
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Criticizes Republicans on Budget Talks -
he chided the GOP for taking a vacation at a time when the nation is on the verge of default. The president called on Congress to stay in session to work out a solution on debt reduction and raising the debt ceiling. Obama also stayed firm with calls from Democratic leaders to raise revenues on the wealthy. The Washington Post has more here.

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) replied in a letter to the president that the House will not pass a raise in the debt ceiling with any tax cuts included in a deficit reduction bill. He will follow up with a speech in Pennsylvania today.


Health Care Law Upheld by Federal Circuit Court -
on an appeal relating to the constitutional aspect of the "individual mandate" of the law. The three judge panel rejected the argument the requirement to purchase insurance violated the "commerce clause" powers of congress. has more here.

This argument is headed to an eventual ruling by the Supreme Court, where recent 5-4 decisions, along ideological lines, indicate the "individual mandate" could well be determined unconstitutional.


Minnesota State Government Shutdown Looms -
a district court judge ruled yesterday "core" government services must be funded, regardless of an agreement on the state budget. These services include the administration of federal welfare programs. You can read more here.


Vote on Petraus Scheduled For Today -
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has scheduled the confirmation vote for General David Petraus to become the next director of the C.I.A. for today. An easy confirmation is expected.


Senate Votes to Reduce Number of Confirmations -
recognizing political gridlock has resulted in many appointed positions remaining unfilled, the Senate yesterday voted to exempt 170 positions from the confirmation process. In a separate vote, the Senate voted to also reduce 250 positions from appointed part time boards and commissions from the confirmation process. The NY Times has more here.


NATO Says They Are Not Supplying Arms To Libyan Rebels -
this comes as member countries France and Britain have announced they are supplying arms to the rebels. At issue, is the U.N. resolution which authorizes NATO to use force to protect civilians. has more here.


Pakistan Asks U.S. To Stop Using Air Base for Drone Attacks -
in another sign of the tension that exists between the U.S. and Pakistan. A U.S. official says this was news to him and the missions were continuing. has more here.


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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama To Hold News Conference -
This morning at 11:30 AM ET. Expect questions to be directed at the ongoing budget talks, the withdraw of troops from Afghanistan and the continued U.s. involvement in Libya.


61% Disapprove of President's Handling of Deficit -
the McClatchy-Marist poll released yesterday show 61% unhappy with how Obama is handling the deficit, with only 31% approving of his effort. You can read more on the poll results here.


70% Say They Wish There Were More Republican Presidential Candidates -
in a NY Times/CBS News poll released today, only 23% were satisfied with the Republican candidates for president. You can read more here.

As, I have been writing, President Obama "owns" the current economy which is a huge mountain to climb between now and Election Day in 2012. however, the weak Republican field will make the contest close.


DEM Priority USA PAC Counters GOP Crossroads GPS PAC -
airing commercials in the swing states of Iowa, North Carolina, Florida, Virginia and Colorado. The ads will be attacking Republican efforts to overhaul Medicare and come in response to the ads run in ten states by Crossroads GPS last week attacking President Obama's handling of the economy. You can read more here.

Campaign finance reform, anyone?


Bank of America Settles for 8.5 Billion -
as part of the countrywide mortgage backed security scheme. Another 5.5 Billion has been set aside for next quarter. The claims to investors who lost money is the largest ever paid by a bank. You can read more here.


France Providing Arms to Rebels in Libya -
as frustration mounts in the NATO military air strikes against Gaddafi. Air drops of sophisticate weapons have been dropped by France to aid rebels in their advance on the capitol of Tripoli. has more here.


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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

NY Times Weighs In on Supreme Court Campaign Finance Ruling -
another disappointing 5-4 ruling against providing some balance to the unlimited spending in campaigns today. You can read it here.


Obama to Visit Iowa to Highlight Manufacturing -
the president continues with his theme of innovation in manufacturing will lead to job creation. He will visit a factory in Bettendorf, Iowa today that produces an alloy for airplanes. The Wall Street Journal has more here.

The problem for the president is his themes are not catching on as unemployment remains high. Last year, it was "recovery summer", which turned out to be a dud.

The president is correct when he talks about innovation and investing in the energy field. However, jobs are needed now.


Lagarde the Favorite to be Picked Today -
The International Monetary Fund is expected to name French finance minister Christine Lagarde today as the new director.
She would replace Dominique Strauss, who resigned recently after being accused of sexually assaulting a New york City maid. has more here.


Differences Remain in Budget Talks as Obama-McConnell Talk -
the goal of reaching an agreement on 2 trillion in cuts hinges on Republicans agreeing on $400,000 of the cuts a result in raising revenues. For now, both sides are not moving in their position. Meanwhile, the August 2 date for default on the nation's debt looms. has more here.

Look to see a two step solution reached which will require yet another vote by Congress prior to the 2012 election. Both Republicans and Democrats can then hope their position will be bolstered right before voters go to the polls. A silly solution, but then again, it's politics, isn't it?


Bachmann Has House Seat to Fall Back To -
in all likelihood, the presidential run by Minnesota Representative Michelle Bachmann will fizzle out prior to summer of next year. which is fine for the far right leaning Republican. No Republican has come forward to express interest in her seat and she has until June of next year to file for reelection. Bad news for those Minnesotans who want her out of office. has more here.


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Monday, June 27, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Sunday Morning "Taking Heads" highlights -
in case you missed them, Candy Crowley of CNN has a short video below.


Bachmann Kicks-Off Announcement Tour -
Today, she is in Waterloo, Iowa. Then, she travels to cities in New Hampshire and South Carolina. They happen to be the first three primary states. The Minnesota Republican Representative is starting off strong, coming off finishing a close second to Mitt Romney in the Des Moines Register poll.

While, she is the tea party favorite and the Sarah Palin alternative, there is no "there", there with Bachmann and it is painfully obvious.

Speaking of Palin, she will be in Iowa on Tuesday for the debut of her new movie. Just a coincidence, she follows Bachmann. Interestingly, Palin did the same to Romney when he announced in New Hampshire, when she arrived in her "First in the Nation" tour.

Mama Grizzly is letting it be known, she is still the one to be reckoned with, which only further complicates Republican presidential hopes.


Arrest Warrant Issued For Gaddafi - the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for the Libyan leader as rebels advanced to within fifty miles of the capitol of Tripoli. The three and one-half month NATO led effort to oust Gaddafi appears to be gaining ground as Libyan diplomats are reportedly in talks with foreign leaders. has more here.


Real Estate Market To Suffer as Government Reduces Mortgage Guarantee Amount -
to 625,500 from 729,750. This will push prices lower in the more expensive residential areas and slow sales. One more drag on a sluggish nationwide economy. The Washington Post has more here.


Consumer Spending Lowest in Twenty Months -
more bad new for the economy and another reason for Congress to reach agreement on raising the nation's debt ceiling. Spending dropped 0.1% in May, when a slight gain was expected. has more here.


Obama Enters Budget Talks -
after Representative Eric Cantor (R-Va.) walked out of the budget talks last week which had been led by vice president Joe Biden. The president will meet with Senate Leaders today as negotiations continue on a long term debt reduction package coupled with a raise in the nation's debt ceiling. You can read more here.


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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Michele Obama Returns from Goodwill trip To Africa -
traveling with her mother and daughters, the first Lady was warming received as she met with political and community leaders in South Africa and Botswana. She will return to Washington on Monday morning. You can read more here.


Romney/Bachmann Lead Iowa Poll -
the Des Moines Register poll has Mitt Romney barely beating Michelle Bachmann; 23-22%, with Herman Cane coming in third with 10%. The other five candidates vying for the Republican Party nomination for president did not hit double digits. You can read more on the poll results here.

It is still way early to take polls seriously. However, Romney leading in a state he is not campaigning in and newly announced Michele Bachmann coming in a close second speaks volumes on the lack of credible GOP candidates.


Wisconsin Justice Involved in Supporting Union-Busting Bill Grabs Woman Justice by The Neck -
yep, that would be state Supreme Court Justice David Prosser. Seems he did not like the argument put forward by fellow Justice Ann Walsh Bradley. has more here.

If, this story is true, Prosser, who barely won reelection in a contested race, should resign immediately.


Andrew Cuomo in 2016? -
the buzz is already starting speculating on whether the Democratic NY Governor will run for president. This follows his personal successful push for approval of same-sex marriage in the state. has more here.


Pelosi attacks GOP on CNN "State of The Union" -
the Democratic House Minority Leader told Candy Crowley, winning an election as an incumbent is difficult when unemployment is high. But, she said the Republicans were the incumbents and are responsible for the high unemployment - the GOP won the House majority in the 2010 elections. pelosi also went on to criticize rep. Paul Ryan's budget plan saying voters do not like attacks on their Social Security and Medicare. has more here.


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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup -
Representative Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), who will make her official presidential candidate announcement Monday, will be on two shows. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who is being courted by many Republican politicos, will appear on NBC "Meet the Press". More budget talk expected as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) are also guests. has a quick rundown of the guests below.


New York Passes Same-Sex Marriage Bill - late Friday, the state senate voted 33-29, with four Republicans joining 29 Democrats in making New York the largest state to pass legislation allowing same-sex marriage. Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the bill minutes before midnight and it will become law in thirty days. The NY Times has more here.


Federal Judge Blocks Indiana Immigration Law -
two sections of the law drew a rebuke from the Judge. One,
that allows state and local police to arrest anyone ordered deported by an immigration court and the other that would prohibit any person in the state, other than a police officer, from knowingly accepting or offering a consular ID card as a valid form of identification. has more here.


Obama to Meet with GOP Leaders Monday on Budget -
The president and vice president Joe Biden will meet with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) in the morning and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) in the afternoon. This announcement comes after Representative Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said he will no longer participate in negotiations led by Vice President Biden. has more here.


American Crossroads GPS To Spend Millions Crticizing Obama on the Economy -
below is an ad being run, by one of the mega conservative groups, with the purchase of 5 million in television air time.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Representative Renee Ellmers (R-N.C.) criticized President Obama overall in his approach to energy issues and specifically for releasing 30 million barrels of oil from the nation's strategic oil supply.

“Instead of knee-jerk reactions to high gas prices, we propose expanding domestic energy production to help lower costs and create jobs,” said Ellmers.


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

As, President Obama prepares to enter the budget deficit talks with Republican Congressional leadership next week, he cautions "We can’t simply cut our way to prosperity."
He added "We need to do what’s necessary to grow our economy; create good, middle-class jobs; and make it possible for all Americans to pursue their dreams."


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Friday, June 24, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Republicans Withdraw from Budget Talks -
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) accused the GOP of playing "Chicken" with the budget. Republican Congressional Leaders say they were at an impasse in the negotiations with Vice President Joe Biden. At issue is Democratic calls for 400 Billion in new taxes.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) called on President Obama to engage directly in the budget talks. The Washington Post has more here.


Obama Releases 30 Million Barrels of Oil -
from the emergency oil supply. Critics say the supply level is fine and prices had already started to fall. Others point out with the fragile economy, lower gas prices will aid summer vacation travel and encourage more spending. The amount of the release represents half of the total emergency supply. has more here.


Michelle Obama Winds Down Africa Trip -
yesterday, meeting with Bishop Desmond Tutu in Cape Town and today visiting teen centers for children infected with HIV in Botswana. you can read more of her visit here.


President Obama Heads to Pittsburgh to Promote Emerging Technologies -
he continues his effort to shed light on the new to invest in new technology to create jobs in the manufacturing area. He will tour Carnegie Mellon University National Robotics Engineering Center today and address the press before returning to Washington.

The problem with these staged press events by the president is they are not creating jobs now and as a result, voters are not impressed.


Desperate Gingrich Slams Obama Looking For Campaign Boost -
However, the former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is "toast" in the GOP sweepstakes race for the presidential nomination. The latest from Newt? - "Black people will vote Republican". has more here. Just say good-bye, Newt!


Bin Laden Courier Cell Phone Linked To Pakistani Intelligence
- in what should come as no surprise, numbers found on the cell phone of Bin Laden's courier, who was also killed in the recent raid, have been linked to a group; Harakat-ul-Mujahedeen,
who have long standing ties to the Pakistan Spy Agency. The NY Times has more here.


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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

South Africa Embraces Visit By First Lady -
the five day visit by Michele Obama has been warmly received, including a rare meeting with the ailing 92 year old Nelson Mandela. The NY Times has more here.


Obama Speech on Afghanistan Satisfies Few -
in his televised address to the nation last night, President Obama laid out his plans to withdraw the 33,000 surge troops by the end of next year, with the remaining 70,000 troops to be withdrawn by 2014.

The reaction from the left and the right politicos was mostly opposed to such a slow timetable. The advise given by the Military was a even slower draw down of U.S. troops, making the
announcement more in the center of a debate on the level of U.S. involvement in Afghanistan. Chris Cillizza of has a good read here.


House To Vote Tomorrow on Libya -
House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has scheduled votes tomorrow on two bills regarding U.S. involvement in Libya. One, supports U.S. military action and is expected to fail by a large margin. The other bill, which is still being revised, would cut sharply the funding for U.S. military action in Libya. has more here.


Unemployment Claims Up Again -
initial claims were up 9,000 higher than expected last week as bad news continues to prevail in the national economy. This news comes as the government stimulus program is winding down and deficit reduction talks are taking place in earnest. has more here.


Federal Reserve Chair Cautions Against Deep Cuts -
with the latest information showing the outlook for the economy being more gloomy than expected, Ben Bernanke warned lawmakers of the danger of making too deep cuts in spending in the short term. has more here.


Bill To legalize Marijuana to be Introduced Today -
in the House by Representatives Ron Paul (R-Tex.) and Barney Frank (D-Mass.). modeled after the bill that repealed the prohibition of alcohol, it would allow states to regulate the use and tax the sale. You can read more here.


Gore Critical of Obama on Climate Change -
former vice president and presidential candidate; Al Gore says President Obama has "failed" in his approach to global warming. Al Gore's organization sent an email out to supporters last night with a link to an article written by Al Gore which will appear in the "Rolling Stone" magazine issue available tomorrow. You can read it here.


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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Only Receives 30% Support For Reelection -
in a Bloomberg News poll. In more bad news for the President, 36% said they will definitely not vote for him. Among Independents, a block of voters who helped Obama win the 2008 election, only 23% support his reelection. has more here.


Obama To Deliver Afghanistan Speech Tonight -
at 8:00 PM ET, the president will address the nation and detail the troop withdrawal program he is proposing. Congress has sent strong signals, support for this war is eroding. Especially, in the aftermath of the raid that killed Bin Laden, which highlighted the fragile international alliances in the region. The Washington Post has more here.

His address comes as a new PEW Survey shows 56% of Americans want troops in Afghanistan to come home as soon as possible. You can read the full survey results here.


Panetta Confirmed as Defense Secretary -
the Senate unanimously approved Leon Panetta to replace Robert Gates who is retiring June 30. You can read more here.


House Votes on Libya Expected this Week -
in defiance of the White House explanation that the action in Libya does not constitute hostile action by the U.S. and fall under the War Powers Act, two votes are expected this week by the House. One, to support U.S. military action and the other to require the withdraw of all military force from Libya. has more here.


Bachmann to Announce Monday -
a tea party favorite, Representative Michele Bachmann
(R-Minn.) will officially become the latest to join the field vying for the Republican Party nomination for President. She will make her announcement in Waterloo, Iowa. has more here.


Gingrich Campaign Fall-Out Continues -
the latest campaign staff to jump ship are two top fundraisers for the campaign. Their resignations follow those of his senior campaign staff who resigned en masse last week. has more here.


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Do-Over Needed in Privatization Effort

George Wenschhof

As I pointed out in my column last Friday, the presentation by Oliver Porter of PPP Associates LLC, the day before at Winchester Hall, was not worth the $25,000 the Frederick County Maryland board of county commissioners spent on it.

Hiring a firm, on a sole source contract basis, with limited experience in the field, who also stands to benefit should the board retain their services on a consultant basis, is simply taxpayer money ill spent.

In my previous column on this issue, I called for the board to commission an independent study on the privatization of services from a nonpartisan "think tank" such as the University of Maryland. I am pleased my suggestion is receiving support from well respected former Frederick County Commissioner and State Delegate Rick Weldon who said in an email to me "We definitely agree". According to information I received, the Editorial tomorrow in the Frederick Gazette Newspaper will also support a new study.

The rush to privatize by the board of county commissioners also puts a spotlight on some omissions in the Maryland Constitution. Privatization of government services was not a consideration when the constitution was written and therefore a referendum is not required as it is for a change to charter government. In addition, Maryland has no recall provisions for local elected officials.

The privatization changes proposed by the board, which could affect as much as 25% of the county work force ( 500 workers), is such a drastic change to the current approach of government providing necessary services, a referendum should also be considered to allow voters to have their say in the matter. A simple majority on the board should not be the only requirement for such a drastic change.

At a minimum, sufficient time should be given for the public to digest the proposed changes and provide input. Therefore, it is important this process be slowed down from the bullet train approach taken by Board President Blaine Young, who has already scheduled four public meetings in July on this issue.

County residents will not benefit from this approach and the potential for a back and forth swing when a new board is elected in less than four years would only cause more costly expenditures and further disrupt the valuable government services provided to the community.

Instead, what is needed is time to have a legitimate study done with public review of the report. If, the study suggests privatization of various county services would be beneficial and result in cost savings, then a phased in plan should be implemented as opposed to a full scale change in the provision of government services.

Taking a year to see how well a service is provided by the private sector only makes sense before one would consider privately contracting for another service.

The actions by Blaine Young and Company, have been reckless, full of ideology and short on wisdom. Two of the commissioners; Blaine Young and Kirby Delauter have repeatedly said they do not intend to run for reelection. Leading, to no accountability to the voters for their actions while in office.

This carefree approach to governing also points out the need for the state of Maryland to institute a recall election process for local elected officials. A provision, absent from the Maryland Constitution. One, of only a handful of states, who do not have a way to replace incompetent politicians who are harmful to their community.

Frederick County does not deserve fly-by-night and thoughtless representation. Instead, Frederick County deserves a balanced board of commissioners who take a reasonable, fair and effective approach in dealing with the issues.

Frederick county voters should demand it.


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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Wal-Mart Wins Big - Women Lose -
in a decision by the Supreme Court yesterday. Women and workers in general, were the losers in the decision against hearing a case on sex discrimination brought by 1.5 million women against Wal-Mart.

The decision, in part, says the complaint was too large to be heard. The NY Times has more here.
Individual suits by a handful of women are still likely to proceed.

The narrow 5-4 decision was split along ideological lines with all three women Justices voting in dissent. The NY Times also has a good editorial on this decision and how it will make it harder for class action suits to proceed in the future. You can read it here.


Huntsman Announcement Today -
at 10:00 AM ET at Liberty State Park in New Jersey, Jon Huntsman makes his official announcement. The newest Republican candidate for president is considered a serious challenge to front runner Mitt Romney. You can read excerpts of his speech here.


Biden led Deficit Talks pick Up Speed -
as the self imposed deadline of July 1 nears, Vice President Joe Biden will meet four times this week with a bipartisan group of Congressional Leaders. Yesterday, a group of Mayors visiting the White House, informed President Obama that job creation needs to be the number one national focus. has more here.


Obama To Announce Afghanistan Troop Withdraw -
not as fast as most would hope, but a beginning in reduction of the number of troops in Afghanistan. Tomorrow night in a speech, President Obama will set the timetable of the withdrawal of the 33,000 troops involved in the "surge" strategy. Overall withdraw is not expected until 2014. The Washington Post has more here.

Early reports indicate Obama will recommend a withdrawal of 10,000 troops tomorrow night in his speech.


Columnist Eugene Robinson Takes Obama To Task on Libya -
calling the White House's position that the hostilities in Libya do not fall under the War Powers Act nonsense. A good read and a position on which I agree. You can read his column here.


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Monday, June 20, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Countdown With Keith Olbermann Premiers Tonight -
the name stays the same, but the station has changed. You can watch his show here.


Busy Day For Obama As Father's Day is Over -
he will meet with White House advisers in the morning and Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Clinton later in the day. The president is also hosting a meeting with a group of bipartisan mayors from across the country to discuss the economy and job creation.

Tonight, Obama will attend two Democratic Party fund raisers.


Jon Huntsman Is Officially in Tomorrow -
the former Republican Governor of Utah and more recently, U.S. Ambassador to China will formally announce his campaign tomorrow. He has been lining up both former president Bush supporters to help with raising funds.

David Axelrod, former Obama White House Adviser and now Obama campaign director is already dishing the dirt on Huntsman, pointing out his company's vast ties around the world, including a chemical company in Iran.


Texas Governor Rick Perry The Next One To Join GOP Presidential Wannabees? -
at the Republican Leadership conference over the weekend he is sounding like a candidate. Chris Cillizza of has more here.

Seems a decision could be made in weeks.


NATO Admits Air Strikes Killed Civilians -
the horrors of the civil war in Libya are on display as nine civilians were killed in a recent air strike. The home they were in was mistakenly hit. has more here.

This news come as more members of Congress are calling for President Obama to ask for a vote supporting U.S. military action in Libya under the War Powers Act. the White House and surrogates are pushing back that the current U.S. military action does not fall under the War Powers Act. Stay Tuned..


Will Same Sex Marriage Pass In New York? -
today is the last day the state legislature meets and Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) is hoping one more vote is found in the state senate to pass the bill he introduced. has more here.


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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Michelle Obama To Begin 5 Day African Trip - the First Lady will visit sub-Saharan Africa to highlight HIV/AIDs projects and to also inspire young adults. As the trip unfolds, some are questioning the the amount of attention given to the continent by President Obama since he became president. The Washington Post has more here.


Payroll Tax Holiday Proposed by Obama -
is receiving a ho-hum reaction from Democrats who are concerned the first round of payroll tax breaks did nothing to stimulate the economy. has more here.


Reid Backs Obama on Libya -
the democratic Senate Majority Leader says the U.S. military action in Libya does not fall under the War Powers Act. His statement comes as a strong bipartisan push on Capitol Hill wants a Congressional vote.

Meanwhile, NATO air strikes in Libya hits Rebels and civilian home. Reuters,com has more here.


Huntsman's Worldwide Businesses A Concern in Presidential Bid -
seems the former U.S. China Ambassador has businesses worldwide which employ over 12,000 with 9 Billion yearly revenue. Including a former embarrassing chemical manufacturing company in Iran which sold, in part, material used in the building of long range missiles. has a good read here

This comes as Jon Huntsman prepares to formally announce his campaign for the Republican Party nomination for President.


NY Times takes Obama To Task For Expanding Surveillance Rules -
the rules which were expanded after 9/11 by former Attorney General John Ashcroft, will be even further expanded when the F.B.I. issues new guidelines. Conducting lie detector tests, deploying surveillance teams and going through one's trash will be permitted without any need of proff of wrong doing. You can read more here.


Greece Looking For More Bail Out Funds -
just a year after receiving approval of a 157 billion international loan package, Greece is seeking approval of another 157 billion. The European Union and the IMF have been demanding Greece implement tax increases and spending cuts. Stay tuned, for as goes Greece, so goes Europe, with the world wide economy surely to suffer as a result of a default. You can read more here.


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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup -
Fox News Sunday and CNN "State of The Union has Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who is retiring at the end of this month. Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan will surely be among the topics discussed. Senator John McCain (R-Az.) is on ABC "This Week" and comedian Jon Stewart of "The Daily Show" will also appear on Fox News - this should be fun to watch!

For a complete rundown of the guests, has a quick video preview below.


Will Obama-Boehner Golf Outing Yield Results? -
is what most are wondering. The overcast day will hopefully not get in the way as the President and Speaker of the House are joined by vice president Joe Biden and Ohio governor John Kasich. Biden has been holding budget talks with Congressional Leaders and this will be an opportunity to see what compromises can be made to raise the nation's debt ceiling. President Obama has made clear he wants Congressional agreement prior to July 4. has more here.


U.S. In Talks With Taliban -
Afghanistan President Karzai disclosed the talks are ongoing. The public announcement came just as militants attacked a police station near the presidential palace. The Washington Post has more here.


Obama Rejected Lawyers Opinions on U.S. Libya Involvement -
the NY Times is reporting the top lawyers in the Pentagon and Justice Department both believed the U.S. military action in Libya fell under the "War Powers Act" which would require the president to either end or scale back back the mission after May 20. Congressional Leaders have admonished President Obama for not seeking their approval for the military action and the White House has pushed back with a detailed justification of the action taken to date in Libya. The NY Times has more here.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Senator John Hoeven (R-N.D.) argues for ratification of pending trade agreements with Korea, Columbia and Panama as a way to create jobs and reduce the national deficit. President Obama has said he will not submit the trade agreements until an agreement is reached on the expired bill which provides benefits for displaced U.S. workers as a result of free trade agreements.


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

With this being Father's Day weekend, President Obama talks about his experiences of being a father and the importance of meeting the challenges of being a parent.


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Friday, June 17, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof


Who Will Replace Weiner? -
now that the NY Representative has announced his resignation in the wake a sexting scandal, the question is who will replace the Democrat. What is interesting is New york is losing two seats due to redistricting - you can bet this seat will be one of them. has more here.

With Anthony Weiner out of work, Hustler Magazine Publisher Larry Flynt has offered him a job. The Huffington Post has more here.


Generic Republican Candidate Beats Obama -
in the latest Gallup poll, respondents favored any Republican candidate over President Obama 44% - 39%. Not a significant statistical difference, but troublesome nonetheless. has more here.

Sixteen months remain prior to the 2012 election and anything can happen between now and then. However, President Obama must focus like a laser beam on the economy and reduce unemployment if he expects to be reelected.


International Monetary Fund Warn U.S. -
in their most recent report, they warned European countries and the U.S. they must take steps to reduce budget deficits. has more here.


Greece Default Looming - the government led by Prime Minister George Papandreou is hanging on by a thread as he replaces his Finance Minister. The financial collapse of Greece will have worldwide implications. The Washington Post has more here.


California Governor Jerry Brown Vetoes Budget -
not satisfied with what the Democratic controlled state legislature had passed, the Governor vetoed, sending it back to the legislature to continue negotiations to bridge a 10 billion gap. The NY Times has more here.


Feingold a Hit at Netroots Nation Conference -
the former Democratic Wisconsin Senator warned that Democrats forming Super-PACs was like "dancing with the devil". Feingold was a major force in campaign finance reform which was recently gutted by the split Supreme court "Citizens United" decision. has more here.


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Privatization Effort A Boondoggle for Frederick County Maryland

George Wenschhof

The much ballyhooed privatization report presentation by PPP Associates, LLC took place yesterday and as a result, the board of county commissioners would be wise to slow down and scrutinize fully the ideas espoused by Oliver Porter.

For, it is Oliver Porter and his company who stand to benefit the most if the county would move to implement the changes outlined in the report.

The aw, shucks southern drawl from Mr. Porter included references to how well the county currently is providing services, but how his suggestions, if implemented would provide savings up to 109 million. Of course, if his firm was selected to provide consultation services, they would be willing to do the work for free if no savings resulted from the effort. If, savings did result, they would be willing to only take 1%. All the while, Board president Blaine Young was gulping the kool-aid as it was being poured by Porter.

Let’s see, 1% of 109 million is 1 million and 90 thousand dollars – not a bad consultation fee.

Of course, with PPS Associates, LLC providing the consultation, there would be no conflict of interest, would there? Porter also has to be hoping the national exposure he would receive as a result of Frederick County government hiring his company, would lead other far right wing leaning local governments to retain his firm.

After the presentation, only two commissioners expressed reservations. Commissioner David Gray correctly pointed out comparing Sandy Springs, Georgia to Frederick County was an inaccurate approach as Sandy Springs was a breakaway city from a county which was starting up from scratch. Paul Smith wanted to meet with department heads to discuss more in depth and rightfully suggested taking time to review what had been proposed.

Commissioners Kirby Delauter and Billy Shreve, who are becoming the real life version of Tweedledum and Tweedledee, said nothing as they continue to act in lockstep with their friend, Board president Blaine Young, whose coattails they rode into office.

When public comments were allowed, long term Frederick county resident Margaret Hindman pointed out the Libertarian ties Mr. Porter is known to have and that the private firm he had contracted with to provide services for the City of Sandy Springs was not retained when the contract expired. All of which are legitimate concerns.

Additional public testimony included a good point relating to the proposed selling of county owned equipment, after a private contractor was retained to provide services. If the services provided by the private contractor were not satisfactory and the decision was made to move back to the county providing the service, it would become a costly proposition.

All of which begs the question, if this privatization plan is so great, why only a few small municipalities across the country have chosen to take this route in providing needed services in their communities.

A change as drastic as the one proposed by PPP Associates, LLC is also one in which all voters should have the opportunity to weigh in on. Like a change to charter government, a change to privatization of government services should go to referendum and be placed on a ballot for the voters to decide.

Instead of moving forward, as board president Young is doing; scheduling required public meetings leading to a vote by the board of commissioners on the matter, the wise move to make at this point is considerable research into privatization efforts as well as other innovative approaches to providing county services.

A better approach by the county commissioners would have been to commission an independent think tank, which does not stand to benefit from the analysis provided, such as The University of Maryland School of Public Policy, to provide an analysis of different ways to provide services by county government; comparing privatization, costs and efficiencies. It is not too late for the board to do so.

But, then again to ultra conservatives focused on ending government as we know it, a quick vote is the answer. After all, this representative democracy stuff is a really ineffective system. The current commissioners realizing this already have already reduced the number of board of commissioners meetings by fifty per cent.

The decision by Blaine Young and Company to pay PPP Associates, LLC $25,000 to provide a report which the firm stands to benefit financially from is not only bad form, it is taxpayer money ill spent.

At this point, moving forward with a vote on privatizing county services by the board of commissioners would be a boondoggle of monumental proportions for the county.

Frederick County residents deserve better representation– they should demand it.


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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Frederick County Privatization Report

George Wenschhof

The report has been released by the county government just hours before the scheduled public hearing and can be read in it's entirety here.

Frederick County, Maryland Commissioners, led by President Blaine Young (R) have come under criticism for withholding the report from the public prior to the scheduled public meeting at 1:00 PM ET today.

Republican Commissioner David Gray provided the report prepared by PPP Associates LLC, last night to the Frederick News Post. Savings of 109 million over a five year period are projected in the report according to the article.

Criticism has centered on the fact the twenty-five thousand dollar report was prepared by a company that favors privatization and would therefore hardly prepare a fair and balanced analysis.

Stay tuned...


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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

al-Zawahiri New Leader of al-Qaeda - in an announcement posted on a militant website, Ayman al-Zawahiri, was named as the replacement for Osama bin-Laden. In a widely anticipated move, the second in command is now the leader of the movement. BBC News has more here.


Obama Administration Pushes Back on Libya -
the White House sent a detailed 32 page report to Congress addressing their expressed concerns about u.S. military action in Libya. The White House, is claiming, in part, that sense the U.S. involvement is limited with no "boots on the ground", it does not fall under the War Powers Act and consequently does not require congressional approval. The Washington Post has more here.

Nice try by the White House, but their argument is weak and goes against the intent of the War Powers Act, which was passed to prohibit a sitting president from involving the U.S. in a lengthy military action without debate and passage by Congress.


Republicans Head to The Big Easy -
the annual Republican Leadership Conference begins today in New Orleans. Expect a lot of Obama bashing. Chris Cillizza has his take on what to expect here.


House Democrats Say Republicans Censoring Their Mail -
a bit of a stretch, but the claim is being made by some Democratic Representatives, who say they are not able to refer to rep. Paul Ryan's Medicare plan as a private voucher proposal. Mailings by Congressmen are reviewed by a bi-partisan Franking Commission. To date, the mailings in questions have been handled by staff and not voted on by the full commission. has more here. Stay tuned..


Giffords Released from Hospital -
five months after being shot in the head, the Congresswoman has been released from a rehabilitation facility and is now at home with her husband. She will continue to receive out patient rehabilitation treatment. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) verbal and cognitive skills continue to improve, but a decision on whether to run for reelection is a long way off. the deadline for candidates to file is May of next year. has more here.


Say Bye Bye Weiner -
in the latest of the on-going Capitol sexcapades, a porn actress says Representative Anthony Weiner (D-NY) asked her to lie. The twitter/email story just continues to get weirder. Speculation is swirling the Congressman will announce his resignation as early as today. has more here.


New Rules on Derivatives Trading Slow in Coming -
ever since the passage of the Dodd-Frank bill last year aimed at making changes to the finance industry, the financial industry lobby has worked hard to keep rules from coming into effect. The Security and Exchange Commission now says the changes scheduled to go into effect July 1, will not have to be met as the rules have not been written. So much for finance reform. The NY Times has more here.


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