I have been calling for the President and Congress to implement a federal public service employment program. A program which has successfully in the past put people to work in the areas affected the most by recession.


Recall of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Next? -
in a response to the union busting bill passed by the Governor, recall elections near for eight state senators next month. The results of the recall elections could well alter the balance of the Republican majority state senate, resulting in the bill being overturned. But, another recall may well be in the works. In Wisconsin, the governor must be in office for at least one year before a recall can begin. So, the earliest would be early 2012. The Wisconsin state democratic Party has indicated if a recall does take place, they would prefer it coincide with the 2012 general election. has more here.


Massachusetts Governor Supports Reduced In-State Tuition for Undocumented Immigrants -
Democratic Governor Deval Patrick is the latest to support the state version of the "Dream Act" which failed in the U.S. Congress. Twelve states, including Maryland, have passed similar legislation which provides in-state tuition to children of undocumented immigrants who agree to follow a pathway to citizenship. The Boston Globe has more here.

The passage of the DREAM Act in Maryland resulted in a petition which will cause a referendum on the issue to be held in the 2012 general election.


Bachmann Releases Doctor's note on Migraines -
in response to the media questions pertaining to her history of migraines. You can read more here. I would suggest there are many more important and compelling reasons why Representative Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) should not be president.


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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Debt Talks Intensify -
as support appears to be growing for the bi-partisan 3.7 trillion proposal put forward by the "gang of five" senators yesterday. This comes the same day the House passed the tea party favored balanced budget bill 234-190. President Obama has threatened to veto that bill, but it would never pass in the Senate. Which makes the new proposal from the gang of five which includes new revenue of 1 trillion and adjustments to social security and medicare look promising. The Washington Post has more here.


Warren for Senate? -
just one day after President Obama passed her over for the nomination to head the new Consumer Finance Protection Agency, her progressive supporters are calling for Elizabeth Warren to run for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts. Her opponent would be Republican Scott Brown who won the seat long held by the late Ted Kennedy. has more here.


Partisan Anger Erupts in House -
with Republican Representative Allen West (Fla.) criticizing Democratic Representative Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (Fla.) over yesterday's "cut, cap and balance" bill which passed yesterday. Wasserman-Schultz, who is also chair of the DNC criticized the vote. Allen West said she was "the most vile, unprofessional, and despicable member of the US House of Representatives." The response was "... Republicans are once again trying to balance the budget on the backs of seniors, children and the middle class," Jonathan Beeton, spokesman for Wasserman Schultz. has more here.


Maryland One of Five States Warned of Lower Credit Rating by Moody's -
New Mexico, Tennessee, South Carolina and Virginia were the other states warned due to their heavy reliance on federal jobs. This warning sent as the national debt ceiling debate continues, pointing out states in addition to the federal government will have their credit ratings lowered if no deal is reached. has more here.


Six Republican Presidential Candidates to Participate in Twitter Debate -
from the piece : "The debate is sponsored by the online tea party group, It will feature Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, businessman Herman Cain, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Michigan Rep. Thad McCotter, former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum."

Let's see who is best at answering questions in 140 characters or less.


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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

"Cut, Cap and Balance" Vote in House Today -
even if the tea party backed bill passes, it has no chance in the Senate and President Obama has threatened to veto. You can read more here.

President Obama revealed he had met with House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) on Sunday at the White House, reporting some progress had been made on a budget reduction measure which includes an increase to the nation's debt ceiling.


U.S. Meets with Gaddafi Envoys -
in a clear sign Gaddafi realizes his position in Libya is not sustainable. The talks reportedly took place in Tunisia with the U.S. reiterating Gaddafi must step down. BBC News has more here.


Hillary Clinton in India Pushing Open Economy -
The U.S. Secretary of State expressed the desire of the U.S. for India to open up it's 1.6 billion economy, particularly in the area of nuclear energy, where U.S. firms could provide assistance. has more here.


RNC Calls For Review of Obama Campaign Fundraising -
the Republican National Committee has sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder questioning the use of a picture of President Obama in the White House used in fundraising appeals. A practice, that has been routine by presidents over the last thirty years. has more here.

You don't think the complaint has anything to do with the record 47 million raised by the Obama campaign last quarter, do you?


Radiation Tainted Beef in Japan Marketplace -
the nuclear radiation leaks resulting from the Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown continues to plague Japan. It has now been discovered cattle were sold from farms near the Fukushima plant with the tainted beef now being sold in the marketplace. The NY Times has more here.


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Monday, July 18, 2011

League of Women Voters Bring Reasonable Discourse to Privatization Debate

George Wenschhof

The move to privatize government services put forth by the Frederick Board of County Commissioners President Blaine Young has resulted in a significant public outcry.

As, I opined in an earlier piece, this was a step too far, made by Blaine Young and Company.

The earlier board decision to eliminate 100% of county funding to the long time successful Head Start program, using a 3% budget shortfall as the reasoning, being just the first step by Blaine to make radical right wing ideological driven decisions. Rather, than to take a thoughtful and reasonable approach to balancing the budget.

What followed were drastic slashes in programs for the elderly and non-profit organizations serving those in need.

The public response to the plan by Blaine Young and Company to implement the privatization report prepared by Oliver Porter of PPP Associates LLC has been wide spread from the Frederick County community.

It was refreshing to recently receive an email from Valarie Dale asking folks to attend a rally to protest the implementation of the Oliver Porter privatization report and the potential loss of jobs for a significant number of county employees. Her call for support was joined by former county commissioner Kai Hagen and many other community leaders.

In my column published the day after Oliver Porter gave his privatization report to the board of county commissioners, I questioned the validity of the report and called for an independent study, suggesting the University of Maryland.

Editorials in the Frederick News Post and the Frederick Gazette have also called for an independent review and a slower, more reasoned approach to the privatization of government services.

Fortunately, The League of Women Voters of Frederick County stepped up and did just that, asking for and receiving a review of the Oliver Porter report from the University of Maryland’s School of Public Policy.

What is also important to note is the cost of the report was zero. A significant factor considering Board President Blaine Young, whose theme is saving taxpayer money, authorized a sole source $25,000 privatization study with PPP Associates LLC. Money spent on a report which was going to tell him what he wanted to hear.

The independent and nonpartisan study requested by the League of Women voters was prepared by Dr. Donald F. Kettl (Bio) who is the Dean of The School of Public Policy. A uniquely qualified scholar to undertake such a review. One, who can hardly be labeled as being a member of a anti privatization group.

In a press release issued today by the League of Women Voters, Dr. Kettl said that he wants to "underline very, very strongly and repeat constantly" that "the public-private partnership approach includes a very large number of different strategies. What is being proposed in Frederick County is not part of the mainstream public-private partnership approach."

You can read the full report here. Dr. Kettl goes on to say public-private partnerships have been used successfully in Maryland and across the country, pointing out the "mainstream approach often works well because it is transparent, accountable and managed well."

This review clearly illustrates the lack of credibility in the Oliver Porter report and underlines the importance of slowing down and taking a more reasoned approach to the privatization of local government services.

For years, I have been calling for the election of a fair, reasonable and balanced board of county commissioners. The ongoing back and forth extremes have been a detriment to those who reside in the community.

To achieve meaningful and long term change in policy on an issue; it takes support from a variety of folks, not just like minded individuals. The present day gridlock among members of Congress over the budget is a painful example of how politicians driven solely on ideology are unable to reach long term solutions on an issue.

Board President Blaine Young is a prime example of a politician driven solely by ideology. With Young given Carte Blanche by commissioners Kirby Delauter and Billy Shreve, there has been a lack of needed balance on the board.

Rather, than use the power afforded him by the election wisely, Young has merely resorted to the age old practice of moving to overturn policies enacted by the previous board of commissioners. A continuation of the back and forth action taken by county commissioner boards over the last twenty plus years.

Which is why, it is so helpful to receive reasonable input on a volatile issue such as the privatization of government services.

The nonpartisan League of Women Voters of Frederick County deserves a big thank you for showing how a divisive issue should be handled by local elected officials.

Co-Presidents Bonnie Bailey Baker and Claire Kondig along with Vice President Mary Ellen Rhoderick concluded their press conference (which can be read in full here) with a recommendation the county commissioners do the following:

1. Undertake a careful analysis of potential cost savings department by department, taking into account elements in addition to employee costs. Several good suggestions for cost-cutting were made at the first employee hearing, and we’d expect more to follow at the later hearings.

2. Undertake a citizen survey to identify the services/programs that are deemed essential as well as those they’d like to have reduced, eliminated, or provided differently. The survey could also evaluate citizen satisfaction with current provision of services, as recommended by the PPP Associates report.

3. Undertake an evaluation of possible changes to pensions and benefits, particularly for new employees, because this has been identified as a major concern for the long term. This has the advantage of a gradual change that can be absorbed, rather than an abrupt impact to an already fragile economy.

4. Appoint a broadly representative task force/steering committee (including members of the business and non-profit sectors as well as a cross-section of citizens) to make recommendations, monitor implementation of measures taken, and suggest modifications as needed. The creation of a committee without a particular agenda, and real powers, could allay criticism and facilitate public buy-in to changes.

As Dr. Kettl concluded, “Accountability in government can’t be contracted out.”

One has to hope Blaine Young and company takes Dr. Kettl’s report and the recommendations from the League of Women Voters of Frederick County seriously and halts the rapid approach currently underway to implement the ill conceived recommendations in the report prepared by Oliver Porter.

Maryland has no recall provision for elected officials or requirement that a drastic change such as the privatization of 25% of local government services go to referendum.

Board president Blaine Young and Kirby Delauter have stated publicly they are not running for reelection. This is hardly a good excuse for taking irresponsible action while in office. But nonetheless, a position they hold which allows them to follow a reckless ideological driven path.

Commissioner David Gray has been the sole expressed opposition to the privatization plan presented by Oliver Porter. Commissioner Paul Smith, showing some reason on the board, has stated the need to slow down and conduct a thorough department by department review.

This leaves Commissioner Billy Shreve as the swing vote on this issue. Shreve, who does want to continue to serve in elected office, has been extremely vocal in support of the Oliver Porter report.

In light of the thoughtful review provided by Dr. Kettl, one would expect a more reasoned approach to the issue from Mr. Shreve.

Another compelling reason to slow down the privatization process was put forward by Frederick News Post columnist Don Kornreich who wisely points out with the move to charter government being a decision voters will make next year, it only makes sense to wait to see the outcome of that vote in the 2012 general election, before moving to privatize such a large percentage of local government services.

This is not to say a public private relationship in regard to the provision of some local government services may make sense and may well deserve serious consideration. However, the careless full steam ahead approach to implement privatization of 25% of the existing county services based on a single and flawed report is simply irresponsible.

Frederick County voters deserve reasonable, fair and balanced representation – they should demand it.

Stay Tuned…


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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

No News on Budget -
all of the options remain in play. From the grand deal involving 4 trillion in cuts over the next decade to a smaller 1.5 trillion cut. In a purely symbolic move, the House will first vote to pass a balanced budget amendment this week prior to considering any proposed budget deal. points out the proposal is short on details - you can read their take here.

While, the balanced budget bill may pass the House, it is unlikely to receive a vote in the Senate. The Washington Post has their take on the situation here.

Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) to propose a 9 trillion budget reduction plan today. One of the original members of the Senate "Gang of 6", a bipartisan group which has been working on a plan to cut the deficit. Coburn left the group over disagreements surrounding entitlement programs.


Lawrence Summers Urges Swift Euro Action on Debt Crisis -
the former White House economic adviser says it is important to signal no bank will be allowed to fail to build confidence in the system. has more here.


Obama To Nominate Cordray for Consumer Financial Protection Agency -
former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray became the one after it became clear Elizabeth Warren, who advocated for the newly formed agency would not survive the nomination process in the Senate. has more here.


General John Allen Assumes Control in Afghanistan -
as General David Petraeus officially becomes the new director of the C.I.A. - Allen will oversee the draw down of U.S. troops and the ultimate goal of U.S. withdraw from Afghanistan. has more here.


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Sunday, July 17, 2011

George Wenschhof

No News On Budget Negotiations -
White House and Congressional staff continue to work on the details of an agreement which would meet the scrutiny and ultimate approval of members of Congress. You can read more here.


Governors Frustrated With Lack of Congressional Action on Budget -
at a National Governors Association meeting in Salt Lake City, both Republican and Democratic Governors expressed dismay over the inability of the U.S. Congress to take action on the budget. While, pointing out the action taken by many governors in states across the country to deal with the financial crisis. has more here.


Hillary Clinton Backs Greek Financial Plan -
The U.S. Secretary of State was in Greece were she publicly stated she supported the effort by Prime Minister George Papandreou to straighten out the financial crisis gripping the country. The European Union is preparing a second financial bail out for the country as financial woes also are hitting Spain and Italy. has more here.

The visit by Clinton also illuminates the fragile global economy as the financial troubles in Europe also effects the U.S. as they struggle to emerge from a gripping recession.


China Unhappy With Obama/Dalai Lama Meeting -
China spoke out against the meeting and claimed it had hurt U.S./Sino relations. In the meeting, President Obama praised the Dalai Lama on his commitment to nonviolence and his "middle way" approach with China.

The Dalai Lama stated he is not seeking independence from china for Tibet, and expressed hopes with china can resume soon. has more here.


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