
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama To Hold News Conference -
This morning at 11:30 AM ET. Expect questions to be directed at the ongoing budget talks, the withdraw of troops from Afghanistan and the continued U.s. involvement in Libya.


61% Disapprove of President's Handling of Deficit -
the McClatchy-Marist poll released yesterday show 61% unhappy with how Obama is handling the deficit, with only 31% approving of his effort. You can read more on the poll results here.


70% Say They Wish There Were More Republican Presidential Candidates -
in a NY Times/CBS News poll released today, only 23% were satisfied with the Republican candidates for president. You can read more here.

As, I have been writing, President Obama "owns" the current economy which is a huge mountain to climb between now and Election Day in 2012. however, the weak Republican field will make the contest close.


DEM Priority USA PAC Counters GOP Crossroads GPS PAC -
airing commercials in the swing states of Iowa, North Carolina, Florida, Virginia and Colorado. The ads will be attacking Republican efforts to overhaul Medicare and come in response to the ads run in ten states by Crossroads GPS last week attacking President Obama's handling of the economy. You can read more here.

Campaign finance reform, anyone?


Bank of America Settles for 8.5 Billion -
as part of the countrywide mortgage backed security scheme. Another 5.5 Billion has been set aside for next quarter. The claims to investors who lost money is the largest ever paid by a bank. You can read more here.


France Providing Arms to Rebels in Libya -
as frustration mounts in the NATO military air strikes against Gaddafi. Air drops of sophisticate weapons have been dropped by France to aid rebels in their advance on the capitol of Tripoli. has more here.


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